-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 129 December, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"If you give me a fish you have fed me for a day. If you teach me to fish
then you have fed me until the river is contaminated and the shoreline is
seized for development. But if you teach me to organize, then whatever the
challenge, I can join together with my peers and we will fashion our own
How to assist RadTimes--> (See ** at end.)
--Nobody Wins
--The Election That Refused to Die
--Florida Official Admits Helping GOP
--Santa-suited protesters pepper-spray store
--Riviera runs red as activists gather
--Human Rights Radio Shut Down For Second Time in Two Months
Linked stories:
        *Clinton Says Marijuana Users Don't Deserve Jail
        *Violent Protests Mar Start of Key EU Summit Talks
        *Revenge of the Democratic governors?
        *Wasted labor
        *Newsmax Knows Its Audience
        *European Officials Discover Deadly Cell-Phone Guns
        *Music Industry Hails EU Crackdown On Piracy
        *How Dissent is Framed as Terrorism
Begin stories:
Nobody Wins


by Len Bracken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When we launched the Campaign for Nobody last year, we knew nobody
would legalize revolution. What's more, nobody hasn't merely canceled
all debt or established the ten-hour workweek or any of our other
particular demands, like destruction of the prison-industrial
complex. It appears that nobody has actually won the general
election. And not just in the sense that abstaining is voting for
nobody, although more people abstained than voted for any candidate.
Nobody wins because the ballot system failed like it does more than
anyone will admit

       We know that the Florida electoral system failed in Miami a few
years ago when a mayoral election was overturned due to what is now
the commonplace euphemism discount store democracies borrow from the
apparel industry, namely, irregularities. Is the tainted mayor still
involved in Republican politics? Does he now specialize in absentee
ballots? Or are these unfounded rumors? In any case, voter
intimidation against Blacks and Hispanics, so-called glitches that
reveal uncounted or miscounted votes and the notorious butterfly
ballot in Palm Beach County make the stitches holding the 2000
election together so irregular that nobody is the only one who can
wear it.

       Some of us read the Collier Brother's 1992 Votescam and want to
know more about News Election Service and its sister Voter Research
and Survey (VRS), which is the official exit pollster known for
calling elections before polls close. Does VRS do the exit polling it
claims it does, and if not, would that be irregular? If it did, we
would have heard about these on-the-spot polls during the primaries,
wouldn't we?

       Among other things, the Collier brothers claimed that CIA-
connected John Lasseville was known for correctly announcing the
exact vote totals on Miami-based Spanish International Network-TV at
dawn on election day. How could he do it - and someone should check
if he did - were the results not rigged?

       The Collier brothers' most serious charges were leveled against
Janet Reno when she was State Attorney General - despite her
admission that crimes had occurred, she refused to clean out election
departments in Florida. According to the brothers, Reno failed to
investigate canvass sheet forgeries and fraud, fake ballots printed
by a mayoral candidate and other irregularities, even video evidence
showing electronic counters not running during the height of the

       The current election fiasco is one of the delayed consequences
that Ted Koppel and Nina Totenberg, to mention two reporters among
many, never considered when they dismissed the Collier brothers'
pleas for journalists to expose the truth and investigate more
irregularities in Florida's voting process. Journalists reserve their
story expectations for big shots, and the times being what they are,
who can blame them?

       We certainly didn't expect nobody to go so far, so fast - not
in spring 1999 when Andrew Smith, Carla Platter and I launched the
Campaign for Nobody in Baltimore's Inner Harbor as part of the
kinetic sculpture race; nor when Conan O'Brien mentioned us in his
monologue in reference to our campaign activity last summer at the
NAACP convention in Baltimore: the comedian ominously referred to us
as "anarchists who look like everyone else."

       To our amazement, we didn't have to campaign much harder to
attain such an exceptional result. A little more leafleting around
Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia - that was it. For this
reason, we didn't have high hopes for nobody when we waited out the
election returns. We were half-caught up in the race like everyone
else and simply closed down the bar and retired for the night.

