-Caveat Lector-

>Duncan of Nexus....thanks for letting us know of your New Age connection.  It
>certainly fits in with your pushing of Icke with his vicious antisemitism and
>the rest of your rag which sells in New Age bookstores as well as to militia

How wrong you are, and how brainless!  Icke and NEXUS are NOT friends, in
case you ever bothered to do any research.  I see however that
regurgitation of crap is more your line.
You obviously have never bothered to read NEXUS, because if you had, you
would have kept your silly mouth shut, instead of proving to everyone
what a idiot you are!

For the record: I am not "new age", I am not "right wing", I am not "left
wing", I am not anti semitic or anti Jewish.

>Why in the word would anyone take your word that New Age is not organized?
>Because you publish disinformation in your magazine to get those who are
>trying to learn what is going on running in seventeen different directions,
>all of which lead to dead ends?
>By the way, read more carefully.  I'm not Hannah.  I was just telling others
>of her site.

You may as well be Hannah - you are just as deluded.

Why don't you visit our website and see what a bimbo you are proving to

Until now, I thought radical, right-wing, fundamentalist christians were
the only 'anti new age' idiots out there.  You know the type, the ones
that say that acupuncture is the work of the devil.

Oh but now, acupuncturists are part of a diabolical scheme to kill off
the jews.

Give me and the rest of this list a break.

Get it straight:

There is no Christian plot to take over the world and kill off
non-believers.  They are too disorganised, fragmented and at war with
each other.

There is no Jewish plot to take over the world and kill off gentiles.
They are too paranoid that everyone else is after them, as well as being
too occupied killing off their brethren, the Arabs.

There is no new age plot to take over the world and kill off Jews.  The
new age movement is too full of its own crap, egos, and money to be
coherent enough to organise anything.

The people to be worried about are idiots like yourself and Hannah, who
are just into glorifying their own names and agendas.  Pity you don't
bother to do any checking or research.

Now how about you and Hannah call the night nurse - your medication needs
topping up!



Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
http://www.nexusmagazine.com      ICQ#62399259

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

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