-Caveat Lector-

It is nothing to wonder about.  Look at Van Danniken (sp?), he acts as though he is 
the progenitor of the "Gods coming from the sky" story and almost like he discovered 
the lines of Nazca (and other places and things as well).  It is quite clear why these 
people do this, it is to enhance their own reputation and make them into the "leading" 
scholar on the subject.  It also helps to shut out debate.

On Tue, 03 October 2000, nexusmagazine wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> >Opening The Lost Tombs... The Enterprise Discovery
> >
> >Fox's world-wide Egyptian television Special - "Opening the Lost Tombs:
> >Live from Egypt" - was broadcast live from Egypt's Giza Plateau, March
> >2nd. The program included a major segment featuring Richard C. Hoagland,
> >Principal Investigator of the Enterprise Mission; Hoagland presented
> >compelling graphical evidence, never before seen on network television,
> >strongly hinting at a prior a "high-tech" civilization period prior to the
> >known Egyptian civilization.
> >
> >Hoagland's evidence consisted of enigmatic glyphs discovered carved into
> >the ceiling beams of a 3000-year old New Kingdom Temple, located several
> >hundred miles south of Cairo and the Giza Plateau, at Abydos. The glyphs,
> >perched high under the several hundred ton roof of the temple itself,
> >depict astonishingly-modern-looking flying machines ... completely
> >impossible under any current archaeological views of ancient Egypt!
> >
> >Hoagland's Abydos discovery was verified in November 1998 by a Fox
> >television crew's own several hundred mile trek to the SETI-I temple at
> >Abydos, and actual filming of the glyphs in place within the temple. The
> >find is nothing less than astonishing support for the controversial
> >sub-text of the March 2nd Fox Egyptian telecast: that we are not the
> >first. That a prior, "high-tech epoch" to civilization somehow came before
> >the now known Ancient Egyptian Civilization... which attempted to
> >memorialize momentos of that ancient, now forgotten period in a temple
> >built thousands of years after its predecessor's mysterious disappearance.
> Let's get this right - Hoagland did NOT discover the Abydos glyphs.  They
> have been photographed, discussed and circulated for many many years
> prior to Hoagland jumping all over them.  I wonder why he chooses not to
> correct this myth?
> regards
> Duncan
> Duncan M. Roads
> Editor, NEXUS Magazine
> PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
> Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
> http://www.nexusmagazine.com      ICQ#62399259
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