       Surprise. Nobody wins. A minority position, this one for
nobody, even more than others we've taken to cancel debt or
drastically reduce the workweek, exceeded our expectations in terms
of identifying the spirit of our time and unifying with it. We're
more convinced than ever that to truly understand events, one must
take part in them. The chattering class ignored nobody, and to hear
its members talk about it, it's clear that an outcome like this is
beyond their sedentary, contemplative station in life. While we're
duly pleased with our electoral success, winning would be hollow if
the result were not one that that appeals to us precisely because the
corollary to nobody winning is that nobody rules.
Len Bracken is author of "The Arch Conspirator" (Adventures Unlimited Press).
His website is www.lenbracken.com

The Election That Refused to Die


December 8, 2000

Since Election Day developments here and abroad have both raised the stakes
and highlighted what the stakes really are:

*    On November 28, the Supreme Court declared that the city of
Indianapolis violated the Fourth Amendment's prohibition against
unreasonable searches -- that is, searches not based on reasonable suspicion
of "individual wrongdoing." Indianapolis had set up "drug-interdiction
checkpoints," randomly stopping cars so that police dogs could sniff for
drugs; the ACLU challenged their right to do this. The case was being
watched avidly by police departments around the nation in the hopes that
they, too, could set up such generalized warrantless searches. Justice
Sandra Day O'Connor, by no stretch a liberal alarmist, wrote the majority
opinion that struck down the Indianapolis practice: "Without drawing the
line [at such searches] ... the Fourth Amendment would do little to prevent
such intrusions from becoming a routine part of American life." The decision
was 6-3. The dissenting judges were Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and
Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas -- often cited by George W. Bush
as his favorites. If two more such appointees had been on the Court (as they
are likely to be in a W. administration), this kind of police intrusion
would have become, in O'Connor's words, "routine" in America. This ain't kid
stuff. This is your right to due process. (Knowing this, would you still
vote for Nader?)

*    Venezuela has become one of our major oil suppliers. Its president,
Hugo Chavez, has assumed nearly total power and has forged and/or
strengthened ties with Cuba, Libya, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. As he's
done this, by some strange coincidence the Clinton Administration has
decided to send massive "drug-fighting" military aid to neighboring
Colombia, giving us a military presence on Venezuela's border. In the last
week, Colombia recalled its Venezuelan envoy because a spokeswoman for a
left-wing guerrilla group was invited to speak to the Venezuelan Congress.
Venezuela then recalled its envoy from Colombia, as President Chavez called
the Colombian government "a rancid oligarchy that does not understand
peace." Recently, Venezuela protested an American warship's intrusion into
its waters, allegedly chasing drug smugglers. All the ingredients of
conflict are in place. And W. is naming all the Gulf War's architects to his
cabinet; one of that war's chief strategists, Dick Cheney, would be W.'s
vice-president. Good morning, Vietnam.

*    India's (dubious?) peace overtures regarding the disputed province of
Kashmir on the India-Pakistan border were rejected on the day of the
Venezuelan-Colombian flap. Pakistan sides with Kashmir. China sides with
Pakistan. India and Pakistan are now, through the inattention of both the
Bush Sr. and Clinton administrations, nuclear powers, albeit without the
technology for efficient safeguards. This is the black hole of American
foreign policy. Can a severely weakened presidency deal with it?

*    Also in India: On November 20, tens of thousands of workers rioted in
New Delhi, protesting a court order to close down roughly 90,000 small
factories that employ a million people. New Delhi is one of the most nastily
polluted cities in the world, and the courts were acting against the worst
polluters. This situation highlights the most important environmental
question outside our borders, an issue the affluent Nader/Green purists all
but ignore: How do we stop pollution and planet rape in the Third World,
when many millions of subsistence-level workers side with the polluters --
especially when Third World governments are unable to enforce environmental
regulations in the face of workers willing to riot for their jobs? It is
unlikely that the industrialized West would donate or even loan the hundreds
of billions of dollars necessary to create alternatives for both the
industries and the workers; and, even if they did, in oligarchical countries
without much effective law, it is unlikely that such money would be used as
we'd wish. Can such a massive dilemma be dealt with at all, even if the West
had the will and the resources? Not with a stale-mated U.S. Congress and a
beleaguered presidency, and not with a president like George W., who is
still skeptical about the seriousness of global warming.

