-Caveat Lector-

[I've always liked Moore:)  --MS]

Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 17:59:12 -0800
From: Joni Ferris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IUFO: Can Dubya Read? Exquisite Sex & Violence?

> Michael Moore (director of Roger & Me, TV Nation, etc.)
> Release: Wednesday, October 11, 2000
> As I write this, there are two presidential debates left. I
> have a suggestion for Jim Lehrer. Don't ask George W. Bush
> any further questions about social security or prescription
> drugs or mandatory testing for students and teachers. Just
> get up out of your moderator's seat and take a copy of a
> book, any book. Walk over to Governor Bush, hand it to him,
> and ask him to read. That's right. Just ask him to read, from
> anywhere in the book. I have a hunch that he can't read.
> I know this is an outrageous thing to say. I have no proof.
> It's just an impression that's been sticking in my craw for
> some time. I am reluctant to make this observation not only
> because it seems so cruel, but also just the possibility of
> it is so surreal and unlikely, that no sane man would ever
> utter such a thing.
> But I was struck by something in last week's debate. Bush
> never wrote down a single word on the legal pad in front of
> him during the debate. I had never seen a debater-even Ronald
> Reagan-refuse to even jot a word down so he wouldn't forget
> to respond to it. Was Bush not writing anything because his
> mind is a steel trap with enhanced memory, storage, and
> impeccable collating capabilities?
> I'm honestly worried he cannot read and write on an adult
> level. Back in the primary, he was asked what his favorite
> book was as a child.  He replied, "The Very Hungry
> Caterpillar." As it turned out, that book wasn't published
> until he was in his 20s. Everyone laughed it off at the time.
> From that point on, his response has been that his favorite
> book is "the Bible" (and his favorite hero is "Jesus" and his
> favorite philosopher is "Jesus" and when Oprah asked him,
> "What are you sure of?" he replied, "Jesus" and "the Bible").
> Christopher Hitchens, no friend of the Clinton/Gore
> administration, reports in "The Nation" this month that when
> Bush's aides would give him briefing papers to read, he would
> ask others to read them for him, or just give him a verbal
> summary. Of course, a briefing paper is just that-a summary,
> a "brief." No one, it seems, saw Bush read them.
> Gail Sheehy in "Vanity Fair" writes that Bush has a learning
> disability, that he is "dyslexic." This is a serious and
> frustrating handicap faced by millions of Americans. But it
> is not a scarlet letter. Lots of people I know are dyslexic,
> and there are things they do to overcome it. The Bush camp
> denied the "charge," and no one in the media followed up.
> The media, in fact, has stopped reporting how CONSISTENTLY
> and OFTEN Bush mixes up his words and just says the wrong
> damn thing. At first, it was cute and funny in an Archie
> Bunker sort of way. But it's not just the word "subliminal"
> he has a problem with-the mangling of the language happens in
> virtually every speech I have heard the governor make. Even
> though every speech is scripted, and he repeats it almost
> verbatim in friendly robot-like tones at every campaign stop,
> he can't help but lose himself in the words he is supposed to
> say. It was no mistake that at one point in the debate, when
> he started down his robot path, he realized he wasn't
> answering the question, went silent, and then said, "I forgot
> the question," looking like a lost schoolboy.
> Now, don't get me wrong. I do not point this out with any
> glee or condescension. I am not exactly Mr. Intelligence
> here. Just read any of these columns or my Internet letters
> and you will find them chock full of misspellings, improper
> grammar, and bizarre syntax-in spite of the best efforts of
> my editors or staff assistants who are simply overwhelmed and
> defeated by my assault on the King's English.
> But I am not running for President of the United States.
> And I am not attacking teachers for doing a lousy job.
> And I am not making phony promises that "not one child shall
> be left behind" (when, in the state of Texas, more poor kids
> go without health care than any other state in the nation).
> I got a call last week from someone I know at Yale. A friend
> of this person had secretly gone into the records facility
> and looked up the original transcript of George W. Bush from
> 1964-68. Not only were his grades all that we have heard
> about-C's and D's and not a single A-but it looked as if they
> were written on the file card over OTHER grades that had been
> erased!
> Could there have been ORIGINAL grades that were WORSE than
> the ones he's admitted to?
> Look, I'm all for the dumb guys, being one myself. I dropped
> out of college after the first year. I still don't know if
> "ammount" has one "m" or two.  But The Leader of the Free
> World should at least be able to read! Or say "explicit"
> instead of "exquisite," as Bush did in Detroit in September
> when he referred to the "exquisite sex and violence" in the
> movies.
> Don't we deserve better?
> Mr. Lehrer: "Governor Bush, here is a copy of 'Green Eggs and
> Ham.' Please turn to page 12 and read for us."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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