-Caveat Lector-

Gene-altered corn found in more taco shells

By PHILIP BRASHER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (October 25, 2000 12:17 p.m. EDT
http://www.nandotimes.com) - An unapproved variety of gene-altered corn
has been found in another brand of taco shells, according to tests done for
anti-biotech groups that first disclosed the presence of the grain in the
nation's food supply.

The taco shells, labeled with the name of Western Family Foods Inc. of
Tigard, Ore., were purchased in Eugene, Ore. in late September, the
groups said.

"The product, found on the West Coast, further illustrates the nationwide
extent of the contamination," said Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of
the Center for Food Safety, one of a coalition of advocacy groups called
the Genetically Engineered Food Alert.

Two other companies, Kraft Foods and Mission Foods, have earlier
recalled taco shells after their products tested positive for the StarLink
corn, which was not approved for human consumption because of
unresolved questions about its potential to cause allergic reactions.

The Food and Drug Administration says that any health risk from the corn is
remote. Opponents of genetically engineered crops say the discovery of
StarLink in the food supply shows that federal regulation of the technology
is inadequate.

"This once again raises the question of what the FDA is doing," said Matt
Rand of the National Environmental Trust. "A small group of citizen
organizations is doing what FDA should be doing."

Officials with Western Family Foods were not available for comment. The
company sells its products under the Western Family and Shurfine names.

FDA said they have been testing a variety corn products but have not found
any containing StarLink other than the Kraft taco shells.

The corn found the taco shells likely came from last year's harvest. The
corn's developer, Aventis CropScience, has agreed to buy up all of this
year's crop but has been unable to account for about 10 percent of that
corn, or about 9 million bushels.

Farmers were not supposed to sell the corn for food use, but Aventis
officials admit that some growers may not have known about the restriction.

With food makers worried about more plant shutdowns and recalls, Aventis
was expected to ask the Environmental Protection Agency to temporarily
approve StarLink based on new data expected to downplay its potential to
cause allergic reactions.

EPA officials said they would consider the data but didn't expect to make a
decision for several weeks at the earliest.

"Any time we receive new information it has got to be part of a very
credible process, a process with a high degree of public integrity, one that
assures the food supply the food supply is safe and that EPA is looking out
for human health," said Michael McCabe's EPA's deputy administrator.

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