-Caveat Lector-

. I occasionally monitor the Iranian Newswire,
> to pickup on the latest going-ons there.
> http://www.irna.com/
>From that source this morning-------->
>   Anti-US, anti-Israeli Rally held in Tehran
> Tehran, Nov 3, IRNA -- To mark the "National Day of Struggle Against
> Global Arrogance", a large group of people held a rally in front
> of the former U.S. embassy in Tehran to express their hatred towards
> America and the usurper Zionist regime.
>     The demonstrators shouted "Death to U.S." and "Death to Israel"
> as they marched through Tehran streets towards the former embassy
> which is better known in Iran as the "nest of spies".
>     Today, Aban 13 (Nov 3) marks three important events: anniversary
> of takeover of the former U.S. embassy in Tehran by the Muslim
> Students Following the Imam's Line, anniversary of exile of the late
> Founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini by the ex-shah, and the
> Students Day (the day early after the revolution when several
> students were martyred)
>     The demonstrators also shouted slogans in support of Palestine and
> called for "unity" as the "only key to victory."
>     The ralliers, before proceeding to the site of the Friday prayers
> at the Tehran University, issued a resolution in condemnation of
> the U.S. and Israeli atrocities in occupied Palestine.

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