-Caveat Lector-

Nice try, but I don't buy it.  The 'logic' used here doesn't stand up to

Why would Mad Cow Disease have only begun to appear about 10 years ago?
Many Brits do keep their cattle in for the winter. I lived therefor 3 years
and witnessed the practice.  Many cattle ranchers in this country winter
their cattle outdoors.   If this theory is true why didn't Mad Cow Disease
show up here, or does cosmic dust only rain down on Britain?

Also, funding was withdrawn by the NIH for researchers investigating a
viral or bacterial cause of BSE, but instead given to researchers who only
investigated prions as the cause of this disease.  One researcher who has
been ignored by his collegues and the press contends that the BSE infective
process involves prions, but is triggered by a virus.  So why would funding
have been withdrawn from research investigating the viral link?

IMcynicalO, this a convenient cover for laboratory maufactured disease!  ~ M


 Mad Cow Disease 'Came From Space' Says Prof

  [Original headline: MAD COW DISEASE 'CAME FROM SPACE' ]

Mad cow disease may have been caused by cattle eating dust from space,
scientists claim.

The experts believe particles from passing comets entered the Earth's
atmosphere, bringing with them micro-bacteria.

Cows then became infected by eating the bacteria lying on grass in the

The startling theory is the brainchild of astronomy professor Chandra
Wickramasinghe, of the University of Wales, backed by his Cambridge
University counterpart, Professor Sir Fred Hoyle.

Professor Wickramasinghe said: "Bacteria descends through the stratosphere
in winter, and you can't think of a better way to mop it up than by cattle
roaming from field to field.

"We believe the almost unique Welsh and English practice of out-wintering
cattle explains why BSE hit more severely here.

"It may seem a way-out position. But the theory is starting to gain

"As Sherlock Holmes says, 'If all other possibilities have been ruled out
whatever is left, however unlikely, must be true'."

  • Originally published by •
 The Mirror / London - December 7 2000

COMMENT: The theory of Wickramasinghe and his colleague Fred Hoyle [authors
of 'Diseases from Space'] has a great deal of merit. Here is an excerpt
from the recent British Government 16-volume official BSE report:

• "The pathogen that wipes out memory, personality and physical functions
is extraordinarily tenacious. It resists heat, alcohol, boiling,
ultraviolet light and ionizing radiation. Surgical instruments that come in
contact with it can remain contaminated after normal sterilization
procedures, and researchers don body protection before handling it."

A disease with the potential to survive the rigours of spacetravel, surely?
 - G.fs

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