-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/01 1:50:18 AM Central Standard Time,

> Things started to happen, like he would get a
>  draft of a speech and it would come back completely rewritten.
>  And, you know, like where'd this come from? And [it] partly came
>  through him, but in hindsight it partly came from Dick Morris.
>  And then all of a sudden the president wanted to announce this
>  middle-class tax cut and a middle class bill of rights. And it
>  was like, well, you know, he's jumping on the Republican
>  bandwagon. Where's this coming from?
>   He was clearly signaling the president is changing his strategy
>  but where is this coming from? And I had never met Dick Morris at
>  this point. People were just starting to figure out there's some
>  dark force out there that [the president] is conspiring with. And
>  sure enough it was Dick. So it was, it was an interesting time.
>  And I left not too long after that.
>  What was the reaction among people like you and, and others on
>  the staff when they found out that the president secretly
>  consulting with Dick Morris? "Charlie?"
>   Yeah, Charlie. You know, I guess, it was kind of hard to
>  believe. Although in looking back over his history at the time,
>  people said, "Well he's done this before." He's frustrated.
>  Did it make you and the others angry though? I mean when you
>  found out that this --
>   By the time the extent of it really became known I was gone. I
>  wasn't there. ... But, I certainly was in touch with all my
>  friends, and yeah they were mad and I think I agreed with them. I
>  thought it was a bad idea. I mean this guy was unreliable. He was
>  Trent Lott's consultant. Didn't believe in anything.

  Fascinating.  Two years into his first term and the Dems lose the House and
the Senate.  The "kids" get blamed and Clinton allows himself to fall under
the spell of Dick Morris who later becomes one of his most severe detractors.
 Everybody plays the sucker at one time or another.  Clinton realy got
suckered on that one.


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