*    Also on November 20: The European Union, with the support of both
American-leaning England and America-wary France, agreed to establish a
military force of 60,000 that would act independently of NATO -- i.e.,
independently of any American influence or chain of command, since the U.S.
dominates NATO. "One of the most sensitive issues," The New York Times
reported, "is the relationship with the incoming administration in
Washington." The Clinton-Gore administration has been cautiously sympathetic
to this move for European independence, proceeding gingerly and relying on
commerce to be the deciding factor in the Euro-American relationship; it is
difficult to imagine a Bush-Cheney administration, with Colin Powell as
Secretary of State, as being anything but hostile to these developments. (An
aside: Madeleine Albright has been the most inept, hapless Secretary of
State in the history of the office, but the upside of her incompetence is
that at least she has had little influence and has done little harm.)
European leaders are reported to be salivating at America's political
crisis, expecting to use this window of opportunity to assert themselves
against a weakened, hobbled American government.

*    The Mideast has swirled out of control, and a lame-duck Clinton-Gore
administration has been helpless to influence the situation. On November 23,
Israel threatened to sever "field-level security links" -- the
nuts-and-bolts communications system by which all levels of both sides at
least retained access to each other. On November 24, Russian President
Vladimir V. Putin stepped into the vacuum, got both sides to agree to
maintain the links, and negotiated a call between Yasir Arafat and Israeli
Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Putin has supported the European Union's military
independence of NATO, and has forged close ties with the important leaders
of Europe -- they clearly prefer him to Clinton, Gore, or W. With meager
economic and military means at his disposal, Putin has yet managed to run
diplomatic rings around America for more than a year. What does this portend
for a weakened American presidency?

*    On November 25, at the Hague, talks toward a worldwide environmental
treaty hopelessly broke down. Purists preferred no treaty to a flawed treaty
-- not taking into consideration that any treaty would at least put the
issues unavoidably on the agenda of a new American administration. (America
being, by far, the world's largest generator of greenhouse gases, this is no
small consideration.) Said a Dr. Michael Grubb, of London: "When something
like this is killed, it is killed by an alliance of those who want too much
with those who don't want anything." Environmental purists wanted a stronger
treaty, the corporations wanted no treaty, and together they killed the
possibility of any treaty. Now the American government has no legal
obligation to deal with these issues on a worldwide scale, and a new
administration can put it off indefinitely with scant international pressure
to contend with.

*    On November 24, there was an effective national strike in Argentina,
involving millions of workers; they were protesting austerity measures. In
addition: Most of the continent of Africa continues its free-fall into the
abyss; Indonesia, the world's fourth-largest country, is in near-chaos,
virtually ungovernable; and Mexico, our neighbor to the south and our
biggest trading partner, openly admits that it can no longer trust its
police force -- the rule of law in Mexico exists mainly on paper now, not in
practice. In other words: Europe, Asia, the Mideast, and Latin America are
boiling over simultaneously with enormous, perhaps overwhelming foreign
policy challenges that the United States is unequipped to deal with.
American influence is being eclipsed and/or simply ignored.

*    Lastly, and most tellingly, the NASDAQ and Dow Jones have lost hundreds
of billions of dollars in value since Election Day. This situation has
merely been exacerbated by the election crisis; its roots go far deeper. Dig
it: The Boom is over. And consider: Americans have been acrimonious,
vicious, and divided, during "good" times. Imagine how we'll behave during
the insecurities of recession.

Any one of these situations would have made for banner headlines in a normal
month; but the headlines have all been about W. and Gore, so even most
thinking Americans remain unaware of the conjunction of crises that have
reached, or are near, the boiling point. As killjoys and die-hards have been
reminding us, the new millennium mathematically begins one moment after
midnight on January 1, 2001. Even Shakespeare could not have written it more
tellingly: The collapse of the American political process in Election Year
2000 is both an event in itself and a world-class metaphor: The American
Century is over.

