-Caveat Lector-

>Sharon Tate who was murdered by Manson Famly had father in military; two
>of his followers had fathers in military, Pentagon and NASA.....consider
>Littleton, and the military connection to this hypnotic conrol or mind
>control induced by drugs, and when you put this altogether consider too,

A lot of people have family members (esp. fathers) who have been in the Military for 
some period or other. What is the military involvement in Littleton? I thought it was 
an FBI psychotronics operation if anything.

>Tate and Folger murdered by the Manson killers, had had dinner with RFK
>night he died - and the night he was murdered, John Glenn was with him
>and was spirited off...during this period you had spies on West Coast
>galore permitted to demoralize troops in bars - and things were not as
>they seemed to be.


>Anton LaVey, the alleged "satanist" was Jewish....in this article which
>I reproduce he turned into satanist for obviou$$ reasons, but stated it
>was because he hated Christianity.  All these groups are just fronts for
>drugs and pornography.

Of all the things I've heard him accused of Judaism is a new one. Care to elaborate? 
And don't claim its because his name 'sounds like' Levi, will you?

>Roman Polanski was involved in child pornography and fled the country
>after his wife was murdered...

Actually he was out of the country when his wife was murdered, filming in Europe. He 
had to rush back to the US when his wife and friends were killed.

...Note the satanist LaVey portrayed in
>the movie Rosemary's Baby.....this movie was ANTI CATHOLIC.....I forget
>who produced that obscenity with Mia Farrow but Black Muslem papers
>referred to this movie and the connection to the Pope, whom they


>This stuff is all a front for drugs.....if you check out LaVey when he
>died, and prior to that his bankruptcy hearings and sharing with his
>palimony live in whatever - his business was to make money.

I can definately see the influence of drugs in your post, or maybe the lack of them.

>You see they were strong believers in the iniquities of the fathers
>being visited upon the children.....even little CIA Pattie Hearst (for
>all Hearsts like Morgan, Mellon, Rockefeller etc heirs) are

>So consider why Anton LaVey, Jewish founder of the Church of Satan would
>be an advisor for the movie Rosemary's Baby - an anti Pope Catholic
>movie?   Sublime pictures but even the Black Moslems caught that one....

Actually La Vey wasn't involved in Rosemary's baby at all. It's variously claimed he 
acted in or was a 'consultant' for the movie, but there is no evidence. If I recall 
the 'Devil' in the film was wearing a mask or heavy makeup (It's been a while), and he 
certainly isn't in the credits. It's one of those Hollywood myths which has grown and 
cannot be killed, as he probably started the rumor himself (he was nothing if not a 
self-publicist). Many of his claims have also come under scrutiny for their lack of 
evidence, such as his claim to have worked as a piano player in a brothel and as a 
crime scene photographer. He was actually a carny growing up who used to get married 
on top of ferris wheels every time the carnival wernt to a new town, so all the yokels 
would show up to watch.

>LaVey is dead - he was nothing but a front for drugs and pornography and
>anything evil coming down the pike for it was the big bucks he was
>after......not many bought his particular type of literature except
>maybe the Manson family and Roman Polanski - the sick twisted pererted
>child molestor?

Actually his books sell quite well, and they're not cheap either, although I imagine 
its more the curious than the hard core Satanists who buy them. Although I'd be pretty 
sure that every Satanist on the face of the Earth has a complete copy of his works.

>Always lurking about is the child molestor and child
>pornographyer....Polanski was having affairor molested 13 year old
>little girl....connecting dots as this one person said, makes for bigger
>picture.....then toss in the political assassination of RFK and mind
>controlled assassins walking about - whose assassins had to be in the
>Rosicrucian Society but had information prior to his joining of this
>cult.....so, who was his mentor and controller?

If Polanski's indiscretions were government or conspiracy sanctioned, why would he 
have had to flee the US and is still facing a prison term if he returns?


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