-Caveat Lector-

January 23, 2001

Military scraps 'fetish' ad

                    Jack Aubry
                    Ottawa Citizen

                    OTTAWA - The Department of National
                    Defence recently came close to running
                    an advertisement claiming the vast
                    majority of Canadians have a "uniform

                    Only strong negative reaction from
                    focus groups stopped the department
                    from running the ad in major Canadian
                    newspapers last fall as part of its
                    aggressive recruitment drive.

The proposed ad featured a large headline reading, "83% of Canadians
have a uniform fetish," on a bright, red background. The text
underneath did not directly mention the headline, instead referring
to the military's direct entry officer program, which guarantees a
lieutenant/captain position to selected applicants with a
bachelor's degree.

Defence officials are warning that the shortage of full-time
Canadian Forces personnel will reach crisis levels in the next four
years and are asking for a $15-million increase to their $5-million
advertising budget to help lure recruits.

Focus groups conducted by the firm Marché Createc reacted
negatively not only to the headline, but also to text in the ad
advising possible recruits not to "waste your time climbing the
corporate ladder." The groups said it was an insult to anyone
working for a corporation.

Grégoire Gollin, who oversaw the focus groups for Createc, said
the Department of National Defence was advised to scrap the
print ad.

Although it initially succeeds in attracting attention to the
department, he said, the overall reaction was negative because
the message was confusing and made people uncomfortable.

"From the reaction we got for the ad, we concluded the ad was a
failure that would be very risky to use," Mr. Gollin said.

Createc's report to the department was based on four focus
groups held in mid-October --two anglophone ones in Toronto and
two francophone ones in Montreal -- involving a total of 37

The report advised the Forces it would be wise to "completely
redo" the attention-getting ad because it was considered risky in
both cities. The ad was risky in Montreal because of the headline's
sexual connotation. In Toronto, the ad would be somewhat risky
because of the sexual connotation, "but mostly because of the
perceived negative tone and content of the text."

Captain Ian Grant, a military spokesman, said the ad agency had
come up with the ad after it was asked by the military to "think
outside the box and be creative."

He said the ad may have struck some funny bones, but the focus
groups clearly showed it did not meet the requirements for a
successful campaign.

"Some wondered where the 83% came from -- and if it was true,"
the report said. Capt. Grant said the percentage was made up in
an attempt at humour.

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