-Caveat Lector-


December 24, 2000


Bush Waits, Politely, to Undo What Clinton Has Done


AUSTIN, Tex., Dec. 23 ó By road, it's a little more than 1,500
miles between the Governor's Mansion here and the White House.
That's too far to spit.

Mere distance, however, is not stopping anyone from trying.

Just before they pack their bags, President Clinton's aides are
taking one last shot at creating an America in their image ó
churning out new emission rules for cars and trucks, reviewing
last-minute authorizations for national monuments, putting the
final touches on Mr. Clinton's effort to make sure that
development stops in roadless areas of national forests.

All this has left the Bush folks fuming, because they know ó or
their lawyers are telling them ó that the rules cannot be wiped
out at the stroke of a pen. There must be hearings and
committees. Mr. Clinton's chief of staff, John D. Podesta, whose
passion is environmentalism, noted this fact a year ago when he
stood atop a Virginia mountain with Mr. Clinton, who was
announcing his plan to save millions of acres of federal land
from the intrusion of new logging roads.

"Reversing this kind of stuff," Mr. Podesta said at the time, "is
politically difficult, and a bureaucratic nightmare."

President-elect George W. Bush is going out of his way not to
pick a fight, telling everyone that as long as Mr. Clinton is
president, he should do "what he's got to do," and when Mr. Bush
moves in, he will worry about it then.

"There's going to be a lot of opportunities, obviously, during
the transition for me and the vice president or any of my
designees to look backwards, but we're not going to do that," Mr.
Bush said on Friday. "Our job is to ó once I'm sworn in and these
members of my cabinet are sworn in ó is to look forward, is to
think about the future."

But his spokesman, Ari Fleischer, told reporters that executive
orders might be undone with reverse executive orders, and
"regulations can be undone through regulation." And of course,
Mr. Bush's greatest weapon is also Washington's oldest art:

Not all the barbs, however, are coming from the White House. Mr.
Bush arched his eyebrows more than once when describing Senator
John Ashcroft's qualifications for attorney general. Mr. Bush
stretched out the word "in-teg-rity" more than once, to let it
settle in. He worked the facial expressions again when he
suggested Mr. Ashcroft's Justice Department would "follow the

But the first real conflict between the Clintonites and the
Bushies may have nothing to do with forests or justice. It will
focus on license plates ó the plates on the presidential

Mr. Clinton this week authorized the placement of the District of
Columbia's new plate, with the slogan "Taxation without
Representation," on the presidential limousine. The plate was
created by the city to protest the fact that residents are not
represented by a voting member of Congress. Republican sympathies
for the District are limited; after all, the District is a
Democratic bastion and gave Al Gore 85 percent of its vote. With
the Senate split 50-50, Republicans are not terribly interested
in statehood for the District, which would certainly add two
Democrats to the upper body. Jake Siewert, the White House press
secretary, insisted that the president was making his own
statement, and that the next president was free to put anything
on his car that he liked. "We're not tying anyone's hands," Mr.
Siewert told reporters. "Screwdrivers are a dime a dozen."

Whose Recession?

The backbiting has been fiercest over what kind of economy Mr.
Bush is inheriting. When Mr. Clinton's troops arrived in 1993,
they went to some lengths to describe the "mess" that George H.
W. Bush had left them, to make any recovery sound all the
grander. What goes around comes around.

Vice President-elect Dick Cheney started it, talking about how
the country might be slipping into recession. Mr. Bush picked up
the theme, then sat in the Oval Office the other day while Mr.
Clinton recited the opinions of 49 of 50 leading economists who
think growth next year will be around 2.5 percent ó nothing to
write home about, but hardly a recession.

No sooner was Mr. Bush finished with the tour of his new home
than Gene Sperling, head of the National Economic Council (an
institution Mr. Bush may kill off or reinvent), started telling
reporters about the danger of undermining confidence in the
economy by talking it down. Mr. Bush's aides, he said, were wrong
on the facts, and unwise as they talked to the markets. Mr. Bush
pulled back a bit on Friday.

"I keep hearing talks about, you know, well, this is an
administration that is trying to talk down the economy," he said.
"That's foolish talk. All of us in the Bush administration will
want the economy to be strong. But there are some clear warning
signs, warning signs that will require what we believe is
important action in the halls of Congress, such as tax relief."

Most important, Mr. Bush appears to have learned early a lesson
Mr. Clinton learned the hard way: Never, ever talk about whether
you favor a strong dollar or a weak dollar. Mr. Clinton once
opined about exchanged rates a little more than a year into his
presidency, and touched off a mini- panic among currency traders
and presidential aides. Mr. Bush, asked about the dollar on
Friday, just ignored the question ó either because he knew enough
not to answer, or not enough to know how to answer.

Lots of Fish. No Chad.

After all that's happened over the last month, you might think
that the last place Mr. Bush wanted to go for relaxation was

You would be wrong.

On Tuesday, Mr. Bush and his family will head to Boca Grande, an
island off the Florida coast known for fishing, golfing, wealthy
winter residents ó and no recounts.

Truly Domestic Policy

With the long election and post- election battle over, Mr. Bush's
staff can now focus on the big questions for January. A new
approach to ousting Saddam? How about some innovative reforms for
Medicare? "First things first," one of Mr. Bush's most senior
advisers said this week. "I need a place to live. Warmer than a
tent on Lafayette Park. Cheaper than a Victorian in Cleveland
Park," one of the city's most tony neighborhoods. It's not easy.
The rental market in Washington is tighter than ever. Whatever
else happened during Mr. Clinton's tenure in Washington, home
prices soared.

So now when Mr. Bush's aides complain about Washington, they're
not talking about the city that overregulates, that intrudes in
the life of the citizenry and sees their death as another
opportunity to tax. Instead, they are complaining that the place
is too expensive for anyone on a government salary.

It has clearly affected the Bush camp's internal discussions. One
longtime Washingtonian discussed this week for a senior national
security job joked that his main qualification was that "I
already have a house." Then there is Karl Rove, Mr. Bush's
political mastermind, who lives on a lovely piece of property in
Austin that he bought for a pittance 30 years ago, and that he
plans to keep because nothing in Washington is forever.

As everyone waited for Mr. Bush to name Gov. Christie Whitman of
New Jersey as administrator of the Environmental Protection
Agency, Mr. Rove was deep in discussions with the press corps. He
was asking about their neighborhoods.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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