No matter who becomes the president-elect, America will not be able to deal
from strength with this storm of a world. We will deal, if we deal at all,
from weakness, and in desperation to prove ourselves and to hold on to what
we have. It won't work. It never has. Empires don't fall, they crumble.
During the second debate, George W. Bush said, "A great nation should be
humble." Expect to be humbled.

Florida Official Admits Helping GOP

A former CIA agent said he was just trying to help GOP voters.

Thursday December 7
Associated Press Writer

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - One attorney charged there was a
``sinister'' conspiracy to aide George W. Bush. A former CIA agent
said he was just trying to help GOP voters. A county elections
official said she let Republican operatives correct absentee ballot

Two trials that could affect tens of thousands of presidential votes
played out just blocks from where Florida's highest court was set to
hear legal arguments Thursday in the contested presidential election.

In Leon County Circuit Court, attorneys representing voters who
alleged Republicans tampered with absentee ballot application forms
asked judges to throw out as many as 25,000 absentee ballots from
Seminole and Martin counties.

At issue in both cases is whether mistakes on absentee ballot request
forms sent out by the Florida Republican Party in the waning days of
the election were illegally corrected by state GOP officials when the
mistakes were discovered.

``It was a sinister underground conspiracy'' to help Bush, said
Edward Stafman, attorney for the Martin County challengers.

But Republican activists testified they did nothing wrong, saying
they just were trying to correct mistakes their party made on the

Attorneys for the counties and the Republicans are pleading with the
judges to not throw out absentee votes. They argue that voters had no
control over what was done and shouldn't be disenfranchised.

In the Seminole County case, Leon County Circuit Judge Nikki Clark
was to hear closing arguments Thursday afternoon. In Martin County,
Judge Terry Lewis took nearly four hours of testimony Wednesday
before recessing and asking attorneys to resume the trial at 8 a.m.

The Seminole and Martin county trials were held back-to-back in the
same courtroom. Testimony in the Seminole case finished after 13
hours Wednesday, then the Martin case began.

Bush won the absentee balloting by 4,797 votes in Seminole and by
2,815 votes in Martin, so throwing them out could place his 537-vote
certified statewide lead in jeopardy.

Voter ID numbers were left off many applications through computer
errors in Seminole County and incorrect numbers were placed on the
forms in Martin County. Florida law says ballot applications may not
be mailed out without the correct identification numbers.

In the Seminole County case, elections supervisor Sandra Goard
admitted she allowed Republican officials to fill in the numbers and
said it was the first time she had done so. Democrats did not ask for
the same accommodation, she said.

Goard also testified that Florida law did not give her the authority
to allow party officials to fill in the numbers. But she said she
allowed GOP official Michael Leach and a second man she has been
unable to identify to fill in the numbers at the party's request.
Democratic Party state chairman Bob Poe later called to protest her
actions, but Poe did not request the same opportunity to correct
applications for Democrats, she said.

Goard did not appear in court Wednesday. Her previous deposition
testimony was read aloud instead.

In the Martin County case, county GOP official Tom Hauck was asked on
the stand whether he would acknowledge ``walking out of the office''
of Republican elections supervisor Peggy Robbins ``with a stack of
applications for absentee ballots.''

``On one occasion, that's right,'' Hauck replied, adding that he took
the ballots to county Republican headquarters to fill in the numbers.

Charles Kane, who testified he worked for the FBI and retired from
the CIA in 1975, said nothing secretive nor sinister occurred.

``We had an obligation to them,'' he said of Republicans who had
received the inaccurate ballot document. ``We had filled out their
forms. We did not see this as altering. All we saw this as was
correcting a problem caused by the Republican Party of Florida.''

Todd Schnick, the state Republican party's political director,
testified that he did not remember key elements of the ballot form
glitches, which occurred in the last weeks of the presidential

In the Seminole County case, Democratic activist Harry Jacobs filed
the challenge. Defense attorneys said Jacobs had raised $50,000 for
Democrat Al Gore (news - web sites)'s campaign and provided other

Gore is not a party in either lawsuit.

