-Caveat Lector-


News Report

How the Gores, Father and Son, Helped Their Patron Occidental

And: Uranium Deal Helps Benefactors, But Costs Taxpayers $2.1

By Charles Lewis
The Center for Public Integrity

(Washington, Jan. 11) On Sept. 7, 1995, Vice President Albert
Gore Jr., stood on the White House lawn and talked in sweeping
terms about ending the era of big government. He touted a list of
recommendations formulated by the National Performance Review, an
initiative Gore directed that he claimed streamlined the federal
bureaucracy, cut unnecessary waste and helped make the government
“work better and cost less.” Gore said that his report, delivered
to President Clinton that day, would continue the drive to
“reinvent government.”

Gore did not mention that his recommendations to the president
included a plan to give oil companies access to thousands of
acres of oil-rich, publicly owned land that the U.S. Navy has
held as emergency reserves since 1912. Ever since the federal
government earmarked the reserves for military emergencies, the
oil industry had tried and failed to pry them away from the Navy.

In 1922 a couple of oil men – Edward L. Doheny and Harry Sinclair
– bribed Albert Fall, the secretary of the interior in the
Harding administration, for secret leases to drill on two of the
fields, the Teapot Dome field just outside of Casper, Wyo., and
the Elk Hills field in Bakersfield, Calif. Doheny and his Pan
American Petroleum and Transport Co. (later Atlantic Richfield
Co, or ARCO), paid $300,000 to Fall in exchange for the rights.
When the bribes were uncovered, the ensuing Teapot Dome scandal
forced the resignations of Fall (who later went to prison), and
Edward Denby, the secretary of the Navy.

IN 1973, DURING THE ARAB oil embargo, the Nixon administration
tried to lease Elk Hills to boost domestic oil production. In
1984, 1986 and 1987, the Reagan administration proposed selling
Elk Hills for a lump-sum payment of $1.5 billion that would go
toward reducing the federal budget deficit. Each time, Congress
wisely blocked the sale of Elk Hills.

But where Fall, Nixon and Reagan had failed, Gore succeeded.
Despite the history of the naval petroleum reserves, despite the
royalty revenues that the field continued to generate, Gore
recommended that the government put Elk Hills on the auction
block. Clinton took Gore’s advice and approved a deal to let oil
companies buy some of the reserves. The White House then pushed
to have language authorizing the sales inserted in the 1996
defense authorization bill, which Congress ultimately approved.
Oil companies bid on the field and, finally, on Oct. 6, 1997, the
Energy Department announced that the government would sell its
interest in the 47,000-acre Elk Hills reserve to Occidental
Petroleum Corp. for $3.65 billion. It was the largest
privatization of federal property in U.S. history, one that
tripled Occidental’s U.S. oil reserves overnight. During the
months after the sale, Occidental tripled the amount of natural
gas extracted from the field.

Although the Energy Department was required to assess the likely
environmental consequences of the proposed sale, it didn’t.
Instead it hired a private company, ICF Kaiser International,
Inc., to complete the assessment. The general chairman of Gore’s
presidential campaign, Tony Coelho, sat on the board of

Just hours after the announcement of the Elk Hills sale, Gore
stood across town on the campus of Georgetown University and
delivered a speech to the White House Conference on Climate
Change on the “terrifying prospect” of global warming, a problem
he attributed to the unchecked use of fossil fuels such as oil.

EVEN AS OCCIDENTAL was moving forward with plans to boost oil
production at Elk Hills, Gore told his audience: “If we ignore
the scientific warnings and continue stubbornly on our current
course, we’d better begin to prepare what we would like to say to
our children and grandchildren, because if they encounter the
terrible consequences the scientific community is saying now come
as a result of global climate disruption, and then look back at
the evidence which was clearly laid out for us in our generation,
they might fairly ask, ‘If you knew all that, why didn’t you do
something about it?’”

