-Caveat Lector-

TurbulentTimes # 1 December, 2000

A weekly compendium of direct action news.

--A RadTimes production--
"The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it."
--Abbie Hoffman
How to assist TurbulentTimes--> (See ** at end.)
Linked stories:
        *Santa-suited protesters pepper-spray store
        *Left-wing protesters clash with neo-Nazi marchers
        *Protesters who scaled L.A. hotel sentenced
        *Many charges dismissed from GOP convention
        *Protest ends with activists' arrests
        *Nice lays on police to greet protesters
        *U. Toledo students protest sweatshops during demonstration
        *Three WTO demonstrators charged with felonies
        *Violent clashes at EU summit
        *Protesters disrupt hearing
        *Student groups protest Philip Morris recruiting at Rutgers
        *Chernobyl victims demand justice
        *Protesters enter site of Bhopal disaster
        *Carbondale activists protest labor conditions
        *Mock Christmas pageant held at Harvard to criticize labor practices
Begin stories:
Santa-suited protesters pepper-spray store
Four people in Santa costumes released pepper spray and
spray-painted racks of clothing at a department store Saturday during
a protest of working conditions for Nicaraguan garment workers.

Left-wing protesters clash with neo-Nazi marchers

Left-wing activists protesting hate and racism clashed with
police yesterday during a demonstration of 25,000 people against
a much smaller neo-Nazi march nearby.

Protesters who scaled L.A. hotel sentenced

Three activists who scaled a 15-story hotel to hang a 1,500-square-foot
protest banner during this summer's Democratic National Convention
pleaded no contest Friday to misdemeanor trespassing.

Many charges dismissed from GOP convention

One after another, the city of Philadelphia's criminal cases have
been collapsing against many of the 391 people arrested last August
as they gathered for protests and civil disobedience outside the
Republican National Convention.

Protest ends with activists' arrests
A two-day City Hall standoff between protesters and city officials ended
last night with authorities arresting nine homeless activists while dozens
of homeless people sang, chanted and cried.

Nice lays on police to greet protesters
The Mayor of Nice, Jacques Peyrat, was not taking any chances
yesterday: between the gendarmes, the riot police, anti-terrorist units and
undercover intelligence, he had 6000 officers on hand.

U. Toledo students protest sweatshops during demonstration
University of Toledo students are taking a stand against area
companies carrying clothing manufactured by sweatshop workers.

Three WTO demonstrators charged with felonies
Three men have been charged with felony assault on police
for their part in demonstrations marking the one-year anniversary of the
melee that surrounded the 1999 World Trade Organization conference.

Violent clashes at EU summit
More than 20 people have been injured in clashes between police and
protesters outside the venue of a crucial European Union summit in Nice.

Protesters disrupt hearing

Deputy U.S. marshals and court security officers yesterday removed about 50
demonstrators, all anti-death-penalty fans of convicted cop-killer Mumia
Abu-Jamal, from the federal courthouse at 6th and Market streets.

Student groups protest Philip Morris recruiting at Rutgers
Protesters demonstrated at Rutgers University Monday against the Philip
Morris corporation's recruitment of graduating seniors for positions within
the company.

Chernobyl victims demand justice
Thousands of people, including wheelchair-bound children and widows
holding black-bordered portraits of their husbands, paraded down Kiev's
central boulevard on Sunday, demanding that the government maintain
pensions and subsidies for victims of Chernobyl.

Protesters enter site of Bhopal disaster
Hundreds of people marched through the streets of Bhopal in central India
on Sunday, burning effigies of the former chief of Union Carbide to mark
the 16th anniversary of the world's worst industrial accident.

Carbondale activists protest labor conditions
About a dozen people held up signs at the intersection of Giant City Road
and Highway 13 to protest unfair labor conditions and sweatshops Thursday

Mock Christmas pageant held at Harvard to criticize labor practices
Harvard University's living wage campaign staged a mock Christmas pageant
featuring an original play, carols and speeches in front of the Science
Center Thursday afternoon.

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
        -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
        -J. Krishnamurti
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