-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Democrat Rules of Golf

1.   Democrats get to keep shooting until one gets par or an
acceptable score.
2.   Democrats are allowed to keep score by hand, Republicans
are not allowed to keep score at all, the Democrats will appoint
someone to keep  score for them.
 3.   If a Republican shoots par or under par on a hole, a
Democratic appointee will sue in Court to a Democratic appointed
Judge that the score is invalid.
4.   Holes for Democrats will be 3ft in diameter (to allow less
confusion); Republicans will use the regulation size holes.
5.   If a shot is missed by a Democrat it will be counted if the
Democrat intended it to go in, and can certify this by written
statement to Rev. Jessie Jackson.
 6.   Scores by Democrats can be changed after the round, if
they can prove one of the following:
         a)  Trees were improperly placed on the course
         b)   Wind speed was too strong
         c)   Water was placed on the course in away that confused
the Democrat on club selection

But how is this legal plunder to be identified?
Quite simply. See if the law takes from some
persons what belongs to them, and gives it to
other persons to whom it does not belong. See
if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of
another by doing what the citizen himself cannot
do without committing a crime. --Frederic Bastiat

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