-Caveat Lector-

Deke Bones

Well, now ain’t we all having fun, now. We just went through a farce of an
election and now have the idiot son as our president-select.  This effrontery
to our republic has been brought to us by the same group of folks who killed
Kennedy and have been involved in many of the major scandals of the last
forty years. Actually parts of this group have been very close to levers of
our executive branch since some of them stole a Presidential election over
100 years ago.

You see, Rutherford B. Hayes, a Republican, who stole (historians do not
quibble over this fact) the election of 1878 from Democrat Samuel Tilden, the
popular vote-winner, was a member of the “oldest international secret
fraternity of New England origin” DKE (Delta Kappa Epsilon). DKE is the only
international fraternity that traces its roots to Yale. It was begun by
fifteen students as a Junior Class society in 1844.  At Yale it has been a
recruiting ground for the German -related Senior Class secret society, Skull
and Bones, which has been recruiting 15 students a year since 1832.

Skull & Bones founder Alphonso Taft served as Attorney General in the Grant
administration and helped to shape the electoral commission of 1877 which
papered over the theft.  Bonesmen Morrison R Waite who was Chief Justice of
the US Supreme Court and Senator Wilhelm Evan Evarts, whom served has Hayes’s
Secretary of State helped to influence the commission outcome. There were
many other fraternal brothers, DKE’s and Bonesmen helping to shape the
eventual outcome. An agreement whereby the Southern Democrats didn’t
“contest” the election for insurances of the end of Reconstruction, removal
of Federal troops and the subsequent disenfranchisement of Negro citizens.

As history has passed into today the influences of these two related
fraternal organizations are stark in their powerful influences upon decisions
effecting the course of our republic and the US conduct in world affairs.
They have been involved in narcotics smuggling and the helped to foster a
failed drugwar for economic, social and political control, for one.  And
through members such as Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Col. H Stimson,
Averill Harriman, Prescott Bush and others these secret fraternities have had
major long-time influence and control.

Kennedy murder cover-up Warren Commission member, and pardoner of “Trick
Dick” Nixon, DKE Gerald Ford is also an active member of this select secret
group. Do we need to mention that George HW “Poppy” Bush is a member of both
secret clubs, whilst his esteemed, “where did he come from” vice-president
Dan Quayle was just a “Deke.”

And now again, our republic is burdened with an illegitimate DKE and Skull &
Bones President, George W. Bush.  The psychological damage to our
participatory republic is I am sure calculated. The “elite deviants” have
stole the election in broad daylight, through hypocrisy, thuggery and
chicanery. And have put the idiot son in as President of this nation and
there ain’t nothing that us poor hoi polloi can do about it.

We shall see.

Kris Millegan

What do you do with the defective slaves?

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Do you set them aside?
Do you boil them in oil?
Do you deceive them,
As, you bleed them,
All the while?

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Do you get them to fight one another?
You know,
To save you the bother?

Now, you lose,
By the way,
But the play is the game,
And it ain’t always the same.
And isn’t being a player,
Better than,
Being the game?

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Effectively, cajoling away,
Away down the river,
Away till the time,
A will and a way,
For the defective slaves.

(C) !997 R. A. Kris Millegan

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