-Caveat Lector-

Those gun-control people only mean gun control for others, not


> ‘Million Mom’ activist convicted in shooting
> Bereaved mother shot wrong man after son killed
> 'Million Mom' activist convicted in shooting
> By Jon Dougherty
> © 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
> A bereaved mother whose son was shot and killed nearly two years ago
> -- and
> who spoke out against gun violence and memorialized shooting victims
> at the
> "Million Mom March" rally in Washington, D.C., last Mother's Day --
> was
> herself convicted of shooting a man she wrongly believed was her
> son's
> killer.
> Barbara Graham, the Washington Post reported Thursday, "was found
> guilty in
> D.C. Superior Court … of trying to avenge her son's death by shooting
> a
> young man" last year that "she blamed for the killing."
> Graham, who lost her own son in 1999 in a shooting death at a Martin
> Luther
> King, Jr. rally, became active in a Washington-area group, "Mothers
> on the
> Move Spiritually," in the months following her son's death. The group
> helped
> sponsor the MMM event, where Graham "spoke out … and helped
> memorialize the
> dead," the paper said.
> The Million Moms March, which becomes nine months old as an
> organization
> Feb. 14, has become one of the nation's leading advocates of
> stringent gun
> control. The group, which promotes gun-control activism among the
> nation's
> mothers, says it is "dedicated to preventing gun death and injury and
> supporting victims and survivors of gun trauma."
> Specifically, the organization promotes nationwide gun registration
> and
> wants to "close gun show loopholes." Also, it supports a "one gun
> purchase a
> month" program, and "strict oversight of the gun industry," among
> other
> measures.
> Officials with the group, which has its main office in San Francisco
> General
> Hospital, did not return phone calls on Friday seeking comments about
> Graham's involvement with the Mother's Day speech or her conviction.
> According to the Post, jurors last week returned guilty verdicts on
> nine
> counts against Graham, 49, for her Jan. 26, 2000, shooting of Kikko
> Smith,
> age 23. The shooting has left Smith paralyzed and confined to a
> wheelchair
> for life.
> Smith has spent most of the past year in a hospital, said the Post
> account.
> Witnesses said Graham, who has three living children and who was
> distraught
> over the loss of her son and frustrated with police efforts to catch
> her
> son's killer, went to Smith's house with her son's .45-cal. handgun
> and
> 30-year-old Erskine Moorer, the boyfriend of one of Graham's
> daughters.
> When they arrived at about 6 p.m., Graham twice asked Smith -- who
> had been
> called outside by friends and was talking to them as they sat in
> their
> car -- his name.
> Prosecutors said Graham and Moorer then pulled out guns and began
> shooting
> at Smith as he ran from them. However, the Post said, Moorer's
> attorney,
> Douglas Wood, told the jury that his client had left the neighborhood
> before
> the shooting.
> "Asked who confronted him with a gun, Smith pointed emphatically to
> Graham,
> who sat still and somber. At another point, he pointed firmly at
> Moorer,
> saying Moorer joined the ambush as he ran from Graham," the paper
> said.
> Prosecutors said during the trial that Graham likely confused Smith
> with
> another young man with a similar-sounding name, and that Smith was
> not the
> one who shot her son in 1999.
> "Prosecutors suggested that the grieving mother probably
> misunderstood
> Smith, thinking he said the name 'Teacco,' a young man she blamed --
> also
> mistakenly, prosecutors say -- for her son's slaying," said the Post.
> One bullet fired by Graham is still lodged in Smith's spine. He told
> jurors
> during testimony that doctors say he will likely never walk again.
> "From a mother to a mother, she knew better," said Smith's mother,
> Mary Ann
> Smith, after jurors reached their decision. "You can't tell the kids
> to stop
> the violence with the mothers running around like this."
> Graham faces 15 years to life in prison for three of the most serious
> charges against her. She will be sentenced March 29, the paper said.
> According to information published by MMM, in 1998 a total of 30,708
> people
> were killed by guns in the U.S. Of those, 17,424 were gun suicides,
> 12,102
> were gun homicides, 886 were unintentional or accidental shootings,
> and 316
> were shooting deaths of undetermined intent, the group said.
> Meanwhile, the Second Amendment Sisters, a pro-gun rights
> organization that
> also caters to women, says more gun laws and restrictions are
> "anti-self
> defense" and actually serve to put more women at risk of violence and
> injury.
> Also, the SAS said federal crime statistics show that twice as many
> children
> die each year from non-gun homicide, and that eight times as many
> children
> die from non-gun violence, indicating that "the problem is violence,
> not
> guns."
> Jon E. Dougherty is a staff writer for WorldNetDaily.

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