-Caveat Lector-

whqat on earth are you dribbling about now?
phoney account? you have the audacity to accuse me of ignorance LOL
my ISP (internet service provider- for saba's benefit) is demon- go visit at
in what way is my ISP phoney?
my email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in what way is my email address and sub-domain phoney?
i would give you my web page addie- but if you are so awfully smart and know
all about interenet conventions- then you will work it out- won't ya? mail
me and tell me what ya think ;)

ok- so i got the nomenclature wrong(?) not sure if i did actually- i know
the difference between zionism and just being jewish.
but you make it clear with your reply your opinionof them (whatever you
choose to call "them")

i "knew nothing about scotland" ?
in what way do you mean this?

you know who i am? cool... i know you too o'saba- just another ugly
hatefilled personality claiming heritage that your gracelessness and
indiscretion show to be a lie.
i know you McSaba- scared of the black man and the jew and the queer-
beneath it a desire.

show me your dummy demon account then if you are so fucking smart. i already
gave you the place to sign up- but i am sure you are going to crack it,
maybe with oine of your CIA friends- or your royal cousins, uh?

LOL you twat sabastein, i just realised that you have completely
misconstrued the demon proxy server... i don't use it, sabacoco, it is for
faster net access (allegedly) and i don't like it.

who am i then if you are suc a fecking whizz with reverse lookups? ;)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 01 February 2001 19:34
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Demon Info: Helpdesk: FAQs: Proxy

BooHoo at Demon Co UK......I know who you are ...... you knew nothing
about Scotland and new nothing about the underground seabases or BMEWS
and Missile sites that my brother in law set up for you?

Nice picture of him on banks of Loch Lomond....and you would do well to
find out what an antisemite is.......Zionists or European Jews are not

your ignorance is appalling - your style is familiar .......go find
another dummy account -

