-Caveat Lector-

> "On Nov 1, Archibald Bard wrote:"
> [-------------------- text of forwarded message
follows --------------------]
> Archibald Bard
> Pro Libertate - For Freedom
> ICQ 83834746
> [snip]
> > Check this out for yourself!
> >
> > Asteroid Nearly Hits Earth, NASA Silent...10/31/00
> > by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)
> >
> > Late yesterday night, a large NEA (near earth asteroid) 600 meters in
> > size came close enough to the Earth to be named a "near miss". NASA
> > astronomers have named this asteroid "Toutatis".  It is one of the
> > largest known "Potentially Hazardous Asteroids" (PHAs) and its orbit is
> > inclined less than half-a-degree from Earth's. Definition..(PHA)
> > http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/neo/pha.html
> > Why was NASA silent on such a large event? Did they not know it was
> > coming? The answer is a very suspicious NO. According to NASA's own
> > article, they did know of its presence, and for some time. Why was the
> > public not notified? It's not as if they have not been public of other
> > NEO's.
> > In the last month, I have seen no less than ten articles on Eros. So why
> > the sudden surprise with this one? Is NASA so dense to think that
> > suppressing information, then releasing after the fact will only enhance
> > suspicion and speculation. I believe this is not only self-defeating,
> > but reckless, and irresponsible. In 1997 or '98, a press release was put
> > out stating "Toutatis was an unpredictable asteroid with unreliable
> > trajectories"...............

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