-Caveat Lector-

Here's what the shrub's hand-picked head of the Faith Based
Organization office has to say about how his boss got his job.

Equal Protection Run Amok


Conservatives will come to regret the Court's rationale for Bush v. Gore.

By John J. DiIulio Jr.

By custom, U.S. Supreme Court justices end even impassioned
dissenting opinions collegially with the words "I respectfully
dissent." That's how three dissenters, Justices Breyer, Stevens, and
Souter, all signed off in Bush v. Gore. But the fourth, Justice
Ginsburg, closed her opinion with a cold two-word punch at the
majority: "I dissent."

Cold but correct, because Justice Ginsburg's dissent is resoundingly
right on law and precedent.

Yes, on criminal law and other matters, Florida's supreme court
judges too often act as ultra-liberal, activist, self-appointed
legislators. They did so in their initial, disgraceful 7-0 groupthink
ruling on the state's presidential vote-count controversy. No, I
wouldn't rather still be listening to people debating dimpled chads.
Sure, I'm glad the Court ended the Florida follies, and doubly glad
that—cued by Vice President Al Gore, who was supremely patriotic and
gracious in defeat—most Americans, including most of my fellow
Democrats, now call George W. Bush our forty-third president-elect.

But still, to any conservative who truly respects federalism, the
majority's opinion is hard to respect, and the concurring opinion,
penned by Chief Justice Rehnquist and joined by Justices Scalia and
Thomas, should be rejected in its entirety. The arguments that ended
the battle and "gave" Bush the presidency are constitutionally
disingenuous at best. They will come back to haunt conservatives and
confuse, if they do not cripple, the principled conservative case for
limited government, legislative supremacy, and universal civic
deference to legitimate, duly constituted state and local public

"In most cases," acknowledge Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas, "comity
and respect for federalism compel us to defer to the decisions of
state courts on issues of state law." There are, however, "a few
exceptional cases," and "this is one." Why?

Why, suddenly, do inter-county and intra-county differences in
election procedures, which are quite common in every state, rise in
the Florida case to the level of "equal protection" problems solvable
only by uniform standards (by implication, uniform national
standards) and strict scrutiny from federal courts?

How can the conservative jurists on the Court find prima facie fault
with what the Bush legal team disparaged as "crazy quilt" local laws
and procedures? Why, in any case, weigh the alleged problem in
Florida without taking cognizance of how election procedures vary
from polling station to polling station and from county to county in,
say, Pennsylvania? And why, in reversing a state's highest court for
not following the U.S. Constitution, and for infringing upon the
state legislature's authority, does the nation's highest court
substitute its own resolution of the ultimate "political question"
for the Constitution's explicit, black-letter reliance on state
legislatures and, if need be, the U.S. Congress?

Satisfactory answers are nowhere to be found either in the majority's
opinion or in the concurring opinion. As each dissenting justice
stressed, the federal questions that emerged from the Florida Supreme
Court's 4-3 decision were simply not substantial enough, and the
Florida majority's opinion by no reasonable interpretation renegade
or recalcitrant enough, to warrant anything like Rehnquist et al.'s
outright, roughshod reversal.

As Justice Ginsburg noted, the Court "more than occasionally affirms
statutory, and even constitutional, interpretations with which it
disagrees," even with respect to administrative agencies. "Surely,"
she continued, "the Constitution does not call upon us to pay more
respect to a federal administrative agency's construction of federal
law than to a state high-court's interpretation of its own state's
law. And not uncommonly, we let stand state-court interpretations of
federal law with which we might disagree." "The extraordinary setting
of this case has obscured the ordinary principle that dictates its
proper resolution: Federal courts defer to state courts'
interpretations of their state's own law." And, even if this were
truly an equal protection case, the Court's majority opinion
needlessly substitutes "its own judgment about the practical
realities of implementing a recount" for the "judgment of those much
closer to the process."

I would like to believe there was a time when conservatives would
have instinctively recoiled at the way we have all now fallen into
thinking of and battling for the presidency as if it, rather than the
Congress, were constitutionally the first branch of our national
government. There was a time when conservatives understood that the
localisms of little platoons and county governments were good and to
be preserved and protected by law and custom unless proven bad by
experience. There was a time when conservatives knew that
legislators, our "partly federal, partly national" republic's "proper
guardians of the public weal," as Madison described them—not
executives or judges—were best able to decide difficult or divisive
matters of great civic moment. There was even, I suppose, a time when
conservatives would rather have lost a close, hotly contested
presidential election, even against a person and a party from whom
many feared the worst, than advance judicial imperialism, diminish
respect for federalism, or pander to mass misunderstanding and
mistrust of duly elected legislative leaders.

If there ever was such a time, it has now passed, and conservatives
ought to do what they can to bring the country back to this future.
Regrettably, Bush v. Gore does no such thing. Desirable result aside,
it is bad constitutional law.

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