-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "William Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 10:24 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Christians Are Such Arrogant Fools : The New World
Order Is An Extension...


Libertarian Socialist Are Such Arrogant Fools The New World Order Is An
Extension Of The Worst Elements Of Their Philosophy.

Fri Oct 13 2000

Editorial -- I have begun to delve further into this Libertarian Socialist
baloney I didst see silly Willie post, and as I read, I can only reflect on
what arrogant stupid fools Libertarian Socialists are.

The Libertarian Socialist author's utter tripe is an unintelligent
description of how certain professed "Christian" religious, have played a
role in forming the "New World Order," and it is no question that these
"occult" doctrines are doing that.

What the foolish and ill-informed Libertarian Socialist author does not
understand is that these so-called "Christian" doctrines are not "Satanic,"
or something alien to Christianity at all, but simply a legitimate
"progressive evolution" of the Libertarian Socialist principle - a
Libertarian Socialist principle which itself a utterly debased of
understanding of any higher truth.

The obvious arrogance of Libertarian Socialist author is that he sees his
superstitious baloney disguised as a secular philosophy, as an extreme.
The arrogance of its "Satanic" opposition is that it sees Libertarian
Socialist as an extreme as well.

The Libertarian Socialist author truly believes that his tripe represents
one of the principles - light and darkness - that I discussed, whilst in
reality, Libertarian Socialism is neither principle, but professes to lie
somewhere in the middle of the degradation of light to darkness, but
fundamentally, the self-elevated-soufflé Libertarian Socialist author has
straddled a barbed wire fence for so long that he is in essence
intellectually castrated.

To say that Libertarian Socialism has within it more light than the
doctrines of, say, Marilyn Manson's Satanism, is a not a given, for
essentially, their world view is as brain-fried as the other.

To say that Libertarian Socialism itself is the light is to lie. Libertarian
Socialism was an attempt to restore airy fairy superstitious mumbo jumbo
guised as a secular social philosophy, to a dopey group of people who had
already begun to lose their brains; the grand misologist baloney of
Libertarian Socialism being ancient, even in times ancient by our reckoning,
had already begun to grow fungi, and exude green goo upon its hirsute simian
strangled at birth mentality.

Think of it in this manner:  There was once baloney. Baloney itself was
mocked, or rather, one can form words mocking it, but the words fall flat
and are destroyed when they come into comparison with more baloney.
Libertarian Socialism baloney itself cannot be degraded, for is can sink no
lower than it already is; it can only be stepped on, and make one go

Now think of man as having, at some point, lost the ability to communicate
the truth (as has Libertarian Socialism), and, having lost that ability,
could only hint at the "truth" through mumbo jumbo Libertarian Socialist
symbolic representations and allegories.  It is as if the words to
communicate truth had gone, and man was only left with his language, which
could only communicate truth indirectly. Truth itself becomes hidden and
obscured, thanks muchly to the style of Libertarian Socialist waffle.

"Holy" baloney, such as the tripe peddled by the Libertarian Socialisms
author, contains much baloney, but the baloney is mostly communicated
through the Libertarian Socialist author's rectal passage.

Allegorical truth is a mystery, and interpretation of the symbols requires
an anal inspection by the Libertarian Socialist author of his bum hole
before he proceeds to prattle.

"Hidden" is what is meant by "occult," and means that the Libertarian
Socialists author longs for any dullard, aka, silly Willie, to treat him as
a priest or guru of his "hidden" bullshit "secret" mysteries, which
apparently he alone can interpret and foist upon gullible devotees of the
ilk of silly Willie.

All "occult" doctrines are not, however, equal. If there are two
principles - two ends - then one can consider that there are two directions
"occult" ism can lead to - but for the Libertarian Socialist author, both
directions end where hey began - NO WHERE!

Libertarian Socialism is neither light nor darkness, because it cannot
discern one from the other, for it has at its centre certain "Holy" baloney
that contains not simple, but grandiose baloney, and masquerades such as
occult "mysteries," which can only be understood by those who are possessed
of such swindlers key to unlock them.

One understanding of the mysteries leads man to a state of understanding
higher than literal Libertarian Socialism - and then part with his brains
and dollars in support of no good sloths living off welfare and the largess
and hard work of honest folks.

The other understanding leads the common man, to the raising of his boot,
and leaving a right impression on the posterior of such Libertarian
Socialist parasites and numbskulls, as he ejects them out his door.

Ignorant Libertarian Socialists of the modern type, unable to understand
their brain from their alimentary canal, and their own "Holy" baloney,
instead see themselves as the pinnacle of light, and denounce everything
that is not them, whether it is greater than them or lesser than them, as
"Satanic," or some monstrous "Conspiracy" against their paranoiac,
psychotic, societal sponging.

Libertarian Socialists are just as ignorant of their betters as their
lessers (sic), and their ignorance of their betters and their own
shortcomings makes them arrogant and full of their self-puffed soufflé
pride - which also leads them to believe that their own egotistical
pseudo-intellectual Gnostic rhetoric, and the fact that they exalt the
darkness within it while never seeing the light - is making as much a
contribution to the New World Order as Masonry and Earth worship and New
Age-ism and all these other doctrines who's real spiritual underpinnings
these Libertarian Socialist halfwits will never comprehend.

Libertarian Socialist Baloney Press.
October 13, 2000

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