Today watching C Span we had Holy Joe Liebeman saying he admired the
integrity of Ashcroft, but no he cannot support this man and this Judge
"Ronnie" White was brough into the scene.

This Patrick Leahy, stated that the FOP had supported this judge - and
then the Senator from Oklahoma reminded him yes but it was AFTER the guy
went down on the floor as not wanted......

One thing in particular rang a bell.....Ashcroft had received support of
the Sheriff's Association who had condemned this White's appointment
because he was anti law enforcement....seems this guy in question, had
murdered 4 Deputy sheriffs and the Sheriff's wife.

Now this guy not only shot the Sheriff Wife but he shot his deputies as
well dead.....

Now Sheriffs are elected to office, and are essentially chief law
enfocement officer in any State....he has county wide juridisdition and
is ELECTED by the people.

Now in the big cities you have this FOP - they are civilians with no
power, suppoedly a benovolent organization and these are he ones who
intimidate the Judges.   I know of one judge who walked out on this
group in Coumbus because they waned hanging judges on the bench.....what
are the police doing getting involved in politics for they all answer to
the Safety Directors who answers to the Mayors.

What right do police have, to intimidte the public....why they are
becoming D Platoons and bring on Swat Teams for domestic
problems.....essenially they would be the tail wagging the big dogs.

So FOP wanted White - a black judge - who was unfit to hold this most
important post of a Federal Judge, because boy you are stuck with those
guys for life once they get on the benc and sometimes I think the person
who - well Judge Crater - the judge who disappered ????

All other Judges are elected - the judges power comes from the people
directly....but not true with a Federal Judge...know one one Federal
Judge who hid a killer in the coroners office whie the police set up a
young black kid for the murder of a local black doctor, when the Jewish
Mafia had murdered thisi man while the doctors with the hit man who was
dressed like a sheriff, got carried away and according to the Assistant
County Coroner, tried for the murder - he said he only wanted to
castrate the guy (and this bunch had neo nazi literature which made me

So okay to shoot the Sheriff and the deputies too - remember that old

And this White named 'Ronnie" came out so pure when he was nominated by
Clinton - tell me, did anything good ever come from the Clinton
administration, other than his departure from office>

But to see Holy Joe Lieberman in all righteousness say how he loves this
guy Ashcroft, but he is not fit to hold this office thogh the man is
hones, has integrity, and is true ...true good thing about
Holy Joe and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton - these guys are now all
taken off the endangered species list and are all now fair game  like us
white folks.

And I think if one looked into little Ronnie Whites background they
might find something more than they bargained for?   Wonder what his
bank account reads these days - and why the life of a Sheriff who is
elected to office is of little consequence - and why certain FOP would
back release of killers?

So the big show is on C Span and Teddy Kennedy looks like he had on
makeup and then it hit me - he seems to have had some plastic surgery
but he is big and fat and well fed....what about the 9 million people
all kids who go to bed hungry every night while Hill and Bill stteal
millions of dollars from our people?

Read this item on "Ronnie" White and wonder - keeing in mind civil
servie which police are, are supposedly not to get involved in political Columbus this FOP stalks candidates and public
officials....some they set free while others they send to slammer?
Facts of life.....

Get the FOP out of politics or let them lose their tax exempt non profit
status - and if I ever get another call from this poor FOP wanting money
- he hit the road jack, and don't come back no mo, no mo no
mo.......taxpayers forget a traffic ticket, but they never forgive
police injustices...

FOP trying to run the Courts.....remember this sign I read in our local
police station (where I was a clerk of court)....a policeman is a
psychoogist, a lawyer, acts like a doctor, and in fact it said he was
everything but a public servant who is supposed to protect the people in
his community....

Good government begins at home, and it is about time the FOP gets out of
the political endorsement field for they sway some judges who would do
anything to get elected - to prejudge all cases in favor of the police.

But a Sheriff is elected to office and by virtue of this election by the
people have a right to engage in political affairs.....and their
authority supersedes the authority of any local police who from time to
time play Starskey and Hutch and Rambo all in one.....


Long Live Eric Rudolph

Press Release
For Release: November 2, 1999
Contact: David Almasi at 202/371-1400 x106 or
Black Judges and Blackface
Liberals Playing Race Card Riles Black Leadership Coalition
A politician in blackface and the liberal record of a black judge
dominate politics in Missouri and raise the ugly and divisive specter of
racial politics nationwide. Project 21 members deplore the use of the
"race card" and the threat it now poses to a fair and impartial
In October, the U.S. Senate voted against the nomination of Judge Ronnie
White to a federal judgeship. Missouri Senator John Ashcroft, a
Republican, led the opposition to White, who is black, on White's
lenient "record in criminal, and particularly death penalty cases." Two
state prosecutors' offices and 77 of Missouri's 114 sheriffs opposed
White's nomination, with one prosecutor calling White "unmistakably
anti-law enforcement."
Although many senators said they were unaware of White's race, critics
are calling the vote racist. Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), the
former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, said, "Senator Ashcroft
and Senator Bond [R-MO] are both racists, have acted in a racist manner
[and] the Republican conference of the U.S. Senate has acted in a racist
manner." Ashcroft responded that "Americans of all color are entitled to
effective protection from violent criminals and illegal drugs" and
opposed White for his "poor record" on those issues. Ashcroft has a 90%
favorable voting record of black judicial nominees and made many
African-American appointments as governor of Missouri.
A recent report by Georgetown University's Constitution Project found no
difference in the confirmation time of black and white judicial
nominees, indicating there is no outright bias toward black nominees.
Tom Jipping of the Free Congress Foundation, however, points out: "Many
of President Clinton's most liberal, most activist nominees also happen
to be minorities... He is intentionally sending controversial nominees
to the Senate, hoping that Republicans will be so afraid of being called
racist that they will lower their standards and confirm nominees who
would be unacceptable if they were white."
"Beware the white person who dares disagree with a black person solely
on moral, ethical, intellectual or ideological grounds. To do so earns
the title of - shudder, shudder - RACIST," said Project 21 member M.L.
Gibbs. "Once again, the liberal mind has resorted to name-calling,
character assassination and, to repeat a Clintonese expression, 'the
politics of personal destruction' when it doesn't get its way. Let Judge
White's record stand on its own merit and leave race out of it."
Coincidentally, Ashcroft's expected opponent for re-election to the U.S.
Senate in 2000, current Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan, a Democrat, is
being given a pass on his own racial scandal. A recently-resurfaced
photo of Carnahan performing in blackface in 1961, denounced as "racist"
by black Republican State Representative Carson Ross, was simply
dismissed as a "dirty trick" by Pastor Earl Nance, Jr - even though
Carnahan has admitted and apologized for his past mocking behavior.
Nance opposed Ashcroft for his vote, but not Carnahan for his actions.
"Those who consider themselves intelligent and rational should base
their agruments on the principles of prosperity and freedom for all, and
perfom in line with those principles," said Project 21 member Kariem
Abdul Haqq, a Missouri resident. "To turn every issue into a race issue
is a disservice to all Missourians and a waste of time and energy. This
kind of behavior sends the message that African-Americans are inferior,
weak and that others are to blame for our problems and perpetuates
mistrust, division and hate among the races. We need to work together on
sound principles if we, as Missourians, are to advance in the new
Project 21 has been a leading voice of the African-American community
since 1992. For more information, contact David Almasi at (202) 371-1400
x106 or [EMAIL PROTECTED], or visit Project 21's website at
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