Santa-suited protesters pepper-spray store


December 10, 2000

GOLDEN, Colorado (AP) -- Four people in Santa costumes released pepper
spray and spray-painted racks of clothing at a department store Saturday
during a protest of working conditions for Nicaraguan garment workers,
police said.
Shoppers fled the Kohl's Department Store and one woman was treated at the
scene after inhaling pepper spray.
The four and several protesters outside the store fled before officers
arrived, said
Golden police spokeswoman Julie Brooks. She said the vandalism caused tens
of thousands of dollars in damage.
Witnesses said 10 to 15 people had been outside the store chanting slogans
Nicaraguan workers earning 6 cents an hour. A corporate spokeswoman for
Kohl's did not immediately return a phone call Saturday night.
In Pasadena, California, another group of protesters picketed a Target
store Saturday, also claiming that garments sold there were made under
sweatshop conditions in Nicaragua and that the workers there are not paid a
living wage.
"We're asking Target to be responsible corporate leaders," said Marissa
Nuncio of Sweatshop Watch, an Oakland-based civil rights organization. "By
taking a stand and being a responsible corporation they can encourage other
retailers to do the same."
Officials at Minneapolis-based Target Stores, a division of the
Dayton-Hudson Corp., did not return phone messages Saturday seeking comment.
After a similar protest in Milwaukee in August, Target spokeswoman Patty
Morris said the company had performed four audits on a Nicaraguan factory
and found no evidence of abusive working conditions.

Riviera runs red as activists gather

Jon Henley
Thursday December 7, 2000
Londons Guardian

The mayor of Nice, Jacques Peyrat, was not taking any chances
yesterday: between the gendarmes, the riot police, anti-terrorist
units, and undercover intelligence, he had 6,000 officers on hand.
That was roughly one police officer for every 10 demonstrators parading
through the rain-drenched streets of the riviera resort demanding such
things as an end to genetically modified crops, more support for small
farmers, and greater restrictions on world trade.

Most of those demonstrating before the EU heads of state begin their
summit to agree the reforms needed to enable the EU to expand were
trade unionists calling for greater social rights and an improved
charter of fundamental rights.

Under a sea of red banners, French, Italian and Spanish trade unionists
rubbed shoulders with those from Poland, Slovenia and Luxembourg. Some
Dutchmen were dressed up as Father Christmas.

Anti-globalisers organised a separate but equally jovial procession, in
disagreement with the trade unionists on the status of the
charter. "Our march is not in competition with theirs," said Michel
Rousseau, an anti-unemployment activist. "We do not want the charter to
be enforced by law, because it's a lousy charter."

Dancing the tango and singing in the rain, the protesters gathered in
the city centre before splitting in two for their respective marches.

The trade unionists say that the charter, much watered-down since it
first appeared, is still a useful starting point, but must be enforced
by law. At present, thanks largely to British opposition, it may become
a non-binding declaration.

Up to 40,000 protesters from about 90 organisations in 25 countries -
French small farmers, Italian Zapatistas, British socialists, Turkish
Workers Against Globalisation and Portuguese communists - are expected

The banners being unfurled at Nice station, where protesters arrived in
a chartered train, included "All rights for everyone", "Say No to mad
cows and GM crops", "Down with social dumping", "End tax havens
now", "Down with liberalism", and "Capitalism kills".

But the hopes of up to 1,000 Italian anti-globalisers, known as the Ya
Bastas ("Enough"), were dashed when their Global Action Express train
was cancelled.

The mayor failed to lay on special treatment, too. "There are people
who are going to protest," Mr Peyrat said. "That is their right ... But
it is not my responsibility to provide them with food, a bed for the
night and all the rest.

"My responsibility is to make sure the heads of state can work in
relative calm."

Human Rights Radio Shut Down For Second Time in Two Months

The newsletter of San Francisco Liberation Radio <http://www.slip.net/~dove>
Friday, Dec. 1, 2000

The following email message was sent out late last night by Mike
Townsend, a long-time friend of Kantako's and supporter of the station.