Anybody want a dummy account from Demon.Co.UK


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Home / Helpdesk / FAQs / Proxy
Proxy Server
The Demon WWW Proxy Service provides proxy facilities for Web (HTTP),
file transfer (FTP) and Gopher protocols.
What is a Proxy?
Why would I want to use a Proxy Service?
How would using Automatic Proxy Configuration help me?
Setting up your browser to use the Demon Proxy Service
Internet Explorer Proxy setup
Netscape Navigator Proxy setup
Proxy setup for other browsers
What is a Proxy?
A Proxy Server is a machine that sits between your computer and the Web
Server whose pages you are accessing. It holds an archive (called a
'cache') of the most popular recently accessed pages. These can then be
served to your computer far more quickly than if they had been requested
from the original Web Server.
Proxy systems are designed to speed up file requests, reduce
international bandwidth requirements, and ease the load on Web and FTP
servers by only requesting updated or new files that they do not already
have in store.
A recent development in proxy cacheing is the Automatic Proxy Service,
or AutoProxy. This gives your browser access to the very latest
information on which Proxy Servers are available, which types of
Internet access can be used, and whether some pages should be downloaded
direct from their own server.
Why would I want to use a Proxy Service?
In summary, the benefits you will notice are:
Significant speed increases when accessing more popular documents.
Overloaded sites will still be accessible to you - since they are likely
to be available from the Proxy.
It helps speed up your access to the Internet as a whole - the more
people who use the Proxies, the less bandwidth is consumed.
Details of the "Cache Now!" Web Proxy campaign, and links to more
cacheing resources, can be found at
For a brief summary of the issues involved in WWW Cacheing, read Alan J
Flavells WWW Cache Briefing.
How would using Automatic Proxy Configuration help me?
Please note that even though our enhanced Proxies are fully operational,
"Automatic Proxy Configuration" is currently a Beta service. Feedback is
welcome - simply email your comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Demon now has an improved Web Proxy service in place that will help
ensure your web access is faster and more reliable. Part of this scheme
involves updating the proxy system continuously. For full effectiveness
you will need to set up the "Automatic Proxy Configuration" (AutoProxy)
feature of your browser.
The benefits that you will see from using Automatic Proxy Configuration
Improved resilience - you will be able to access the Web even if a Proxy
server becomes unavailable. We reconfigure for you.
Consistency of performance - we can ensure consistent service by
balancing the load on the Proxy servers.
Access more sites quickly - we can even ensure the optimum Proxy setting
is used for individual sites.
Other browsers that don't support automatic proxy configuration can be
set up using the standard proxy configuration.
Internet Explorer Proxy setup
You should be using the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer to
get the most out of your Web browsing. You can check the Microsoft Web
Site to see if there is a more recent version for you to install. We
recommend that you should be using at least version 3.02.
If you are using Internet Explorer version 3.02 or 5 for Windows 95 or
NT4, then you will be able to take advantage of Demon's AutoProxy
Service. If you are using Internet Explorer 3.01 or 4.0 for Windows, or
any Macintosh version, you will need to set the Standard Proxy
Configuration. (Internet Explorer 4.0 does not properly support the
AutoProxy service.) *
Which version of Internet Explorer are you using?:
Internet Explorer 3.01 OR 4.0
Internet Explorer 3.02
Internet Explorer 5
To set Standard Proxy access for Internet Explorer 3.01 or 4.0 for
Windows 95, 98 or NT4, simply follow these instructions:
With your browser running, from the menu choose View, then Options and
select the tab at the top marked Connection.
In the section labelled Proxy Server, make sure the box marked "Connect
through proxy server" is ticked and click the button labelled
Settings... and the Proxy Settings dialogue box will appear.
In the section labelled Servers:
You will see the different types of Internet protocol (for example, HTTP
for the Web, and FTP for file transfer), and two input boxes next to
For HTTP, FTP and Gopher, type www-cache.demon.co.uk into the address
box on the left and 8080 into the port box on the right. You should be
able to use the normal copy and paste key functions to speed this up.
Make sure there is nothing in the boxes next to the protocols marked
Secure and Socks. Demon do not recommend using a proxy server for either
of these protocols.
Just below is a tick box which is labelled "Use the same proxy server
for all protocols" Make sure that this box is not ticked.
In the section called Exceptions:
There is a box marked "Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning
with" which allows you to exclude certain sites from access by then
proxy. Any site names typed into this box (separated by ';' semicolons)
will be accessed directly by the browser. Demon recommend that you set
this to exclude sites on the Demon local network, so enter:*.demon.net;
ftp.demon.co.uk; www.demon.co.uk
Below this box, there is a tick box marked "Do not use proxy server for
local (intranet) addresses". Make sure this box is ticked.
When you have finished editing the settings, click the OK button to
close that window, and click the OK button to close the Options window
and save the changes you have made. Your browser is now set up to use
the Demon Proxy Server.
To set AutoProxy access for Internet Explorer 3.02 for Windows 95, 98 or
NT4, simply follow these instructions:
>From the menu in your browser, choose View, Options select the Advanced
tab from the top of the dialog box and click Automatic Configuration.
The automatic configuration dialogue box will appear.
In the dialog box, enter: http://www.demon.net/www/autoproxy
Click Refresh. Another dialogue box will then appear to give you a
Click Cancel to close the Automatic Configuration window, and Cancel
again to close the Options window. Your browser should now be configured
to access Demon's Proxy Servers.
To set AutoProxy access for Internet Explorer 5 for Windows 95, 98 or
NT4, simply follow these instructions:
With your browser running, from the menu choose Tools, then Internet
Options and select the tab at the top marked Connections.
In the section labelled Dial-up Settings, there should be a small icon
marked "Demon. (Default)" in the white box, in which case click on the
button marked Settings, and the Demon. Settings dialog box will appear.
In the section labelled Automatic Configuration, tick the box marked Use
automatic configuration script,
In the box marked Address, enter http://www.demon.net/www/autoproxy
When you have finished editing the settings, click the OK button to
close the Demon Settings dialog box, and then the OK button to close the
Internet Options window and save the changes you have made. Your browser
is now set up to use the Demon Proxy Servers.
*"IE4.01" and "IE4.01SP1" and "IE4.01SP2" all count as IE4.0
Netscape Navigator Proxy setup
You should be using the latest version of Netscape Navigator to make the
most out of your Web browsing. You can check the Netscape Web Site to
see if there is a more recent version for you to install. We recommend
that you should be using at least version 3.03.
For Netscape Navigator version 2 and greater, you can use Demon's
AutoProxy Service, which will configure and continuously update your
browser's proxy settings automatically, ensuring that the very latest
proxy information is always used.
To set AutoProxy access for Netscape Navigator 2 or 3, simply follow
these instructions:
With your browser running, from the menu choose Options,
Network Preferences.
>From the new dialog box, select the Proxies tab at the top, and choose
Automatic Proxy Configuration.
In the box beside this, enter: http://www.demon.net/www/autoproxy
Click OK. Your browser should now be configured to access Demon's Proxy
To set AutoProxy access for Netscape Navigator 4, simply follow these
With your browser running, from the menu choose Edit and Preferences.
>From the list in the new dialog box, select Advanced and Proxies. (Click
the + next to "Advanced" if "Proxies" is not visible).
Select Automatic Proxy Configuration and in the box beside it, enter:
Click OK. Your browser should now be configured to access Demon's Proxy
Proxy setup for other browsers
If you are not using Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator,
please check your browser's manual to find out how to set up proxy
access. If you are unable to use Automatic Proxy Configuration, the
details required to configure your browser are:
Do not apply these settings to other protocols (such as Security/Secure
or HTTPS, Socks or WAIS).
If possible exclude demon.net, ftp.demon.co.uk and www.demon.co.uk, and
Local or Intranet addresses from the proxy settings.
Helpdesk Tel: 0845 272 2444 for Dial-up customers
Helpdesk Tel: 0845 272 2555 for Commercial Web support
Autoresponder: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Minicom: 0845 272 2445
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