Clandestine Luciferian Masonic (CLuM) Brother George
Walker Bush performed a ritual self-immolation today, Thursday,
December 21, 2000, to mark the occasion of the CLuM high
holiday of the Winter Solstice.

     Bush's ritual sacrifice consisted of his resignation as the
Governor of the Lone Star (of Pythagoras) State of Texas.  Bush,
as the mythological Phoenix, immolated himself on this first day of
Capricorn, in order to be born again as President of New Atlantis
on the first day of Aquarius, January 20, 2001.

     As you remember, this past Summer's Solstice had been marked
by the twin executions of Gary ("Aharon") Lee ("Levi") Graham in
Texas and Thomas ("The Twin") Provenzano in Florida.  Aharon
Levi Graham was murdered by Bush as an offering to Lucifer/Satan
for the success of Bush's Presidential campaign.

     "The Twin" Provenzano was murdered by Jeb Bush to insure a
successful outcome for the Florida Farce that the November
criminals had already planned.

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