It has been a very good year for CNN's roving correspondent
Rhonda Schlepper.  Her big break came late last year when she
used her clandestine Luciferian Masonic (CLuM) connections to
substitute for Christiane "A Man" Amanpour, who was then in the
family way.

Since that time Ms. Schlepper has succeeded in interviewing the
aging Adolf Schicklgruber over in Tierra del Fuego, the Land of
Fire, as well as the little alien Elian when he still was in Mayami.
Rhonda has just achieved another coup by being the first to
interview international supermodel/actress Heidi Klum after her
selection to play the young ingenue role in the major new motion
picture "Fight all CLuMs and especially P. & U.K.E.", as Miss
Jildau Van Nuys, Kansan1225's West Coast associate.

Following are some excerpts from this interview.

Rhonda Schlepper:  Heidi, you have a great modeling career,
you have been on the cover of the "Sports Illustrated" swimsuit
issue.  Why bother with acting in a movie?

Heidi Klum:  Vy bozzer?  As an artiste I need to keep
expanding my range.  It is an artistic necessity.

R.S.:  What attracted you to this project?

H.K.:  Last January I saw an Internet message titled "Klum a
CLuM?".  You see, Claudia Shapiro, Laetitia Casta, and myself
have a contest going, who vill get ze most mentions in ze

R.S.:  Claudia Shapiro?  Who is that?  Do you mean Claudia

H.K.:  Ja, ja, Schiffer, zat is vat zey call her now.  But People
back in Duesseldorf remember her Grandmother on Friday
Evenings Candles to be lighting.

R.S.  Now, now, Heidi, that is a little catty.  How could you say
such things about your colleague and compatriot?

H.K.  Vell, how could you explain all zat funny business
betveen Claudia and David Copperfield, whose real name is David Kotkin?

R.S.:  OK, so what happened after you found that Newsgroup
message with your name?

H.K.:  I read more and more of Kansan1225's messages and
finally saw ze Truth.  I have now become a committed Christian
and my first action vas to dedicate my cover photo on ze June issue
of ze Victoria's Secret catalog to all zose who unceasingly verk for
Truth, Justice and ze Christian Vay.

R.S.:  But, after that change, you still allowed yourself to be
selected as this year's "Queen of Halloween" by the Coors Brewing

H.K.:  Vell, yes.  You see, ze "Qveen of Halloveen" program is
tied to a fundraising drive for St. Jude's children's hospitals.  I vas
very proud to participate in zis Christian charity activity.

R.S.:  OK, what other changes have come to your life since
becoming acquainted with Kansan's writings?  

H.K.:  Vell, ve Dschermans, as cultural Leaders, for ze
European Christian Civilization a much greater Responsibility to
assume have.   

R.S.:  Have you ever met Kansan?  What is he like?

H.K.  No, he is very reclusive.  He hardly ventures outside
Mosquitoes anymore.  Some people say he is working for ze
Jesuits.  Ozzers say he is an agent of ze Okhrana, ze Czar's secret

R.S.:  He is sort of an international man of mystery.  Some
people say he has infiltrated major international petrochemical
corporations to discover their assets and report them to the Czar.

H.K.  I don't know much about zat, but he speaks several
languages, all of zem, however, vit a terrible accent.  Can you
imagine Saudi Arabic, the language of al-Qur'an al-Kareem, ze so-
called Noble Qur'an, vit a Vichita, Kansas, accent?

R.S.:  Most people say that Kansan is not all there lately.  What
do you think?

H.K.:  Vell, I can understand vy zey might sink zat vey.  But I
sink zat Kansan has ze seal of ze Holy Spirit.  Es ist geschrieben,
"but ven it pleased God, who separated me from my mozzer's
vomb, and called me by His Grace...", Paul's Letter to the
Galatians, 1:15.  I feel zat Kansan vas selected by God ven still in
his mozzer's vomb.

R.S.:  Heidi, I am really surprised by your in-depth knowledge
of Scripture.

H.K.  Ze Holy Bible is much better zan Prozac.  Much, much

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