-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/04/2000 1:18:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Isn't always reason to stop and think in deciding to side against "the
 people"?  I am with you on this.  Sounds like another dictator and grad of
 School of the Americas in action.  Of course anyone who disagrees with our
 policy instantly becomes "immoral."  But why no media coverage?
 Amelia >>

I guess  it's because the American people might start asking what's going on?
 I think most of this thing started with Bectel trying to take over the water
supplies.  It's just nutty.  I wish all of South America would get together
and tell us to go back up North.  All of this balderdash supposedly because
there are drugs coming from there.  This war on drugs is the dumbest idea
this country ever came up with, and it's being run by an idiot ex-general.
It's costing us our freedoms, our tax money, and apparently our common sense.
 The CIA is bringing it in, and we're mad at South America because it grows
down there.  I guess I've missed the point.  Prudy

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