Knew there was something I liked about this guy......only John Wilkes
Booth was one of my heros.....Lincoln was a vicious, sadistic killer and
only equaled by Sherman in hatred of the Gentry, who also landed....


John Ashcroft
Ashcroft hailed
as 'patriots'
Democrats mine past interviews
of attorney general-designate
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 —  Sen. John Ashcroft, President-elect Bush's
choice to be America's top law enforcement officer, once hailed
Confederate war heroes as "patriots" and suggested they shouldn't be
portrayed as having died for "some perverted agenda."
  Democrats and critics have made clear they intend to make Ashcroft's
civil rights record an issue.
       THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, tapped to be the next attorney
general, also has advocated an increased role for charities while
opposing federal money for drug treatment, saying government assistance
shouldn't further the "lowest and least" conduct.
       And a decade ago he refused to sign a presidential
panel's report that concluded America was falling behind in efforts to
bring equality to minorities, calling it too negative.
       As his soon-to-be former colleagues in the Senate prepare
for Ashcroft's confirmation hearings, the GOP senator's conservative
speeches, writings and interviews are being scrutinized for what they
may foreshadow of his views as attorney general. Democrats and critics
have made clear they intend to make Ashcroft's civil rights record an
       His record shows he vigorously sought to end abortions,
advocated a larger role for charities, pushed amendments that would
permanently alter the Constitution for various conservative causes and
sent what critics say is a mixed message on race and poverty issues.
       In a 1998 interview, Ashcroft criticized efforts by some
historians to portray early Americans, like slave-owning George
Washington, as racist, calling them "malicious attacks" and "revisionist
       "Your magazine also helps set the record straight,"
Ashcroft told the Southern Partisan, a two-decade-old periodical that
has published articles defending Confederate soldiers and political
figures and once sold a T-shirt commemorating Abraham Lincoln with the
phrase his assassin uttered, "Thus always to tyrants."
The Presidential Election and Other Cool FactsNo Ordinary Time by Doris
Kearns GoodwinOther books by Doris Kearns Goodwin
       "You've got a heritage of ... defending Southern patriots
like (Gen. Robert E.) Lee, (Gen. Stonewall) Jackson and (Confederate
President Jefferson) Davis," Ashcroft said in an interview. At the time,
he was courting conservatives for a possible presidential candidacy.
       "We've all got to stand up and speak in this respect or
else we'll be taught that these people were giving their lives,
subscribing their sacred fortunes and their honor to some perverted
agenda," he added.
       Juleanna Glover Weiss, a spokeswoman for Bush's
transition, said Ashcroft's comments reflected that he "believes in an
exact reading on history."
       "He holds sacred the legacies of Jefferson, Washington
and Martin Luther King," she said. "Senator Ashcroft's favorite
historical figure is Abraham Lincoln. He has been an avid student of
       She added, "he will be an exceptionally strong enforcer
of the civil rights laws as he has been a proponent in Missouri and
throughout his career."
       As Missouri governor from 1985 to 1993, Ashcroft signed
into law a state holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr., the slain
civil rights leader; established musician Scott Joplin's house as
Missouri's only historic site honoring a black person; created an award
honoring black educator George Washington Carver; named a black woman to
a state judgeship; and led a fight to save Lincoln University, which was
founded by black soldiers.
       And when he considered becoming Republican Party chairman
in 1993, he urged Republicans to be "tolerant" and to avoid being
"mistakenly portrayed as petty, divisive and mean-spirited."
       But in 1988, when former President George Bush appointed
Ashcroft to a federal commission to study the plight of minorities in
America, he refused to sign the panel's final report.
       That report concluded that the nation was slipping in its
efforts to achieve equality for blacks, Hispanics and Indians and that
many minorities were "afflicted by the ills of poverty and deprivation."
       Ashcroft was one of only two people on the 40-member
panel, which included former presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and
King's widow, Coretta, to refuse to endorse the findings.
       Ashcroft's office said at the time that he believed the
report's portrayal of minorities was too negative and that its
"generalizations about setbacks in progress are overly broad and
       Weiss said Ashcroft was instrumental in getting the panel
created by the president, but when "the report was written, he was
acutely disappointed and believed it had missed some opportunities.
       "He believed that it addressed the plight of some
minorities, but it didn't address all minorities," she said.
       A decade later, Ashcroft found himself under attack from
black leaders after he helped scuttle a federal judgeship for Missouri
Supreme Court Judge Ronnie White, the first black on the state's high
       Ashcroft said he considered White to be soft on
criminals, and noted he had supported 23 of the 26 nominations of black
judges during his Senate tenure. But black leaders pledged to work
against Ashcroft's re-election.
       Ashcroft came under fire for accepting an honorary degree
and giving the commencement speech at Bob Jones University, which once
opposed interracial marriages and dating.
       Ashcroft said he was unaware of the university's views
when he gave the speech but declined to return the degree.
       And though they didn't garner national attention,
Ashcroft's comments in Southern Partisan drew sharp criticism from black
leaders in his state.
       In the magazine interview, Ashcroft was asked about his
views on a girl who was sent home from school because she displayed a
Confederate flag on her knapsack.
       "The right of individuals to respect our history is a
right that the politically correct crowd wants to eliminate, and this is
just not acceptable," Ashcroft responded.
       In the Senate, Ashcroft pushed "charitable choice"
legislation that empowered charities and religious organizations to
better assist the needy. He has spoken out, however, against using
federal funds for drug treatment.
       "A government which takes the resources that we would
devote toward the interdiction of drugs and converts them to treatment
resources ... and then assures citizens that if you're involved in drugs
we'll be there to catch you with a treatment center and also implements
a clean needle program is a government that accommodates us at our
lowest and least instead of calls us to our highest and best," Ashcroft
said in a speech.
       © 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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