-Caveat Lector-

Wow! Saba got a new batch of psychodelics.
You go girl.


Aleisha Saba wrote:
> Never thought any of that bunch looked like the Nordic gods of old and
> one of my ancestors fought for title of Al Ri - the great Gerald of Og -
> So this is interesting item - Moses Hess was jewish......it looks as
> though indeed the big conspiracy came out of Austria these fascists in
> disguise....but then why is it when we thing Mafia we think Italian when
> we should thing Jewish.
> Read this with open mind....this Zionist thing is a communist movement
> and this must be why J. Edgar Hoover used term communst rather than
> Zionist....
> See Washington is built like Ezekial's Wheel....and Sharon would build
> little satellies all about Jerusalem....like another Ezekials
> Wheel.....for Israel believes the USA was made in its image and they not
> only are laying claim to USA but to Egypt....now if you had my bible
> calendar and read along......and all these phoney names - Ariel Sharon
> and Ehud Barak.....'
> So this item might be of interest to some but I believe Churchll and
> Wild Bill Donavan were quite correct in stating that Hitler was Jewish,
> and Hess was jewish....my old friend MI6 who worekd for Ian Fleming
> charter the astrological court for Hess escape to Scotland.
> And in Spandau where the 7 men were held, they had a bird code and a
> bible code - watchword bible calendar taken away from them by the
> Russian Guard.
> Now why is David Duke in Russia where he wants to make his
> homeland......probably that is not his name but do not blame him on the
> "neo nazis" for now it all makese sense to me, these Jewish Mafia
> murderers in our area who had the neo nazi literature and when they only
> wanted to castrate a black doctor, Meyer Lansky's hit man got carried
> away and "blew him away" while dressed in a Franklin County Sheriff
> suit....and later the other Doctor would be on juty at the morgue while
> they pulled in the dead boy......so a few flew over the cuckoos nest,
> but they claimed one in particular to be CIA?
> What a joke......the jews await the return of their messiah - well lots
> of folk believe he was already here and murdered - the greatest unsolved
> murder of all times for who murdered Christ?   Well, it was the mob,
> kiss of death - the Judas kiss.....and the rabble cryiing Give Us
> Barabas.
> Anybody really take this Ariel Sharon serious?   Palestinians call him
> the "fat slob"....others all him stoutly gentleman......wonder what a
> fortune teller would say about his lifeline?
> Huzzah two men on a horse were never needed more.
> Saba
> Pull up the subject matter - very informative - since I am not overly
> religious perhaps I read the bible with a more open mind and when
> someone starts his climb to Mt Nebo - well  mountain climbing is a very
> dangerous game - and on tope of some of these mountains today, you find
> BMEWS, Missile sites, and all kinds of good stuff......
> So they want WAR.....they got WAR.....and heaven will protect the
> rightheous ones.
> Alllah Akbar and Salomi?   Is that it.
> So this is why Osama bin Laden smiles - bet the price is bigger on
> Albright's head by now, than his -
> Return of the Fat Slob.....He aint what he used to be......
> Ariel Sharon
> (Kafr Malal, Palestine 1928- ) Israeli prime minister, military officer
> and politician, former defence and building minister. Ariel Sharon was
> elected prime minister in a landslide election in February 2001,
> probably more as a protest against the the lack of cohesive politics in
> Ehud Barak's government.
> Ariel Sharon is one of the most controversial politicians of Israel.
> >From his actions in Lebanon in 1982 as defence minister (where 2,000
> Palestinians were murdered with Israeli passive acceptance), and his
> accelerated building projects in occupied territory from 1990 to 1992,
> he has managed to become the most unpopular Israeli politician among his
> opponents and deeply hated among Arabs.
> Sharon is by many Western observers considered as a hardhearted
> extremist, who under most systems would be unacceptable as a leader of a
> nation. In Israel, many have over years come to appreciate his honesty:
> even if he has a hard right-wing ideology, he always stands by it even
> if it makes him unpopular.
> In his own words we hear:
> "I am for lasting peace... United, I believe, we [Jews and Arabs
> together] can win the battle for peace. But it must be a different
> peace, one with full recognition of the rights of the Jews in their one
> and only land: peace with security for generations and peace with a
> united Jerusalem as the eternal, undivided capital of the Jewish people
> in the state of Israel forever."
> November 14, 2000
> At the moment when Sharon is about to form his government, a couple of
> scenarios exist:
> The peace process will take a serious halt, where the old policy of
> Sharon will be dominating: that is a policy of no compromises, and
> furthered colonization of the West Bank and Gaza Strip through the
> establishment of Jewish-only settlements on Palestinian owned land.
> Sharon will be forced by Realpolitik as well as his own urge to achieve
> lasting peace. Since he will have problems finding a majority in the
> Knesset, he will have to compromise for the first time in his life. But
> also he will have a unique possibility to cut a deal with the
