-Caveat Lector-

Critics Allege Torture of Client in Faith-Based Program


Critics Question Bush Charity Plan

By MATT KELLEY, Associated Press Writer
Thursday February 1

advantage of one of George W. Bush's experiments, Teresa
Calalay sent her son to a Texas church home last year
hoping to break his pattern of legal, behavioral and work
problems. He returned weeks later, broken in other ways.
The 18-year-old's feet were swollen from severely
sprained ankles and his body was covered with hundreds
of welts, bruises and bug bites that led a doctor to file an
abuse report with police.
The home's superintendent now awaits trial on a felony
charge of unlawful restraint - and Calalay has sued the
church for what she says was a substitution of abuse for
Christianity. The home denies wrongdoing.
``I don't know where in their Bible it says you've got to
beat God into people,'' Calalay said.
Bush as president is now promoting a plan to shift more
federal social services to religious groups - as he did as
Texas governor. The idea has early bipartisan support,
though supporters of the separation of church and state are
pledging to fight it.
A review of similar state and federal initiatives shows that
beyond the political debate, these experiments have
generated allegations of financial and physical abuse,
questions of lax oversight and lawsuits questioning
whether the needy are being force-fed religion at public
Supporters, including Bush himself, offer stories of
churches freed from bureaucratic constraints that have
helped turn lives around. And they suggest religious
groups are less prone to fraud and abuse because of their
``Religious organizations feel accountable to a real higher
power known as God,'' said Amy Sherman, a researcher
with the conservative Hudson Institute.
Critics fear some religious groups, however well
intentioned, may not have the training and oversight needed
for success.
``I see in this faith-based initiative a situation where
people who are really unskilled in the problems they are
addressing ... are going to be given billions of dollars to
treat alcoholism and drug addiction,'' said Marc Davis,
one of Calalay's lawyers.
Congress has already allowed charitable organizations to
get government grants for some social services, such as
welfare, community development and drug treatment.
Several religious groups have been implicated in
defrauding the government in recent years, according to
federal watchdog reports. They include:
-Former officials of the New Jerusalem Church of God in
Christ in Toledo, Ohio, who pleaded guilty to defrauding
an Agriculture Department program out of $1.1 million.
-Four Hasidic Jews in New York were convicted of
stealing tens of millions of dollars in federal housing and
education money in connection with a fictitious yeshiva, a
religious school. Former President Clinton (news - web
sites) commuted their sentences before leaving office.
Critics also have filed lawsuits alleging some charities
misused tax dollars for religious advocacy.
One such suit targets Faith Works, a program that receives
government money to provide drug treatment and job
training to troubled fathers in Wisconsin. The program was
touted by Bush during the campaign and backed by Tommy
Thompson, the outgoing Wisconsin governor and incoming
secretary of health and human services.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation alleges in its suit
that the program has used tax dollars to distribute Bibles
and encourage attendance at Christian services.
Tim Patterson, Faith Works' director of operations, said
religious services ``are offered but they are not forced on
In Texas, a lawsuit challenges $8,000 of state money that
went to the Jobs Partnership of Washington County.
``The problem with the program was they used their funds
to buy Bibles and to teach that building a relationship with
Jesus Christ was how you found a job,'' said Jim
Harrington of the Texas Civil Rights Project, which sued.
The Rev. George Nelson Jr., the job program's director,
told The Dallas Morning News that the program was
voluntary and broke no laws.
The Baptist-run Roloff Homes near Corpus Christi, Texas,
at the center of the Calalay case, has been the target of
abuse allegations since 1973, when Texas authorities
began investigating. The Peoples Baptist Church fought the
investigation in court, but shut the homes in 1985 after
losing a U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites) appeal.
Bush supported a 1997 Texas law that let church-run
homes for troubled children be accredited by private
groups rather than get a state license. That enabled Roloff
Homes to return to caring for youths, which it did in 1999
under the oversight of the Texas Association of Christian
Child Care Agencies, whose board included Peoples
Baptist pastor Wiley Cameron Sr.
In May 1999, a 17-year-old girl at the Roloff Homes
reported being beaten and being bound with duct tape. A
state investigation concluded Cameron's wife engaged in
``physical abuse, medical neglect and neglectful
supervision.'' She is now banned from child care work in
Allen Smith, the homes' former superintendent, is scheduled
for trial Feb. 12 on a felony charge of unlawful restraint in
connection with Calalay's son, Justin Simons.
Simons told authorities Smith knocked his head into another
boy's head and forced Simons to dig for hours in a
15-foot-deep pit. Simons said he was told he could rest if he
jumped over the pit, and he sprained his ankles trying. Grant
Jones, a lawyer for Smith and the church, disputes the
allegations. ``That kind of abuse was not going on,'' Jones
Calalay said her son ``looked terrified'' when she picked him
up from the home and took him to a nearby hospital.
``The doctor said, 'I'm sorry, Ma'am, I have to call the
police. Your son has been tortured,''' Calalay recalled.
On the Net:
Roloff Ministries: http://www.roloff.org
Hudson Institute: http://www.hudson.org
Freedom From Religion Foundation: http://www.ffrf.org

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