If there is one oil company that Gore might ask “our children and
grandchildren” to forgive, it is Occidental Petroleum. The
company has been a steady supplier of campaign funds to Gore and
to the Democratic Party, though its relationship with Gore goes
far deeper. Armand Hammer, who built Occidental Petroleum into
the behemoth it is today and who’s been described as “the
Godfather of American corporate corruption,” liked to say that he
had Gore’s father, Sen. Albert Gore, Sr., “in my back pocket.”
When the elder Gore left the Senate in 1970, Hammer gave him a
$500,000-a-year job as the chairman of Island Coal Creek Co., an
Occidental subsidiary, and a seat on Occidental’s board of
directors. By 1992, Gore owned Occidental stock valued at

FOR PART OF HIS CAREER, Albert Gore Sr., received two paychecks:
one from the taxpayers and another from Hammer. Hammer, who
raised prize bulls, met the elder Gore at a Tennessee cattle
auction in the 1940s. He put Gore, who was then a member of the
House, on the payroll of his New Jersey cattle business. Thus
began a cozy relationship between the two men that would last
until Hammer’s death in 1990.

Hammer personified the worst excesses of both capitalism and
Communism. In his biography of Hammer (Dossier: The Secret
History of Armand Hammer), Edward Jay Epstein notes that Hammer
built a pencil factory outside Moscow in 1926 and returned to the
United States soon after to launder funds for the Communist
Party. In the 1930s, Hammer marketed something he called the
“Romanoff Treasure,” a collection of fake Russian art that he
passed off as genuine. Much of the proceeds of the sales went to
Josef Stalin’s government. Hammer helped recruit Soviet spies and
position them in the U.S. government. At one time he even had a
contract to train dogs for the Soviet police.

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover wanted to prosecute Hammer for his
activities on behalf of the Soviet government. But Hammer had
friends in Congress whom Hoover believed would attempt to protect
him from prosecution; among them was Gore, who took to the floor
of the Senate once to defend Hammer against allegations of
bribery (later proved to be true) in obtaining government

Gore’s job as a senator was even more useful to Hammer the
capitalist. In January 1961 the most sought-after ticket in
Washington was to John F. Kennedy’s inaugural ball; Gore made
sure that Hammer got one. A few months later, Gore successfully
lobbied the Commerce Department to allow Hammer to visit the
Soviet Union. The Kennedy administration had banned the
importation of Soviet crabmeat on the ground that it was produced
with slave labor; Hammer reported that he had found no evidence
to support the ban, which was soon lifted. Gore even suggested to
President Kennedy that Hammer, whom the FBI had long known was an
agent for the Soviet Union, act as an envoy to Nikita Khrushchev
should any crisis erupt between the two superpowers.

In April 1968, Senator Gore stood by Hammer’s side when the
industrialist officially opened his Libyan oil fields. Occidental
was not a player in world crude-oil markets until Hammer bribed
King Idris and some of his officials to gain a concession to the
huge reserves there. Two years after Gore left the Senate, Hammer
placed him on Occidental’s board of directors, where he earned a
much higher salary than he had as a U.S. senator.

BY THE TIME the younger Gore was elected to the U.S. House of
Representatives, the Gore relationship with Hammer had already
begun to transfer from father to son. In the 1960s, Gore informed
Hammer that zinc ore had been discovered near the Gore farm in
Smith County, Tenn. Hammer, who owned Occidental Minerals (a
subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum), bought the land for
$160,000, twice the only other offer. But after buying the land,
Hammer made a strange decision – at least from a business
standpoint. Rather than mine the zinc-rich land, he offered
instead to let Gore buy it from him. Then, once ownership
transferred to Gore, Occidental starting paying Gore $20,000 per
year for the mineral rights to mine it. After the first payment,
Gore Sr. sold the land to his son for $140,000. Gore has received
a $20,000 check in the mail almost every year since.

