-Caveat Lector-

Report: Biotech possibly already widespread in food supply chain

October 19, 2000

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Millions of bushels of genetically engineered corn
approved only for animals may have already reached the human food
supply chain and could show up in a wide range of foods, The Washington
Post reported Thursday.

Industry and federal officials are trying to find the corn to buy it back before
it is made into more taco shells, chips, corn flakes and other corn products.

"We're getting it out of the food chain," John Wichtrich, vice president and
general manager of Aventis FoodSciences of Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina, the developer of the corn, told the Post.

The corn was not approved for humans because of fears it might trigger
allergic reactions, but officials do not think its presence in food poses an
imminent health risk.

About 260 grain elevators have received the corn this year, Aventis officials
told the Post. Wichtrich estimated that about 88 percent of the Aventis corn,
called StarLink, was being stored on farms or used for animal feed. But an
additional 9 million bushels had already left farms this year. That is the
missing corn company officials are tracking and trying to buy back.

Meanwhile, groups opposed to genetically engineered crops accused the
government of violating the Endangered Species Act in considering
whether to renew licenses for gene-altered crops that are toxic to insects.

The groups, which notified the Environmental Protection Agency on
Wednesday of their intent to sue the agency, said the crops may harm a
number of endangered insects such as the Karner Blue butterfly,
sometimes found near corn fields.

Registrations for several varieties of genetically engineered corn and
cotton are due to expire next year.

The EPA has been gathering research data and consulting with a panel of
scientists about the impact of the crops on human health and the

In a preliminary assessment released last month, the agency concluded
there was little risk to butterflies or any other insects which the toxin is not
supposed to harm. A three-day meeting by the agency's scientific advisory
panel began Wednesday in Arlington, Virginia.

Under the Endangered Species Act, the EPA would be required to consult
with the Fish and Wildlife Service and to take actions to protect the
threatened species from the crops.

"We're certainly open to new scientific information and will take that into
consideration as we complete our review," said Steve Johnson, a senior
EPA official.

A Cornell University study released last year raised concerns about biotech
corn after finding that the pollen was toxic to Monarchs in the laboratory.
The butterfly feeds on milkweed, which often grows in and around corn
fields in the Midwest.

"EPA has had its head in the sand since it learned that genetically
engineered corn could be killing Monarch butterflies," said Charles
Margulis of Greenpeace, one of the groups planning to sue the EPA.

Although pollen from biotech corn can kill Monarch butterflies, there is
probably little risk to them around corn fields, based on the latest research,
according to the EPA study.

The agency said some scientists even believe the corn may even turn out
to be beneficial to the butterflies because farmers are using less chemical

The corn and cotton contain a bacterium gene that is inserted into the plant
to produce a toxin that kills a major pest, the European corn borer.

The EPA has been concerned that the corn borer and other pests may
become resistant to the toxin, which is also used in an insecticide popular
with organic farmers.

So far, there has been no evidence of resistant insects, although some
insects have shown a temporary tolerance to the toxin, agency scientists
said Wednesday.

To prevent the development of resistant insects, the agency requires
farmers to plant sections of non-biotech crops within or around the gene-
altered varieties

Copyright 2000 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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