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 Peru Arms Dealer Arrested in Miami

Updated 5:49 PM ET January 29, 2001
By CATHERINE WILSON, Associated Press Writer
MIAMI (AP) - A Peruvian arms dealer suspected of
multimillion-dollar corruption under former President
Alberto Fujimori has been arrested in Miami.

Victor Alberto Venero Garrido, reportedly a close associate
of former spy chief Vladimiro Montesinos, was taken into
custody Friday. He is charged with stealing $100 million in
pension funds, taking kickbacks and selling overpriced arms
to the Peruvian military.

In a court appearance Monday, Venero Garrido, 47, asked to
be freed because he suffers from cancer. Defense attorney
Walter Reynoso said, "He's maintained his innocence. He's a
very sick man."

A hearing is scheduled for Friday.

Venero Garrido deposited about $15 million in a Miami bank
account several weeks ago and recently withdrew some money,
the FBI said. The account has been frozen.

Peru issued an arrest warrant for Venero Garrido on Jan. 19
and an Interpol alert Jan. 22. The U.S. State Department
expects to receive an extradition request from Peru.

Venero Garrido ran the military and police pension fund and
allegedly took a cut of interest payments as kickbacks on
the bank deposits he made.

Montesinos, once the top adviser to Fujimori, and Venero
Garrido also allegedly set up their own companies to buy
apartment complexes, hotels and other buildings to be sold
to the pension fund at inflated prices, the warrant said.

Venero Garrido also allegedly sold substandard arms and
supplies to the Peruvian armed forces at "wildly excessive
prices," the warrant said.

Purchases included defective Soviet-made MiGs as well as
arms from Belarus, Ukraine, and Bulgaria, Peruvian
authorities charged.

Peruvian and Swiss authorities are investigating at least
$70 million in suspected arms profits linked to Montesinos
in now-frozen Swiss bank accounts.

Montesinos is believed to have fled Peru in October, after a
video showed him apparently bribing a congressman. He is
wanted on charges ranging from money laundering and
influence peddling to directing death squads.

The scandals surrounding Montesinos forced Fujimori into
self-imposed exile in Japan in November.

Peru Videos Show Alleged Corruption (Previous story)
Galapagos Tanker Options Considered (Next story)

U.S. Oilman Found Dead in Ecuador
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