Perhaps even more astounding than Hammer’s decision to sell the
land and pay royalties is that Occidental never actually mined
the land. In 1985, Gore began leasing the land to Union Zinc,
Inc., a competitor of Occidental. Gore still receives $20,000 a
year in royalties. In all, the Hammer-engineered sweetheart deal
has put hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits in Gore’ s

The relationship between Hammer and Al Gore, Jr., continued. Gore
and his wife once caught a ride across the Atlantic Ocean on
Hammer’s private jet; they hosted Hammer at Reagan’s 1984
inauguration and President Bush’s in 1988; and they attended
Hammer’s 90th birthday extravaganza in Washington on May 21,
1988. When Hammer came to Washington for business, he and Gore
frequently lunched together in the company of Occidental’s

In return, Hammer and members of his family bent over backward to
get money into Gore’s campaigns.

GORE RECOGNIZED that his relationship with Hammer and his company
did not look good. In 1992, before President Clinton settled on
him as his running mate, Gore’s father wrote a memo for Clinton
on his ties to Occidental to prepare him for possible questions
about it. After the election, however, Gore resumed his old
relationship with the company and its new chairman, Ray Irani.

Occidental, for example, loaned $100,000 to the Presidential
Inaugural Committee to help pay for the ceremony and the
celebrations surrounding it. And Gore used his connections to
bring in money from Occidental for the Clinton/Gore re-election
campaign. According to a memo from White House Deputy Chief of
Staff Harold Ickes, Occidental gave $50,000 in response to one of
Gore’s “no –controlling –legal authority” telephone calls from
his office in the White House. Indeed, since Gore became part of
the Democratic ticket in the summer of 1992, Occidental has given
more than $470,000 in soft money to various Democratic committees
and causes.

Irani might lack Hammer’s high profile – the old chairman traded
quips with Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show – but he has been as
cozy as his predecessor was with occupants of the White House.
Two days after he slept in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White
House, Irani’s company dropped $100,000 on the Democratic
National Committee He was also one of 130 guests at Clinton’s
second official state dinner, on Sept. 27, 1994, where
then-Russian President Boris Yeltsin and his wife were the guests
of honor. Occidental had some interest in Russian oil; in the
spring of 1994, Irani had traveled with the late Commerce
Secretary Ronald Brown on a trade mission to Russia.

Uranium Deal Helps Benefactors, but Costs Taxpayers $2.1 Billion

IN 1993, Vice President Gore boarded Air Force Two and flew to
Moscow for meetings with Russian Prime Minister Victor
Chernomyrdin about the vitally important task of protecting
nuclear weapons and nuclear material in the newly decentralized
former Soviet Union. It was a natural mission for Gore; during
his tenure in the Senate, he had become something of an expert in
arms control agreements and, thanks to the patronage from Hammer,
had already met with Anatoly Dobrynin, Moscow’s longtime
ambassador to Washington.

Many defense experts consider Russia’s nuclear arsenal to pose
the greatest immediate threat to U.S. security, of even greater
concern than China’s alleged acquisition of U.S. nuclear secrets.
The Chinese will no doubt develop sophisticated warheads and the
missiles to launch them over the next decade or two; the Russians
already have them. The fear of loose nukes grew as economic
conditions in the old Soviet republics deteriorated in the early
1990s. Gore’s mission was to reach an agreement with Russia on a
way to manage all those weapons in a post-Cold War world.

Gore and Chernomyrdin signed a 20-year, $12 billion deal under
which Russia would ship its weapons-grade uranium to the United
States. The U.S. Enrichment Corp. (then government-owned) would
buy the highly enriched uranium, process it into lower grade,
reactor-friendly uranium and sell it to nuclear power plants in
the United States. The cash-starved Russian government would get
much-needed dollars to pay its nuclear scientists, those
scientists would not be tempted to offer their services around
the world, and nuclear material would be under the protection of
the United States.

IT LOOKED GOOD ON PAPER, but it didn’t work out that way. In
1996, Congress passed a bill to privatize the U.S. Enrichment
Corp., a move that threatened the Gore-Chernomyrdin agreement,
though one that in fact would ultimately benefit Gore.

