-Caveat Lector-

  Several Senators, including but not limited to Kennedy, Boxer, Reid and
Leahy pointed out where Ashcroft misrepresented the facts and was "just plain
wrong."   They did this by refuting his sworn testimony with quotes from his
own former speeches, and from the public record, including court records.  If
you listened to their presentations and ignored their validity, then you are
simply not able to absorb these plain facts.
  He misrepresented Ronnie White's record on death penalty cases.  He
misrepresented the facts when he said he did not vote against Hormel due to
his sexual preference - in an earlier interview about the case he revealed
his opinion that Hormel's lifestyle was not conducive to the position in
  He lied when he said that the State of MO was not a party to the
desegregation cases re St. Louis.  The record on the matter is plain.
  He lied when he said he felt Roe v Wade was settled law.  He has vowed to
do everything in his power for the rest of his life to see that it is
overturned.  It is the defining issue of his life, apparently.
  He said he didn't know what The Southern Partisan was all about when he
granted the interview.  Not knowing what they were about, how is it that he
could have praised them for their ability to "set the record straight" on
important issues?  His reply was that one of his assistants had praised the
magazine to him beforehand, and so he said what he said.  I do not find that
answer credible at all.
  These and other points were all covered very well in the hearings and on
the Senate Floor.  Every single one of the points made against Ashcroft were
supported by the public record, including his own speeches, interviews and
court cases.
  It's amusing that you would use the argment that if he lied, the pack of
jackals would have been all over him.  The "pack" was all over him during the
hearings and on the floor.  Case after case and point after point were made
and supported by facts in the public record.  Your argument is weak and
silly, and similar to the bizarre argument made by several Senators,
including Hatch, that if John Ashcroft were so terrible, why would the good
people of MO have voted for him so often?  Turn that argument around on the
so-called liberals the right wing defames constantly.  Why have the good
people of Massachusetts, Vermont, California, New York and Nevada, to name a
few, repeatedly voted for them?
  Your arguments in defense of Ashcroft are laughable, as were the arguments
of the Senators who supported him in defiance of the very plain and
substantial public record.  What is not laughable is that this very weird and
vicious man is now Attorney General.
  By the way, do you have to "forward" every time you reply to something?  It
pushes the subject title into oblivion.


In a message dated 2/1/01 9:32:00 PM Central Standard Time,

> The "settled law" to which Ashcroft referred was the fact
>  that the abortion laws were already on the books, ergo
>  "settled" and not being currently debated. He enforced those
>  laws without regard to his personal beliefs.  Please present
>  your proof of his perjury.  If it is anything like your
>  concept of what was being said with the "settled law" issue,
>  I am not too worried about it.  If any proof there had been,
>  that pack of jackals would have been all over it.  After
>  all, the man has been in public service for 38 years.  I
>  think his record has been checked out a few times already.
>  Amelia

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