-Caveat Lector-

Once again, if you have something to say about this, send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce H.G. Calder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Your Daily Info Has Arrived" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 4:02 AM
Subject: TDI - Guns - 2001-01-11

> Bruce H.G. Calder's                             January 11, 2001
> *****************************************************************
> Guns and gun control - Our little debate
> *****************************************************************
> *
> * Well I received A LOT of messages from you. More than I can
> * fairly go through in 2 days I'm afraid. I will try to read
> * each any every one carefully over the next few days, but in the
> * meantime, you might be interested in some of them.
> *
> * Only a handful of responses actually addressed the assertion
> * put forward in the last THE DAILY INFO :
> * Assertion : "Vermont's combination of plenty of guns and
> * =========    few laws regulating them has resulted in a
> *              crime rate that is the third lowest in the
> *              nation."
> *
> * As expected, most of you who wrote generally oppose gun control
> * and I found many of the arguments quite convincing.
> * Unfortunately, most messages (on both sides of the argument)
> * were lacking in objective facts, which to me limits their
> * use. I certainly plan on trying to get to the bottom of some
> * of them.
> *
> * In an attempt to explain why Vermont has a low crime rate
> * in spite of (not because of) few gun regulations, a subscriber
> * wrote :
> *           "Criminals are usually looking for the
> *            easy way out - out of responsibility,
> *            out of debt, out of relationships, etc.
> *            It's cold enough and rural enough that
> *            it's too hard to exist for a criminal."
> *                                            S.Davis
> *
> * I personally don't think this is a compelling argument as I'm
> * sure the crime rate in Chicago is plenty high and their weather
> * might even be worse than Vermont's.
> *
> * Another subscriber who is against gun control that limits
> * ownership but in favor of gun regulation (licensing, tracking)
> * disputes the assertion :
> *
> *          "Vermont has a low crime rate because of
> *           lots of guns. This is a logical fallacy.
> *           To prove this, we would have to chart
> *           the crime rates in all states and cities,
> *           and compare it to gun ownership and
> *           regulations, and be able to show a
> *           positive correlation. Such a correlation
> *           does not exist. Why does Vermont have a
> *           low crime rate? Because anyone who has
> *           visited Vermont can tell you that the
> *           state has a disproportionately large
> *           number of nice people."            Mark S.
> *
> * However Marshall H. agrees with the assertion :
> *           "Yes, Dr Lott has done extensive research
> *            to prove just that. Everywhere that CCL
> *            has been passed or allowed, crime rates
> *            have plummetted much faster than in non-
> *            carry areas. You can also add that in
> *            those places that PROSECUTIONS have
> *            become more stringent, crime rates have
> *            fallen.
> *
> * Marshall also tells me that the two states with lower
> * crimes rates are (he thinks) North Dakota and Montana.
> * He also says that Vermont punishes those with criminal
> * records who are caught with a firearm more than other
> * states, which of course complicates matters further.
> * Are criminals avoiding Vermont because of the lack of
> * gun control there, or because of better prosecution?
> *
> * One of the better letters dealing with gun ownership
> * and crime came from B.Hoover
> *
> *           "While living in Miami, FL during 1990-1992
> *            I remember reading an interview conducted
> *            with inmates at the county jails. The
> *            article appeared in the Miami Herald, however
> *            I do not recall the exact date. The most
> *            pointed question, or answer, in that
> *            interview was given by a criminal serving time
> *            for armed "car-jacking". During that
> *            particular time "car-jacking" was a major
> *            problem, particularly in the area near the
> *            airport. As such, and as he stated in the
> *            article, he and his friends would wait for
> *            potential targets on the road leading from
> *            the airport to the nearest expressway. The
> *            first thing they did was check the license
> *            plates on the cars they considered taking.
> *            Those with Dade County license plates were
> *            allowed to pass by because (and I quote as
> *            closely as memory allows) "too many people
> *            in Dade County have carry permits and guns
> *            in their cars...why take a chance on getting
> *            shot when we can just wait for someone in a
> *            rental car or with out of county/state plates".
> *
> * Many wrote saying that the various shooting, Columbine for
> * example, could have been prevented or minimized had more
> * people had guns to defend themselves. I'm not sure how that
> * would work in practice...would only the bad guys be shot?
> * Would more guns make the situation more dangerous for
> * everybody? These are not things which we can conduct
> * scientific experiments on.
> *
> * Then of course I received the standard :
> *
> *            "(More) people die from cars and bicycles
> *             than guns. I hate hate groups like you"
> *
> * I hope this person actually sees a difference in driving
> * down the street and waving a loaded gun in a crowd.
> * This argument was not used by anybody in the anti-gun-
> * control camp who sent me a "thoughtful" reply. So I
> * assume most of us can agree that this argument against
> * gun control can be rejected. If cars and bicycles were
> * designed primarily to kill, then we would probably be
> * debating your right to drive.
> *
> * I will continue reading the responses I have received,
> * and will receive and try to find some facts with which
> * support or attack all of our (yes mine too) opinions.
> *
> * How am I doing so far?
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