-Caveat Lector-

What a lovely fairy tale you have concocted concerning
slavery in the northern states!  Reread my sentence, too. I
said they EITHER gave them letters of freedom OR just dumped
them. meaning sold them in the South in an especially timely
manner, only when it was evident they were going to be freed
anyway.  Ditto those letters of freedom--only after it was
imminent anyway.  Hardly the magnanimous gesture you attempt
to fabricate. If my sentence makes no sense to you, it is
your reading deficiency as it is perfectly clear what I have
stated.  You often use the "no sense" tactic when you do not
like what you are reading.  There were not that many states
admitted in the Missouri Compromise and they were Midwestern
with low populations at the time. I have personally seen a
slave auction house in Illinois. New England where you live
is where the most slaves were.  Talk about your revisionist
history!  Southern slaves were often given letters of
freedom also and many did not leave their original homes
even after receiving their letters.  It had become
economically unfeasible in the South to maintain large slave
populations on individual farms and would have been
eliminated anyway but Lincoln wanted the credit, so it
became a pretext..And "freeing" them with no means to
provide for themselves was not the best way this could have
been handled.  The factories of New England wanted the adult
slaves to replace the children they were using as slaves in
their factories without the expense of having the cradle to
grave responsibility of slaves. Here was their chance to
have former slaves without having any investment in them.
They paid them a sub-slave wage and hoped to lure them there
with false promises to work in their factories instead of
the children they employed at the time.
I always wonder why so many Blacks stay in the evil South.
One would think they would escape by any means.  The latest
census confirms that since 1970 they have been returning in
large numbers now that there are jobs in the area. Of course
NAFTA has eliminated lots of those. But I cannot help but
wonder why they stayed right after TWBTS in such large
numbers. They could have all left the region and come to
live in the Northeast but most did not and stayed.  The
treatment and conditions varied greatly from situation to
situation in the South also and there was no standard just
as there was no standard for the way people were treated
within families. And yes, that is exactly what I am saying,
that whites shared what food they had with blacks for whom
they were responsible.  That is well documented and you are
the first person I have ever heard claim otherwise. But you
fabricate a nice story. And it is a way to project the
national guilt onto one section instead of all guilty
parties facing up to their own participation in a system
that was morally wrong.  How convenient!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

> -Caveat Lector-
> From: "Amelia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Well, the Southern states were not the only states where
> > institution of slavery was practiced. I believe all
> > had it prior to TWBTS, some a few years back from that
> > time/event.
> No, that is wrong.  Free states admitted under the Missori
Compromise never allowed slavery within their
> borders...
> And those northern states that had at one time had slavery
had outlawed it long before the war.  Also, in
> northern states slavery had been utilized in a much
different manner than in the south...in the north, a slave
> could redeem him or herself, either by buying their
freedom (if they were lucky enough to be able to save
> enough), or by serving as a slave for a set period of
time; I believe this varied from state to state, but was
> usually from 7 to 12 years.  At the end of their term of
service, the slave was ruled to have redeemed his or
> her worth and was then set free.
> In many northern states, slave owners were also required
to pay their slaves wages, albeit much lower wages
> than required of a free man or woman...
> > They cleverly sold theirs into the South just
> > prior to the outbreak of the war. Some gave them letters
> > freedom but many just "dumped" them right before the
> > outbreak of conflict.
> This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  If these
imaginary northern slaveowners gave their slaves letters
> of freedom, that can hardly be considered 'dumping' them.
And if these imaginary slaves had letters of
> freedom, how could they be sold into slavery in the south?
> > Also, remember the Emmmancipation
> > Proclamation was not signed until 1864, after a state of
> > general starvation existed in the South.  Then the
> > were freed with no way to feed themselves, etc. other
> > trying to take from people who were already starving.
> So you wish us to believe that prior to the Emancipation
Proclamation, all those starving white massas gladly
> gave up what little food they had to their black slaves?
> I hardly think so!
> And the freed black slaves had as much, or little,
opportunity to feed themselves in the same manner their
> ex-masters did...
> > This
> > was careful timing to ensure  maximum harm being done to
> > parties.  Slavery is certainly a crime against humanity
> > all parties here were guilty of practicing it.  So have
> > "civilizations" such as Egyptian, et al.
> So do the Kuwaitis today...doesn't make it right...
> June
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