"At 11:15 AM Thurs., Nov. 30, the FCC agents of repression raided Mbanna
Kantako's Human Rights Radio for the 2nd time in less than 2 months.
Before coming to the door,the FCC had a private contractor scale
Kantako's 2 story rental home to disconnect and remove his 2 antennas.
Apparently, they didn't like the fact that Kantako broadcast the 1st
five minutes of the last raid (on 9/29/00) "live" on-the-air before the
raiders realized what was going on. This time the Matrix Police sent
only 8 members of their multi-jurisdictional task force into the home.
They were so polite that when Mbanna's wife, Dia, demanded that they
remove their shoes before stepping into her livingroom, to steal the
equipment, they meekly complied! Despite the fact that Mbanna was in
direct violation of a federal court order not to broadcast, there was no
attempt to arrest him. Mbanna and his family took it all in stride as
they audio taped the entire 45 minute intrusion into the privacy of
their home. Mbanna intends to get back on-the air just as soon as he
receives the necessary equipment from supporters around the country.
Meanwhile, the federal marshal's office is running short on space to
store the radio loot from their raids on Human Rights Radio. Stay tuned.

Mike Townsend"

A report on the raid appears in today's on-line edition of the
Springfield State Journal-Register at:

The story cites documents in which FCC agent Williford Gray claimed to
have picked up a Human Rights Radio emission at 121.3 MHz, a channel
which falls into a range of frequencies used by aviation.

In an interview with San Francisco Liberation Radio on Monday, Oct. 2
- just after the first raid - Kantako told us that Gray, who is
African-American, had addressed him (Kantako) as "brother" on
previous visits to the Kantako home.

"He ain't no brother of mine," Kantako said.

The State Journal-Register article cites Kantako's status as a "hero" in
the micro radio movement, and hinted that that might have played some
role in the federal action taken against him.

"Kantako is viewed as a hero by many people in the pirate, or 'micro,'
radio movement locally and nationwide, and federal officials appeared to
take that status into account in requesting that Thursday's seizure
order remain sealed until after it was carried out," the report said.

The story also quotes from court documents filed by the FCC which

"Advance warning of our equipment seizure would allow Mbanna Kantako,
through his radio broadcast, to alert and gather other people to protest
or harass the confiscation of the radio equipment and roof antennas…This
could be a detriment to the safety of the U.S. Marshals and the private
individual assisting them who will be very vulnerable while they are
using equipment to reach the roof and antennas."

The "private individual" referred to apparently is Gray.

In his interview with us, Kantako urged:

"Y'all stay on the air out there because I know what they're
doing - they're hoping that by attacking me everybody'll pack up the
tents. But this is the time to tweak them transmitters and get 'em
pumping as tough as they can pump, you know what I'm sayin'?"

Kantako can be reached at 217-789-0038.

Linked stories:
Clinton Says Marijuana Users Don't Deserve Jail
In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, President
Clinton stated that smoking marijuana or selling small
amounts of the drug should not be a prison offense.

Violent Protests Mar Start of Key EU Summit Talks
    Only blocks away from street battles between demonstrators and the
    police, European Union leaders opened a critical summit meeting
    here Thursday that is intended to reform the EU and bring to a
    close the Continent's postwar divisions.

Revenge of the Democratic governors?
If the Florida Legislature picks its electors, others states could follow
suit --
and give the election to Al Gore.

Wasted labor
The Democrats told AFL-CIO activists in Florida to take affidavits and act
while the GOP mobilized its troops and got tough -- and won the political

Newsmax Knows Its Audience
  In the wake of Republican ire in Florida, one online news site is
scoring with Web surfers who are fed up with traditional media sources
and looking for a new kind of news.

European Officials Discover Deadly Cell-Phone Guns
European law-enforcement officials have discovered a new
type of weapon that looks like a cell phone but can fire
four .22-caliber rounds in quick succession.

Music Industry Hails EU Crackdown On Piracy
The Music Industry Unanimously Welcomed Plans For A New EU Directive
Strengthening The Enforcement Of Intellectual Property Rights

How Dissent is Framed as Terrorism
For background on how intelligence agencies reframe dissent as
terrorism, see the online study "Repression and Ideology".

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
        -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
        -J. Krishnamurti
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