-Caveat Lector-



Gore's "war room"

A campaign memo outlines the vice president's extensive battle plan.

By Jake Tapper

Nov. 11, 2000 | TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- On Friday, Gore spokesman
Douglas Hattaway told CNN, "The campaign is over." And while,
technically, the campaign to elect Al Gore president has
officially been disbanded, a new campaign has replaced it to win
the increasingly vicious contests in the courts and the court of
public opinion.

Gore has moved with speed and seriousness to deploy a staff here
and in key spots in both Florida and Washington, where this new
campaign is being waged. Replacing the official Gore campaign,
which ended Friday, is the Gore Recount Committee, a separate
entity allowed by federal laws that provide campaign committees
an opportunity, if necessary, to fund a group to work on recount

And based on a draft memo from Thursday obtained by Salon that
outlines the committee's various functions, as well as
conversations with members of the Gore Recount Committee, this
group means business. The memo even talks about a "war room,"
after the famous command center of the Clinton administration
immortalized in the documentary of the same name.

Committee officials insist they're just a short-term operation,
saying their canvassers have told them that the election should
all be over by this time next week, that after the hand-counting
of the ballots in the heavily Democratic Palm Beach, Broward and
Volusia counties, Gore should win.

But since, they argue, no one knows exactly what the overseas
absentee ballots will bring, the infrastructure they're setting
up right now could allow activities beyond the last deadline for
votes in the primary -- the last day for absentee ballots,
Friday, Nov. 17. This could allow the Democrats to continue to
wage a political, legal and public relations battle based on the
"uncounted" Palm Beach County "butterfly ballots." Or, as Bill
Daley, Gore's campaign chairman and co-chair of the recount
committee, alluded to in a press conference Thursday, it could
allow the Democrats to challenge other voting controversies in
parts of Florida where questions remain over whether ballots were
fairly counted.

"Al Gore won the popular vote, and he's ahead in the electoral
college vote," says Mark Fabiani, who ran the communications team
for the Gore campaign and will do so for the recount committee.
"It's clear from all the evidence that he won the most votes in
Florida. We're determined to have those votes counted in a speedy
and correct manner ... Hopefully, it's not going to be a very
prolonged battle. We hope with a speedy recount, Al Gore will be
ahead this time next week."

But what if he's not? Will the recount committee seek a revote in
Palm Beach County, claiming -- as they have already alleged --
that the ballots are illegal?

"We're taking this one step at a time," Fabiani says.

With the short-term target in mind, but a long-term war a
possibility, the Gore recount committee has dispatched key
members of the Gore campaign -- working with others from the
Democratic National Committee -- to Palm Beach, Tallahassee and
Washington. The infrastructure and organization of this team, not
to mention the funds necessary for its day-to-day operation,
underscores how tenaciously Gore intends to challenge the results
of the controversial, razor-thin and still as yet uncertified
victory of Gov. George W. Bush in Florida.

The operation will be co-run by Daley and former Secretary of
State Warren Christopher. Though both men returned to Washington
for the weekend, they will continue to be based, initially, in
Tallahassee, where the three-person elections certification
committee -- which consists entirely of officials who endorsed
Bush -- is supervising the state's automatic recount.

The War Room

The "war room," as it is referred to in the memo, will be run in
Washington. The shop will be headed by Gore campaign manager
Donna Brazile, as well as other senior advisers: campaign chief
of staff Chip Smith, Daley's chief of staff David Lane, Daley
deputy chief of staff Graham Streett, Daley assistant Molly
Buford and former deputy chief of staff/campaign rapid-response
staffer Monica Dixon.

Lastly, David Ginsberg, head of the Gore campaign's research
operation -- infamously referred to once by Brazile as its
"slaughterhouse" -- is heading a small staff in Washington that
will conduct research to back up claims for their case and to
refute ones made by Bushies, who no doubt have a similar
operation set up.

"War room" responsibilities, according to the draft memo obtained
by Salon, include "monitoring press, writing talking points,
writing press statements, outreach to elected's and community
leaders, coordination of communications strategy, and monitoring
state operations in Iowa, Wisconsin, Oregon, and New Mexico" --
states where the Bush campaign could begin challenging Gore

On Friday afternoon, New Mexico became "too close to call" and
was taken off Gore's "win" list. A few hours later, it was
reported that Gore won Oregon outside the margin that would call
for an automatic recount. Gore's Iowa and Wisconsin margins of
victory are small enough that if Bush so desired, he could
request a recount -- a threat that Bush's man in Tallahassee,
former Secretary of State James Baker, hinted at on Friday.

