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Published Friday, April 14, 2000
Juniors engage in Tap Night foolishness

YDN Staff Reporter
A blindfolded junior kneels before a black-robed senior during Tap Night,
performing tasks as part of his initiation into one of Yale's many secret
societies.An element of mystique surrounded the campus yesterday during Tap
Night, the culmination of the induction process for juniors joining secret

Across the campus, juniors being tapped were dressed in various funny-looking
costumes, and performed bizarre tasks under the instruction of black-robed

"From now on tonight you will not tell anyone about your name, your major, or
anything. And you will only answer to Lion Number Four," said a senior girl
to a blindfolded tapee on the steps of Sprague Hall.

Limousines, both black and white, were spotted frequently around campus.
There was a black stretched Lincoln Towncar parked across the street from the
Yale School of Drama, near Wolf's Head.

"I am driving around campus and picking up people. It will take about seven
hours," the driver remarked.

"It's a private party for nine, and I am only doing my job," he added.

A lacrosse player, standing by the Yale Center for British Art, held a sign
that read "I am an easy score."

The scene was especially lively on Old Campus. Two junior girls, claiming to
be superheroes, professed their love for army men because "they are hot."

Standing by the gate to Old Campus on Elm Street, a male inductee wearing
fake breasts asked passersby to touch them. By High Street Gate, a girl
getting tapped held a microphone and sang "Genie in a Bottle" solo over and
over again.

Some junior tapees said they found their tasks amusing.

"I'm having fun, it's just a little cold," the transvestite said.

A tennis player getting tapped by St. Elmos's said he is looking forward to
life as a society member.

"I am definitely excited. It's an opportunity to meet a lot of people. It's a
diverse group," he said.

Some students not involved in Tap Night gave the Yale tradition positive

"It shakes up the Yale campus. Normally there is no silliness nor
spontaneity. They are just having fun," Julian Perel '03 said.

However, some students were concerned about what Tap Night represents.

"It looks like a lot of fun. But at the same time I am not sure if I like the
exclusiveness of the secret societies," Danica Novgorodoff '02 said.

A group of Rumpus associates took advantage of Tap Night to take action
against Skull and Bones. Holding a tailgate party outside the Skull and Bones
tomb on High Street, Rumpus staff ate, drank and played loud music as they
watched the Bonesmen's rituals.

According to Rumpus editors, members of Skull and Bones may be responsible
for stealing the geochron from the Saybrook common room and placing it in the
Rumpus office, where it was found two nights ago.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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