-Caveat Lector-

To:                     "Separation of School & State" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:                   "Dale R. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Fri, 2 Feb 2001 10:31:55 -0800
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                [SSfS] - CALIFORNIA POLICE-STATE UPDATE -

> An example of *not* being prudent.
> Unless your goal is to destroy privately owned...whatevers.       Dale
> ================ "Red" Davis Rides Again! Governor's "Executive Order"
> By Mel Young
> If there is anything to be learned from the history of past,
> tyrannical governments, it is that they all started out, little by
> little, creating situations to justify their involvement. This is
> followed by the creation of more and more layers of police-state laws,
> rules, licenses, permits and regulations with the eventual goal being
> to take away ALL of the liberties of the people and enslave them. And,
> it should be noted, ALL governments have supposedly "good" reasons for
> the new laws, permits and other tools of tyranny.
> One can point to the "creation" of the massive crime waves and the
> growth of the mobs early in the last century to the government's
> outlawing booze. Prohibition not only made super millionaires out of
> the likes of Joe Kennedy and many others; it was used as an excuse for
> a whole slew of new laws, supposedly enacted on the behalf of the
> people, but in reality, on behalf of the growth of the socialist state
> and big government.
> One of the most dangerous laws was the landmark infringement on the
> Second Amendment with the passing of the first antigun bill, requiring
> that owners / purchasers of automatic weapons must purchase a permit
> (read register) from the government. That law was supposed to force Al
> Capone, Baby-Face Nelson, Bonnie and Clyde, and a whole slew of other
> mob thugs of the time to race to their nearest Treasury Department
> Office to buy a permit for their "Tommy" guns so they could be
> arrested.
> Hello out there.....does anyone know of a single incident in history
> where the crook has gone to the government to register a firearm?
> Thought the law was worthless with respect to reducing crime or the
> use of automatic weapons by crooks, it did serve the purpose of giving
> government more control and power over the people and, of course,
> forcing a major crack in the Second Amendment.
> OK..nuff said on that subject.
> Last night, Governor Gray (RED) Davis of California was featured on
> the evening news, announcing his executive orders to combat our State
> of California-created energy crisis. Was it to restore the status quo
> by forcing the purchasers of the power plants in California to sell
> them back to the power generating companies; which were forced by the
> State of California to sell them in the first place? Not hardly.
> What Red Davis has announced is a new bureaucracy to determine what
> lights you and I "need" versus what lights we do not "need". This
> applies in spades to businesses and industry.
> Under the new, Socialist, "Davis" plan, the governor is setting up
> "Energy Police" operations. According to the governor, guidelines will
> be drawn up over the next week or so and sent out to all police
> agencies in the state; whereby the police will be empowered to
> determine if you or I are burning lights that we do not need and issue
> tickets (only a puny $1,000 fine for each ticket) to the evil users of
> light.
> The more I've been reading up on this fiasco, the more it stinks to
> high heaven. Pardon my paranoia, if I dare to suggest that this whole
> energy crisis situation appears now to have been a carefully crafted
> plan to destroy the privately owned utilities in such a way that the
> State and Federal Governments could get into the act, seize power
> companies, natural gas transmission facilities, etc. and further
> increase the government's stranglehold on us, as another step towards
> the NWO / One World Government Socialist Police State.
> A year ago, if anyone in California were asked if they thought a
> police-state energy saving policy would eventually be put in place in
> California, the answer would have been a resounding "NO WAY"!
> WAKE UP AMERICA.....as CA goes, so will go the nation.
> As a former Electrical Superintendent and Plant Engineer in industry,
> I can tell you that the State of California's energy policy, with
> respect to lighting, is a total disaster; designed and run by idiots.
> As the ranch resident lamp lighter, I'm going to write up a special
> report on good energy policy versus the State of California's
> ridiculous nonsense. I'll also write up some valuable information for
> consumers so that they can easily determine their own cost of lighting
> and ways to save both energy and money.
> Remember that CA has been the "proving grounds" for many decades for
> the Communist Party USA and the socialist fellow travelers. The first
> major riot in a university occurred at U. of CA Berkeley. The first
> major riot in a city was the Communist Party planned and orchestrated
> Watts Riot of 1965.
> California is the blueprint prototype for the socialist-police state
> one world government that is fast becoming a reality.
> For years, we have heard a small but very vocal minority in this
> country, whining that Americans should be paying five bucks a gallon
> or more for gasoline and sky-high utility prices because the Europeans
> are charged that, thanks to socialistic governments and over taxation
> of the people. They have been working furiously, behind the scenes, to
> bring this about.
> ---
> $ [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Seattle, Washington USA $
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