-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "William Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Kalman + Murray Lies about NEXUS/David Icke

> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 10/10/00 7:37:10 PM Central Daylight Time,
> << You stupid blind sycophant Shannon! >>
> Personal attacks...a no-no.

The above is simply a reflection based on your personality and gullible
character. We can also now add HYPOCRITE to your character trait Willie.
Just read your own "personal attacks," upon others, which anyone can check
going back through the archives HYPOCRITE Willie.  Not to mention your
deranged and maddened private e-mail enraged froth LOLOL to moi!!!

I don't believe I've yet felt so INTENSELY PERSONAL in objection to
someone's public forum post, to send them PRIVATE, UNSOLICITED e-mail ABUSE,
as per poor old apoplectic Willie has done on a number of occasions.

> <<Who the hell do you think Ickes "REPTILIANS" are and word-coded for ...
> you REALLY THAT politico DUMB-ASSED Willie ...???>>
> You're off your rocker dude...reptilians is code for Jews??? Take a pill!

>From your Height Ashbury days, I imagine you've already popped a few too
many "pills" Willie, (or was that PSEUDO about you as well Willie - you just
never SWALLOWED, like you namesake, "NEVER" did ANYTHING?)  Hmmm ...  and by
sounds, most likely you've never even read much of the baloney peddled by
the publicly self-acclaimed "SON OF GOD," (LMAO!!!) Icke. Only one as naive
as yourself would defend his style, and his devotees indefensible hogwash.

> <<Here's a sample, from an anti-Semitic bigot who is given credit in Ickes
> book "The Biggest Secret," as an "editor," one Ivan Fraser, who expressed
> the Ickites style of sentiment on a public forum.>>
> Your sample is not from Icke and is therefore totally irrelevant. Icke
> be responsible for the utterings of others and you clearly have an axe to
> grind with Icke...but spreading lies is pretty desperate no? And the
> name-calling too...must have hit a nerve!

What "lies" (plural), in the above statements would they be sly Willie? Or
have you just committed one?

Why did you snip and censor the quote sly Willie? Too hot to handle for you?
Here it is again, and just so you don't misunderstand , I think it is quite
clear that "PREDATORS," as this style of paranoid mindset uses, is also
synonymous to this racist mindsets use of the term "REPTILIAN," and that
"PREDATORS," here refers (below) to this Reptilian Predators
"consciousness," being in control of "the JEWS," and that "Jews are
Vampires." I suppose, from some of the other diatribes posted by you, and
from your other guru Achyara, (another whom Icke relies and quotes), you
agree with such sentiments?  Seems there is an entire NETWORK of your ilk
emerging here Willie? Just like that "Gaia Anti-Christ and the Ex-Files: A
Trawl through the Cultic Milieu" article implies? A NETWORK of Jew Haters,
using "Conspiracy Theory," and New Agey style neo-Gnostic "spirituality,"
as a cover for their Racism perhaps Willie?

[Here's a couple of samples of this madman's racial hatred, and crass
banality, quote: "The predators use the Jews as their main tools. Many Jews
are vampires and suck in the energy fields of those around them. People who
buy houses once belonging to certain Jews find they have taken on a living
hell. Those that try to associate with Jews find they are not welcome."

Further on, this Fraser "editor" of Icke writes about his hated Jews:
"Recognise them for what they are, the philosophy for what it is and don't
borrow their money, eat their produce, support their art, buy into their
politics, etc. Then they will have no host. Let them ghettoise themselves if
they want to and separate themselves. But be aware that unless they change
their beliefs they will always hate you and seek to own you and your
property and desire to see you destroyed."]

Yes, from what i hear I suppose Icke does "hit" on people, including hitting
their hip pocket for there well-earned income to waste on the trash he
plagarises without any sense for discernment.

I'd further suggest, the other very teneder "nerve" hit sly Willie, has been
your own, by the placement of a expose-bomb under ANOTHER sleazy and
moneygrubber guru and scared cow you sycophantically adore and fawn over sly

One does imagine that to employ an "EDITOR" for ones book, one would do some
serious research into the views and character of such and editor, and one
would imagine, that in apparently KNOWING such an "EDITOR" personally, that
one would be cognizant of this individuals overt racist views. Now you're
saying STUPIDITY, and ingnorance are an excuse for the huckster?  You're
HOOT Willie!!! lol!!!

> Icke is on record saying that ALL racism and intolerance is WRONG...

Yeah ... except his own ... and your own ... naturally.

> Why are you so afraid of Icke? Now THAT'S what I want to know!

> Bill.

This is the usual stereo-typical rhetorical bullshit you puke up when anyone
questions your naivety Willie and finds you agasp without any facts.

You are too dumb to see yourself for what you are, a mere "SHEOPLE," the
term by which the Icke brigade denigrate such as you, after they take their
brains and money. Much like Teli-Evangelists, these charlatans and hucksters
typified by the "Icke" style, in the now multi-million-dollar cult of
Conspiracism, generally make one ill to the stomach. Sure, exposing and
heaping poop on these vacuous sacred cows is a chore, but I guess someone
has to occasionally do so for the public good.

Apologies if I startled you whilst you snoozed in that comfortably numb
sacred "Icke" church pew, holy saint and "Icke" crusader Willie.

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> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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