-Caveat Lector-

Duncan from Nexus wrote:

<<<<Hmmm, typical of the language I received from other Sai Baba devotees
after I published three other testimonies of sexually abused young men.
Smearing Tal Brooke's name might get you brownie points within the
organisation mate, but it does NOT alter the FACT that Sai Baba is a
pedophile and rapist of young boys.
I have personally spoken to Sai Baba organisation leaders, ex=devotees,
victims, families of victims, all from many many countries.
Not one Sai Baba centre leader would deny ANY of the accusations, all
sought to justify his pedophilia with claims that 'his good outweighs the
bad'. Sorry mate, your divine pal is a pedophile, fraud and faker.  Go find
for yourself, and learn some better language while you're at it.

But....Sai Baba considers his devotees as his property!
His property?
Yes, his property!
My goodness.......

Sai Baba in his discourse Revelations of Divinity 14 Jan. 1999:


"No one needs to worry about My welfare. I can do anything and everything."

"I am narrating this episode only to affirm the fact that I go to any
extent to protect My devotees who
obey My commands."

And in......Cultivate Discipline & Love (extract discourse 15 Oct. 1999)

"No one should come in between the noble heart of Swami and the sacred
minds of the students. Some
of the elders sitting in the Verandah are indulging in gossip; It is
finding its way into the Internet.
Anyone found talking in the Verandah should be sent out immediately,
whosoever it may be. All those
who give misleading information about what Swami tells them in the
interview room should also be
thrown out. I will never call such people for interview again. Only those
who observe silence are good
people. Silence fosters purity. Therefore observe silence at all times. It
is a waste of time if you carry
tales about others. What have you come here for? Vain gossip causes harm to
many. So refrain from
indulging in it."

And.......Why is Sai Baba worried about Internet? Something to hide?

Extract: Cultivate Discipline & love (discourse 15 Oct. 1999)
You may have read the news item in a newspaper this morning that Swami is
not speaking because of
students. It is sheer nuisance. It was specifically mentioned, very
incorrectly, that Bangalore students are
responsible for Swami desisting from speaking. By publishing such a wrong
news item, the image of
Bangalore students has been tarnished. No student has ever troubled Swami
in any way. In fact they have
been pining for Swami incessantly.

The relation between me and students is heart to heart, and prompted by
selfless love. Even such wrong
information flashed in the Internet so much so that Goldstein from America,
being greatly agitated,
contacted Prasanthi Nilayam to find out the Truth. He was very much
relieved to know the truth. Do not
believe in such false propaganda. 1 do not trouble anyone and none can
trouble Me. All our students are
good. Such good students should not be put to disrepute. Unknowingly they
may commit a few mistakes,
but no one has ever troubled Swami.

Do not get perturbed by such misinformation campaigns. Swami is always with
you. He has been
showering His love and Grace on you. You too have immense love for Swami.
Attain Swami through
love. You cannot attain Swami through any other path but love. Swami has
nothing to do with Internet.
Not only now, even in future also You should not indulge in such wrong
activities. This disease' has its
roots in cities and is spreading like wild fire into villages polluting the
village environment. Villages are the
epitome of peace and love.

For you to discern from;.
* The "SAI BABA" files (Sai Baba; A Master of Love or a Master of Deception?)


And...... on our religions page you may read:

At this time of transition, be very careful about and what  you are
following. In fact, if you are following at all, that is the first
indication that you are off track. For those of you who are still students
of masters, teachers or gurus, we recommend discernment.
This is no longer time of great spiritual teachers. It is now the time of
great spirits instead.
This shift from master/student to just plain master may cause a temporary
unemployment problem in India and elsewhere, but do not
be alarmed. The true masters of light will make the shift with ease and
will welcome your  upcoming graduation  with the same relief that they
welcome their much deserved retirement.

A courtesy of Light Network

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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