> Palestinians since there is no important political group to his
> political right: Sharon will have a great chance to make the hardest
> Zionist believe in his compromises.
> Sharon will not be able to form a powerful government thanks to the weak
> position of his own political group in the Knesset. Hence, his
> government will not survive more than a few months before a new election
> (both for prime minister and Knesset) will have to be staged.
> Sharon will lead his politics according to old ideas, and the uprising
> in occupied Palestine will escalate to the point where a war either
> threatens his position enough to make him resign. Or a war will become
> the result of Arab states realizing that they have little expect from
> him and his government.
> Sharon claimed in the last days before the election that he has taken
> the first steps to find partners for peace in the Arab world, but until
> today he has not made clear what type of peace he favours, and if he has
> a real hope for this to be acceptable for the Arabs.
> 1928: Born in Kafr Malal in Palestine, with the name Ariel Shinerman.
> Being born into a family with strong Zionist sympathies, he joined the
> Haganah at an early age.
> 1948: Sharon participated in the First Palestinian War. After the war he
> stayed on in the army, and came in charge of intelligence work and
> retaliation attacks on Arab neighbours.
> 1956: In the Suez-Sinai War, Sharon acted beyond orders, causing many
> victims on Israeli side. This seriously hurt the further advancement of
> his career.
> 1965: With Yitzhak Rabin as the new chief of staff, Sharon's career
> could continue, and he saw new advancement.
> 1967: Appointed brigadier-general.
> June: Active as commander of a division during the Six-Day War.
> 1973: Sharon leaves the army and enters Israeli politics. He joins the
> party Gahal, and he was active in the formation of Likud.
> October: Commanding a division in the Yom Kippur War with success.
> December: Elected to the Knesset.
> 1974: Resigns as member of parliament to take a senior emergency
> position in the military reserves.
> 1975: Becomes advisor to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
> 1976: Forms the party Shlomzion.
> 1977: Shlomzion gets 2 seats in the Knesset in the elections.
> — Sharon joins Shlomzion with the Herut fraction of Likud, and becomes
> minister of agriculture.
> 1981: Appointed defence minister.
> 1982: Sharon is effectively responsible for the brutal attack on
> Lebanon, which goes on for weeks despite little resistance. This was
> topped by the Israeli passive acceptance of the killing of 2,000
> Palestinians in refugee camps outside Beirut, by Maronite Christians.
> The actions were strongly criticised by the Israeli public and the
> international community.
> 1983 February 14: Sharon is forced to resign as defence minister after
> heavy pressure from Israeli public and media, and especially after an
> investigation committee has found him unfit to be a defence minister.
> 1984: Sharon loses the election of becoming the new leader of Likud.
> September: Sharon is appointed minister of trade and industry in the
> government of Shimon Peres.
> 1990: Sharon resigns as minister of trade and industry, by which the
> government is destabilized and later overthrown.
> May: Sharon becomes minister of housing in the government of Yitzhak
> Shamir, and he accelerated the building of settlements in Palestine,
> making himself even more unpopular than before.
> 1992 With the defeat of Likud in the elections, Sharon resigns as
> minister.
> 1997 June/July: Heavy discussions on whether Sharon could take the
> position as minister of finance in Benjamin Netanyahu government,
> against Netanyahu's own will. Sharon is also demanding for extended
> powers, so that he could act with the Palestinian issue. By foreign
> observers this possibility is seen upon as a hardening of Israel's
> politics with its Arab neighbours.
> 1998 October 9: Sharon is appointed foreign minister by Netanyahu.
> 1999 January 3: Sharon's wants to have talks with foreign minster of
> USA, Madeleine Albright, but she rejects as a reaction to Israel not
> fulfilling signed agreements with the Palestinians.
> — May 27: Netanyahu resigns as leader of the Likud party, and Sharon
> becomes its new leader.
> 2000 September 28: Sharon ignites heavy Palestinian protests after
> trespassing Muslim sanctities in Jerusalem/Al Quds. Without being the
> reason for the Palestinian anger, he becomes the symbol of Israel lack
> of respect for Palestinians/Muslims as seen with Palestinian eyes,
> relating principally to his responsibility for the massacres of 1982
> (see above).
> 2001 February 6: After an election campaign that focuses on Sharon as
> the family man and loving grandfather, he wins the prime minister
> elections against Ehud Barak with nearly 60% of the cast votes. He
> proposes to Ehud Barak to form a coalition government with Barak as
> defence minister, but Barak refuse.
> By: Tore Kjeilen
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>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Encyclopaedia of the Orient
> Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 12:31:14 -0500 (EST)
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba)

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