Despite Fabiani's claim that this could all be over by next
Friday, the team is clearly planning for contingencies. Gore pal
and lobbyist Peter Knight, for instance, will head efforts to
raise $3 million for the recount committee. "That's not much of a
challenge from a fundraising point of view," Fabiani says.
"People are very supportive of the vice president and want to
help him with this."

An army of lawyers

The bulk of the $3 million will be devoted to the team's legal
efforts. Christopher will helm the legal team, which will be
coordinated by Bob Bauer (who, oddly enough, once played the role
of Gore for former Sen. Bill Bradley in Democratic primary debate
prep). Bauer also helped Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., in her
efforts to slap aside GOP challenges to her slim 1996 Senate
election victory. Former Gore chief of staff/campaign
rapid-response chieftain Ron Klain will also help run the team,
working with Christopher.

But many of the tasks for lawyers working on the recount
committee don't seem to be in the game plan for the coming week,
but rather maybe for some time in the future.

The Florida unit of the legal team will be coordinated by Kendall
Coffey, a former U.S. Attorney who helped Joe Carollo unseat
Miami Mayor Xavier Suarez in a 1997 vote fraud trial. Different
attorneys will coordinate different tasks: Attorneys Chris Souder
and Jack Young will supervise the recounts by hand in certain
counties; Kathy Wallman, former head of the Federal Communcations
Commission's Common Carrier Bureau and a former White House
attorney, will helm the affadavit collection from voters who feel
disenfranchised; and DNC general counsel Joe Sandler will be on
the absentee ballot effort.

Fort Lauderdale attorney Henry Lattimer will be in charge of
civil rights work, focusing on allegations by the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People and other civil
rights groups that black voters were intimidated and thus kept
from voting because of their race. Another attorney, Mitchell
Berger, a Gore pal and Fort Lauderdale attorney, will help
coordinate relationships between the legal team and other
independent parties who have filed suit and claim their voting
rights having been impeded.

In addition, according to the memo, the legal team may count on
the help of DNC-affiliated attorneys: Gore buddy and former White
House counsel Jack Quinn; former Dukakis campaign staffer and
Boston politco Jack Corrigan; and Gore campaign legal counsels
Lynn Utrecht and Eric Kleinfeld.

Palm Beach ground troops

More immediately, in Palm Beach -- where the Gore team thinks an
apparently confusing "butterfly ballot" cost Gore votes that were
either nullified or counted for Reform Party candidate Pat
Buchanan -- Gore campaign field director Michael Whouley, 42,
will be headquartered.

Whouley, from Boston, was the staffer who stopped Gore from
conceding to the country since the Florida tallies were --
despite network proclamations -- actually too close to call. Two
blocks before Gore's motorcade reached the War Memorial, where
the vice president was set to concede, Whouley paged Gore's
traveling chief of staff, Mike Feldman, and told him to stop the
proverbial presses.

Whouley will supervise the Palm Beach operation, which includes
managing an affadavit outreach to unsatisfied voters and making
available for the media "real people" surrogates who experienced
difficulty voting. John Geezer of the DNC will work with Whouley.
Geezer and Whouley will also help supervise the "hand-counting"
of the Palm Beach ballots on Saturday.

The two will be joined in Palm Beach by longtime Clinton
administration staffer Trish Enright, Whouley's former deputy
Donnie Fowler and former AFL/CIO staffer Mike Matthews -- all of
whom will handle "organization efforts," according to the memo.

The Spinners

In the "war room" in Washington, Fabiani will be assisted by
former communications staffer Julia Payne and Fabiani's assistant
Karen Dahl, as well as Gore spokesman Chris Lehane and Mattis
Goldman. They will be joined by DNC communications director Laura

Three members of Fabiani's ad hoc communications staff are in
Tallahassee: Hattaway and Terrell McSweeney, for the recount
committee, and DNC spokeswoman Jenny Backus.

Other DNC communications aides are being sent to other areas of
the state where voting irregularities were reported: On Friday,
Lisa Lubo was to arrive in Volusia County, just north of Orlando.
Florida Democratic Party communications director Bill Buck and
DNC spokesman Jamal Simmons were set to arrive in Broward County.

"I do not look at this as more than a weeklong project," Fabiani
insists. "I'm hoping to go home the following Saturday to my real
home in La Jolla [Calif.]," he says.

Fabiani offers a note of optimism -- followed by one that is
quite the opposite.

On Friday, Fabiani accurately predicted that the Republicans
would try to block the hand counts. "They're going to bring in
lawyers and try to block them, because they know what the hand
counts will result in." So even if the Democrats' war room
becomes unnecessary, it may then become necessary, Fabiani says.
"All we're asking for is a correct quick count. And I think they
don't want to see that happen."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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