-Caveat Lector-

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 07:28:10 -0700
From: C. F. Inston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: William Bacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: JBS Research Dept. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SNET: [Fwd: Democracy or Republic?] (fwd)

 On the heels of your "Democracy or Republic?" post, I wanted to forward
this (quoted below) letter that the Denver-area Rocky Mtn. News
published yesterday, from one of my fellow JBS chapter members.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN FWD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
29 November, 2000

Dear Editor:

Every time I see a politician mount his stump and proclaim his
dedication to the democracy, I almost fall off my chair.

This is no Democracy. This is a Republic as in, "I pledge allegiance to
the Flag and to the Republic for which it stands." There is
a difference, a vast difference. Misinterpretation by politicians,
supposedly representing us tends to obliterate the difference in
the public mind.

To refresh your memory. A Republic is a Nation under rule of law. In the
United States it is the Constitution which limits
government within its clearly defined boundaries.

Democracy was quite adequately defined in the US Army Manual of 1928
which read: "Democracy: A government of the
masses. Authority derived by mass meetings or any form of direct
expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property
is communistic--negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that
the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it shall be
based on deliberation of governed by passion, prejudice and impulse
without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in
demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy."

(The Manual has since been replaced by The Soldiers Guide which says; "
Democracy. "Because the United States is a
Democracy..." Americans have a right to know who changed that definition
and why.)

While the Republic stands on solid foundation, a Democracy is doomed to
fall, consumed by the greed of the looting mob.

Please note the next time a politician mounts his perch to dedicate his
allegiance to this democracy and wonder what he really


Jim Stanbrough

Westminster, CO
--                              Sincerely,
                                  Charles 'Chuck' Inston

"American patriotism is unique in history; it consists of devotion to
the rule of law, rather than personal allegiance to a ruler,
loyalty to a ruling party, or blind support of a government. America's
Founding Fathers understood that a free society would require that
government be bound by "the chains of the Constitution"; Americans were
be ruled by law and not by the transitory whims of men." -Uncertain

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