-Caveat Lector-

Western Journalism Center
Military Vote Fraud -- E-mail Petition
January 30, 2001
Editor in Chief, WorldNetDaily.Com
Founder, Western Journalism Center

Dear Friend of WorldNetDaily:

Do you believe the men and women who serve in our nation's armed forces
should have the right to vote and have their votes counted in the 2002
election?  If so,  please read my short letter.

Right now, Western Journalism Center investigative journalist Ken
Timmerman is exposing the shameful attempt by former President Bill
Clinton and his administration to block our military personnel's right to
vote and have their votes counted in the last election.  And Ken's
discovering that Democrats have more of the same planned in 2002!

I know what you're thinking -- now that Clinton's out and George W. Bush
is president we'll get to the bottom of this.  Think again!  My friend, if
you and I don't demand action -- a full congressional investigation --
then Democrat leaders in Congress are going to push it out of sight.

In fact, Democrat Senate Leader Tom Daschle is working to kill a bill that
would ensure the men and women in our military have the opportunity to
vote and have their vote counted!

I need you to help WJC go forward with its investigation without delay!
I've attached a link below that will allow you to do two things:

* Join the national campaign demanding Congress take action to protect our
military personnel's right to vote by signing our NATIONAL PETITION:
petitions to new Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the members of
Congress who sit on the powerful armed forces committees in the House and

* Make a tax-deductible, secure credit card contribution of $20, $35, $50,
$100, $500 or more to Western Journalism Center.  WJC must raise $36,500
over the next 45 days to track down the growing number of leads Ken is
uncovering in this story.

Ken has already uncovered a cesspool of pre-election corruption by
Clinton/Gore prior to last November 7.  Now he's mired deep in more
interviews and ready to shake the powers responsible for the shameful
voter fraud that nearly brought us to a constitutional crisis -- people
who are prepared to pull the same dirty tricks again in 2002 unless we
expose them now!  But we need to raise the funds to proceed as quickly as

Here is the link:

I've pledged to WJC President Jim Smith that WorldNetDaily will publish
every inch of Ken's story on our far-reaching news pages.  And we're also
working with editors from other major media, like Insight magazine, who
have the courage to print this story in its entirety.

But WJC needs your help.  Right now!  Sign WJC's NATIONAL PETITION:
right now to Secretary Rumsfeld and the members of the armed forces
committees in the House and Senate that our men and women in uniform MUST
have their right to vote protected and have their votes counted!

Why would Tom Daschle want to prevent the Americans who are sent thousands
of miles away to protect his position in the Senate, among other things,
from voting?  And why would America's mainstream media elite ignore this
injustice?  Can you think of anything more un-American?

I can't.  And I believe you're as fed up with this as I am.  So please,
click on this link now, "sign" your e-mail PETITION and make a generous
tax-deductible contribution of $20, $35, $50, $100, $500 or more to
Western Journalism Center right now.

Please click this link now:

Thank you for your past support of not only WorldNetDaily but Western
Journalism Center as well.  We keep fighting to deliver the truth to the
American people, and our readership continues to grow.  But WJC is
dedicated to changing the biased culture of our media -- they deserve
every bit of support we can offer today.  May God bless you and your


Joseph Farah
Editor in Chief, WorldNetDaily.com
Founder, Western Journalism Center

P.S.: Please act right now.  We're going to make this a long-term
project -- END VOTER FRAUD in 2002.  So it's imperative WJC continue its
investigation without any delays.  But, of course, you can only proceed as
long as you have the funds to do so.  That's why your help is needed.  If
we don't get the truth out, I guarantee the Democrats in Congress and
their mainstream media accomplices will kill this story -- and the same
type of fraud will take place in the 2002 election!

Here is the link again:

Thanks again.

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