-Caveat Lector-

Passion for Dragons Fires Baby Boom

Updated 8:26 AM ET November 1, 2000

HANOI (Reuters) - A rush to reproduce in the auspicious Year of the
Dragon has caused a sharp increase in the number of babies born in
Vietnam this year.

The National Committee for Population and Family Planning said 583,622
babies were born in the first seven months and Wednesday's Saigon
Times Daily said this was a 12.1 percent increase over the same period
last year.

A committee official attributed the surge in births to a desire to have
children born in the Year of the Dragon and in what Vietnam considers last
year of the 20th century.

"This is certainly affecting our family planning work," he added.

Vietnam has a population of around 79 million people which the United
Nations estimates is growing at about 1.7 percent a year.

Vietnam's growing population has long been a source of concern and since
1993 the government has attempted to limit families to a maximum of two

In Vietnam's Chinese-based 12-year-cycle lunar calendar, birth years are
named after animals ranging from rats to tigers.

The dragon, the only mythical creature in the collection, is a royal symbol
and considered especially auspicious. People born in this year are
expected to have better leadership qualities and luck in business and
family life.

To qualify as little dragons, babies must be born between February 5, 2000
and January 24, 2001.

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