-Caveat Lector-

Reports of multiple voting probed

Marquette survey says 174 claim they voted more than once


MILWAUKEE, Nov. 14 - The district attorney of Milwaukee County is
investigating a report that scores of college students may have cast more
than one presidential ballot.
 Wisconsin was one of the closest states in the presidential contest.
According to unofficial results, Al Gore defeated George W. Bush by about
6,000 votes.

         THE MARQUETTE TRIBUNE, Marquette University's student newspaper,
surveyed 1,000 students and said it found that 174 admitted voting more than
once. The newspaper conducted the survey after state Republicans on Friday
alleged voting irregularities, including claims that students at Marquette
and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee voted more than once.
       Wisconsin was one of the closest states in the presidential contest.
According to unofficial results, Al Gore defeated George W. Bush by about
6,000 votes.
       Milwaukee County District Attorney E. Michael McCann said his office
is investigating the allegations,
         as well as reports that a Democratic Party volunteer gave homeless
people cigarettes in exchange for votes, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
       McCann did not return telephone messages Tuesday to The Associated

       McCann told the Journal Sentinel his investigators would concentrate
on the multiple voting claims. "Our focus is on those areas first, because
those allegations concern crimes," he said. "It is a felony to vote a second
       Under Wisconsin law, deliberately voting twice is punishable by up to
54 months in prison and a $10,000 fine.
       Of the 174 Marquette students who said they voted more than once, 95
said they cast absentee ballots from their home state and in Wisconsin, the
Tribune said. The 79 others told the Tribune they voted more than once in
Wisconsin. Those students included 13 who claimed they voted four or more

       © 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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