-Caveat Lector-

2 items of interest here, the first from an email, the second from my local rag.

 Parents claim psychiatrist tried to turn son into killer

>  http://seattlep-i.nwsource.com/local/dudl15ww.shtml
>  Parents claim psychiatrist tried to turn son into killer
>  Friday, December 15, 2000
>  TACOMA -- The estate of a discredited neuropsychiatrist is being sued by
>  parents who claim he tried to erase part of their autistic son's brain
>  as part of a plan "to train an army of killers."
>  Trial began Thursday in the case brought by Stephen and Jeanie Drummond
>  against the estate of Donald Dudley, who died in October at age 64, and
>  his wife, Irene, over the treatment of their son, Stephen Drummond, 30,
>  of Spokane.
>  The Drummonds say Stephen won't ever be able to work or live on his own
>  and are asking a Pierce County Superior Court to award unspecified
>  damages for pain and suffering, treatment and lost wages.
>  "When it was all said and done, a young man was destroyed," Lisa
>  Marchese, a lawyer for the Drummonds, said in her opening statement.
>  "Stephen lives in abject terror of lapsing back into the delusional
>  state that Dr. Dudley throttled him headlong into."
>  Dudley said he "used powerful drugs and hypnotic suggestions to train an
>  army of killers from the ranks of his patients," Marchese asserted.
>  "I know it sounds like a bizarre episode of the 'X-Files,' " she said.
>  Drugs given by Dudley made Stephen Drummond psychotic and delusional,
>  symptoms not usually associated with autism, she said.
>  "He'd start ranting and raving about Navy Seals and killing children and
>  police officers," Marchese said.
>  The Dudleys' lawyer, Amy Forbis, said the doctor was unconventional and
>  had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder but maintained that the son's
>  decline was a normal result of autism and had nothing to do with his
>  treatment.
>  "This wasn't an evil man," Forbis said. "This wasn't a man out to form
>  an army. It's sad, doctors are human too."
>  Marchese gave the following account:
>  Dudley began treating Drummond for a seizure disorder in 1989 and, in
>  October 1990, injected him with sodium amytal, a powerful sedative. The
>  doctor's files indicate he intended to erase part of Drummond's brain
>  and implant new behavioral characteristics.
>  By February 1992, Stephen Drummond sat in his room all day, talking to
>  himself, neither driving nor bathing and in need of constant care.
>  Later that year, a doctor at UCLA told the parents that if she had known
>  from the start what Dudley was doing, she would have urged them to end
>  the treatment and report him to the state.
>  In November 1992 the mother confronted Dudley, who told her he was going
>  to take over hospitals, police forces and schools and that she was lucky
>  her son was part of his intended army.
>  "Dr. Dudley told her he was working for the CIA, and if she told anybody
>  about this, he'd kill her," Marchese said.
>  That was when the Drummonds stopped seeing Dudley.
>  Forbis said the Drummonds knew Dudley's methods were unusual and
>  maintained that their son's outbursts and violence were thoroughly
>  documented before the neuropsychiatrist was consulted.
>  Dudley, a graduate of the University of Washington Medical School, did
>  postgraduate work in psychiatry and was a professor at the school from
>  the mid-1960s until he resigned in 1991.
>  Two years later he was diagnosed with bipolar disease and his medical
>  license was suspended.
>  Marchese said one reason for the suspension was that Dudley told a
>  chronic fatigue syndrome patient from Arizona to learn martial arts and
>  the use of guns to help the doctor's cause. Dudley claimed he was from
>  another planet and was one of 100 people who rule the earth, she said.
>  In another episode cited in the suspension, according to news reports,
>  Bellevue police found Dudley with an arsenal of guns in a hotel room
>  where he was treating a suicidal 15-year-old boy.
>  The boy reportedly threatened a hotel clerk with a .44-caliber Magnum
>  semiautomatic pistol.
>  © 2000 The Associated Press.



Wagga Wagga's men may be DNA tested

Monday 18 December 2000, 04:47 PM

The task of hunting down a rapist by mass DNA testing in the New South Wales city of 
Wagga Wagga could cost millions of dollars.

The calls for the screening came after the brutal beating and rape of a 69-year-old 
local woman in her bed on Saturday night.

Wagga Wagga Mayor Kevin Wales, a former policeman, admitted testing could cost 
millions of dollars if authorities chose to take that step.

Inspector Daryl Venables of Wagga Wagga police said voluntary DNA testing could be 
undertaken after police had narrowed the profile of the suspect.

Inspector Venables said forensic samples had been taken from the scene and were being 

He said interviews with the victim had revealed few clues to the identity of the 

Police would also be working with officers from nearby Junee Correctional Centre to 
identify former inmates who had moved to Wagga, Inspector Venables said.

If voluntary testing went ahead nearly all men in Wagga would probably participate, he 

The savage attack had outraged the 56,000 strong community following eight murders in 
the past two-and-a-half years, including the killing of a seven-month-old baby in 

“There is an outrage at the moment,” Inspector Venables told AAP.

“She woke up to find this mongrel raping her in the pitch black, it is a terrible 
situation,” he said.

The mayor said innocent people had nothing to fear and rejected concerns raised by 
civil libertarians that police could misuse any samples.

“I don't think it would be misused (by police),” he said.

Kevin O'Rourke from the NSW Council of Civil Liberties raised fears today that locals 
would be coerced into any testing.

“It's not really possible to have a fully voluntary test in a small country town when 
you have doorknocks that are literally door-to-door,” he told ABC radio.

“When one neighbor can see whether one other neighbor is accepting or refusing to 
submit to a test.

“You cannot guarantee anonymity or privacy which means that people tend to be coerced 
or pressured into submitting to a test where if they were given a full freedom of 
choice, they might elect not to.”

In April, some 430 men from the small northern NSW town of Wee Waa took part in the 
first ever mass DNA screening in Australia.

It managed to flush out the rapist, 15 months after the sexual assault of a 
91-year-old woman on New Year's Eve 1998.

Stephen James Boney was sentenced to a minimum of eight years' jail in October for the 

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