-Caveat Lector-

Well, call me psychotic or maybe my lithium is out of balance but I
understand what Aleisha is talking about with her Bible Code.  And she was
talking about it before the more recent one became mainstream.  It is not a
chart/graph/number/alphabet type code but more of a schedule or notation of
events based on the Daily Scripture Readings listed in the front/back of the

You are correct that the version she has is not readily available so out of
curiosity, I attempted to find what would be the most commonly available one
today.  I shall not bore you with how I arrived at this selection but I
chose two and one of them does seem to have some interesting dates/events.

For example, the day of the plane crash of JFK Jr. was a reading about "the
heir apparent must be beheaded."  I must get it back out and see what it
says of late.  From that message, I would not have deduced that JFKJ's plane
would crash but an organization anticipating the event or precipitating it
would be expecting it and the "code" would tell them what the date would be.
It might even be  a "go ahead" sign for an assassin or some other project
where the members of the team could not be in direct contact with each

Hope I did not confuse you further.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Birds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 9:55 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Aleisha's version

> -Caveat Lector-
> Aleisha,
> I am not disputing at all what you are saying.  I know where you are
coming from.  However, can someone ever get their hand on this
> bibles and books and codes they used

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