Foreign policy experts – including Thomas Neff, a senior
researcher for the Center for International Studies at the
Massachusetts Institute for Technology, who conceived of the
uranium agreement – warned that privatization threatened the
deal. A privatized, profit-seeking U.S. Enrichment Corp., would
pay Russia far less cash for its uranium than the amount Gore and
Chernomyrdin had originally agreed on. Gore, as the broker of the
deal, was in a perfect position to lobby against the
privatization scheme. He didn’t. Instead, the Clinton-Gore
administration wholeheartedly supported privatization of USEC as
part of its efforts to “reinvent government.”

USEC’s board of directors, led by William Rainer, a large donor
to the Presidential Inaugural Committee in 1993, had decided to
consider two options: Sell the company to a behemoth like
Lockheed Martin Corp., or go it alone with an initial public
offering. Rainer and the board chose the latter course. In 1998,
the U.S. government got $1.9 billion from the sale of USEC to
private investors. Clinton rewarded Rainer for presiding over
USEC’s privatization by nominating him to serve as the chairman
of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission. At his Senate
confirmation hearings, Rainer said, “I thought it was the right
decision, and one year later, I look at the decision and I still
think it was the right decision.”

The decision was certainly right for some of Gore’s biggest
benefactors, which quickly cashed in on what turned out to be a
$75 million bonanza. Wall Street firms such as Morgan Stanley,
Dean Witter & Company; Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.; and Goldman
Sachs & Co., Gore’s No. 3 career patron, collectively raked in at
least $42 million in underwriting fees. Well-connected law firms,
among them Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom and Patton, Boggs
earned nearly $11 million for their part in taking the company
private. USEC retained J.P. Morgan & Company, Inc., as its
adviser in the deal; J.P. Morgan, in turn, , hired Greg Simon,
Gore’s domestic policy adviser, for a fee of $10,000 a month to
help it select the new, privatized company’s directors.

AS NEFF AND OTHER EXPERTS had predicted, however, the deal soon
began to unravel. Later in 1998 USEC announced that it had
received shipments of uranium from the U.S. Department of Energy.
The sudden glut caused the worldwide price of uranium to plummet,
and the Russians suddenly stood to receive less money than they
had been promised. Yeltsin’s government cried foul and threatened
to sell its nuclear material to other countries, including Iran.
The White House scrambled to come up with the money the Russians
demanded, and managed to quietly slip an extra $325 million for
the Russians – a taxpayer-financed bailout – into an omnibus
appropriations bill before Congress.

Neff, the architect of the plan to ship Russia’s weapons-grade
uranium to USEC for reprocessing, estimates that it will cost
taxpayers $140 million a year for 15 years to continue purchasing
the Russian nuclear material, for a total cost of $2.1 billion –
or $200 million more than the sale of USEC brought in.

Gore’s “reinvention” of USEC made a lot of money for some of his
most reliable political patrons. It also endangered nuclear arms
control and left in private hands the management of facilities
that are contaminated with deadly substances.

Senior associate Russ Tisinger was major contributor to this
report, excerpted from The Buying of the President 2000 (Avon
Books), by Charles Lewis and the Center for Public Integrity.

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Related Reports:

McCain Tax Bill Would Save Corporate Contributors Millions (10 Feb 2000)

The Buying of the President 2000 (5 Jan 2000)

Steve Forbes, Cattle Farmer (25 Jan 2000)

How George W. Bush Scored Big With the Texas Rangers (18 Jan 2000)

Related Links: (Links will open in new browser window)

Oxy, a division of Occidental Petroleum Inc., which owns and
operates the 38,000-acre Elk Hills oil and gas field, is seeking
an $18 million refund on its tax bill. (Bakersfield Californian,
Sept. 26)

One hundred years of oil. (Bakersfield Californian, April 27,
1999) Charles Lewis responds to questions on Gore chapter Bought
and paid for: Gore's oily family friends, Bush's profitable
Harvard connections and other stories you're not likely to read
about, by Mark Hertsgaard (Salon magazine)

Webs of Influence (Bob Herbert column, New York Times)

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