I am one who has his tentacles out for assassinations and this is news to

If this reporting is true then it is difficult to imagine a greater insult
to the third world and Africa.  For that reason I think it is true.

Remember how I said we should be on the look out for key assassinations like
the Reagan/Bush rub out of John Lennon which would set the tenor of the
entire administration?  Coming during the president elect period as the
Lennon assassination, this assassination of a thorn in the side of the Bush
family businesses seems a more likely example of this than I could think up

Remember how the press handled the car bombing on Embassy Row?  Same
suspicious way.  The press always tries to cover these state rub outs.

Brian Downing Quig

Matthew McDaniel wrote:

> Message: 7
>    Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 15:13:49 -0000
>    From: "tlio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Behind the Assassination of Kabila
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 22:21:11 +0100
> From: info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [mobilize-globally] Behind the Assassination of Kabila
> -------------------------
> Via Workers World News Service
> Reprinted from the Feb. 1, 2001
> issue of Workers World newspaper
> -------------------------
> By Deirdre Griswold and
> Johnnie Stevens
> The failure of both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush to express even the
> most
> perfunctory regret over the assassination of Congo President Laurent
> Désiré
> Kabila betrays how implicated Washington is in this latest outrage
> against
> the most important country in central Africa.
> Washington's silence is even more glaring considering that its foreign
> policy experts are well aware that the African people view the secret
> intelligence agencies of the U.S. government, which work closely with
> corporations seeking vast fortunes in the region, as the probable
> authors of
> this crime.
> George Bush Sr., father of the president, even had an intimate
> connection with one of these plundering corporations.
> But this is not mentioned in the commercial media, which, as usual, go
> even further than indifference to insult the fallen head of state, while
> speculating on the breakup of the Congo.
> What they carefully omit in their reporting is the deadly record of U.S.
> interventions in the Congo, beginning with President Dwight D.
> Eisenhower's
> order at a meeting of the National Security Council on Aug. 18, 1960, to
> assassinate Patrice Lumumba. Lumumba was the young and inspiring
> independence leader who was briefly the Congo's first president. The
> 40th anniversary of his assassination, Jan.17 of this year, was the day
> after
> Kabila was shot.
> The U.S. media are today blaming Kabila for failing to bring peace to
> the Congo. This is a monstrous charge, since Washington is largely
> responsible for the war that has crushed the Congolese people's hopes for
> a better
> life since the overthrow of dictator Mobutu Sese Seko. The Congo
> government
> has been trying to expel Rwandan and Ugandan
> troops that invaded eastern Congo in August 1998. The U.S. has secretly
> supported them and their occupation of this area of fabulous mineral
> wealth.
> The Congo's allies in this war are Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia--all
> countries that had to fight racist colonial regimes to win their
> independence.
> The invaders, on the other hand, have been supplied with high-tech
> weaponry and communications and transportation equipment by their
> imperialist
> backers. There is evidence of military training and coordination from
> the Pentagon and the involvement of mercenary companies, including MPRI of
> the U.S., Executive Outcome of South Africa, and Sandline of Britain.
> What U.S. corporations wanted from Kabila, and what he refused to give,
> was outright control over an area that contains some of the world's most
> important deposits of gold, diamonds, cobalt, manganese, uranium,
> copper, zinc, germanium, silver, lead, iron and tungsten.
> It has been Washington's theme song for the last decade that oppressed
> countries must join the "global economy"--meaning sell off state-owned
> enterprises to imperialist investors, open their domestic markets and
> devalue their currencies, thus further lowering the standard of living.
> Even Mobutu tried to resist this and hold on to state control over the
> mines--one of the reasons the U.S. decided to dump him after having
> propped him up for almost 35 years.  Washington helped a coalition force
> headed
> by Kabila but based on Rwandan and Ugandan military forces to topple
> Mobutu in 1997.
> But once Kabila became president, he surprised his former allies by
> refusing to be a puppet and trying to rally the Congolese people to unite
> and
> defend their country's sovereignty.
> Kabila also retracted a number of mining contracts signed with U.S. and
> European corporations during the period of the alliance with Rwanda and
> Uganda. And he refused to pay back the huge debt to the International
> Monetary Fund and World Bank incurred by the Mobutu regime. For this, it
> seemed, they never forgave him.
> A most interesting essay on "The geopolitical stakes of the international
> mining companies in the Democratic Republic of Congo" by mining civil
> engineer Pierre Baracyetse can be found on the Web at
> www.africa2000.com/UGANDA/mineralseng.html.   It explains in detail the
> high stakes involved for foreign capital.
> American Mineral Fields (AMFI), a consortium based originally in Hope,
> Ark.--yes, Bill Clinton's hometown--is a big player in exploiting Congo's
> mineral wealth. In 1997, just a month before Mobutu fell, it signed
> contracts with the Kabila-Rwanda-Uganda alliance forces for almost a
> billion dollars investment in copper, cobalt and zinc mines and
> processing plants in Kolwezi and Kipushi.
> The industrial enterprises that set up AMFI, according to Baracyetse, "are
> interested in the contract for the construction of the orbital platform
> around the world that is destined to replace the Russian station MIR."
> This project is part of the $60-billion so-called National Missile Defense
> system that George W. Bush, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld,
> Secretary
> of State Colin Powell and Vice President Richard Cheney are pushing so
> vigorously. Building the space station will require many of the rare
> metals found in eastern Congo.
> Another big player in the eastern Congo is Barrick Gold Corp.,
> headquartered
> in Canada. It is the world's second- largest gold producer after
> Anglo-American of South Africa.
> This company was able in 1996 to get the Mobutu regime's Gold Office of
> Kilomoto, a government monopoly, to transfer mining rights over almost all
> its 82,000 square kilometers of land to Barrick. The land is estimated to
> have 100 tons of gold in
> reserve.
> George Bush Sr. sat on the board of directors of Barrick, according to
> Baracyetse.
> The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, signed into law by President
> Clinton
> last May 18, brought the full power of the U.S. government behind
> expanding
> corporate domination in Africa. The biggest companies, including Texaco,
> Mobil, Amoco,
> Occidental Petroleum, Chevron, General Electric, Enron and Caterpillar
> spent some $200
> million lobbying for this legislation.
> Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Susan Rice described Africa as
> "a huge market insufficiently exploited of 700 million people" in calling
> for passage of the act. The vision being pushed by both Democrats and
> Republicans is that only U.S. intervention can bring development and
> prosperity to Africa.
> But politically conscious Africans are calling it the "Recolonization of
> Africa" act, and warn that it will only increase the plunder of this rich
> continent by corporate pirates.
> - END -
> (Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
> copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
> changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
> Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
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