-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Sunday, November 12, 2000 12:01 am EST

Gore Web Site Solicits Activists to Complain About Vote

More evidence the Gore-Lieberman campaign is not interested in a
simple recount of the Florida vote: The home page of the
campaign's Web site is soliciting voter complaints from
Democratic activists in Florida and across the nation.

The Gore Web site site leads with William Daley's statement of
Nov. 11, 2000. Another headline reads: "November 7, 2000
Presidential Election Comments" asking activists to call in to
discuss problems "about your vote in Florida or elsewhere."

 Activists are asked to either e-mail their complaints or call in
to a special line, 800-579-8871.

 The line answers with a recording saying the caller has reached
"the Florida voting hotline" and asks callers to leave name,
voting precinct and phone number. A call-back is promised.
(Already we hear that Bush activists on the Web are encouraging
people to call the Gore toll-free line to complain about the
politicization of the vote process by the Gore campaign.)

 Another page on the Gore Web site details how activists can help
the Gore campaign. It reads:

 Thank you for contacting Gore/Lieberman 2000. Al Gore and Joe
Lieberman appreciate your support. If you are willing to provide
further information about your vote, please send an email to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 800-579-8871

In your email, please include the follwoing information:

 Name of voter:

 Telephone Number of voter:

 State in which problem or irregularity occurred:

 County in which problem or irregulariy occurred:

 Address of voter:

 Age of voter:

 Voting Precinct name and number (if known):

 Polling Place location (county, city, street, building, floor,
room) (if known):

 Time voter arrived at the polling place:

 1. Did you intend to vote for Gore/Lieberman but think you voted
for someone else?

 If so, please describe why you think you voted for someone other
than Gore/Lieberman:

 Did you talk to a poll worker about your concern? If so, who,
and with what results?

 2. Did you experience another problem or irregularity at the
polls or on the way to the polls on November 7?

 If so, please describe:

 Please provide full details, including name, phone number and
address of anyone who saw the problem or anyone else who you
believe experienced it.

 To whom did you report the problem? When? With what results, or
with what response?

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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