'Lone Nuts' And High-Level Violence
By Sherman H. Skolnick


The U.S. monopoly press is always quick to identify any high-level violence
as caused simply by a "lone nut". To their credit, despite their numerous
wars and commotions, Europe is somewhat quicker to raise the question of
"conspiracy". Some of Shakespeare's plays are an example. Such as, "Julius
Caesar", and the soothsayer's warning to the Emperor, "Beware the Ides of

In the 1980 presidential primary campaign, Kennedy family confidant, Allard
Lowenstein, was to spearhead the campaign for Teddy Kennedy. Lowenstein was
murdered, in his office, just about the time of "The Ides of March", 1980.
Teddy got the message and his campaign went nowhere.Using the exact phrase,
"Beware the Ides of March", I publicly and prophetically predicted
presidential campaign violence just before the 1980 event of Lowenstein.    

Previously, in 1975, just before being thrown out of a Lowenstein press
conference, on whether there had been a plot to assassinate Bobby Kennedy,
(on the excuse that I was not a mass media reporter and hence had no right to
be there), I on-tape confronted Lowenstein with his CIA connections back to
the time he was with the CIA-front, National Student Association. He denied
links to the American spy agency.    

So, in 1980, I publicly questioned the monopoly press's version, that
Lowenstein had been murdered by a "lone nut". Only AFTER his death, did some
journalists bring up his role in 1974, assisting the American CIA to
overthrow the perceived leftist government of Portugal.    

Following the murder in 1963 of President John F. Kennedy, there started a
movement in the U.S. of political assassination researchers. Despite the fact
that I was rightfully considered part of that movement, fellow activists
nevertheless often wanted me thrown out of their meetings for departing from
the usual talk about which way the bullets went or did not go. Why? To their
combined displeasure, I always raised the question of financial and related
issues, not bullets.  

[At one assassination research conference in Chicago, I was ordered to be
silent or be removed, when I confronted Oliver Stone's chief researcher for
the movie "JFK" with a question: Is it not true that the French Rothschilds,
linked to the Kennedy Family, principally financed the 42 million dollars for
"JFK", and ran it primarily in their U.S. movie houses, to get revenge on
Kennedy Family enemies?]    

A few hours later Oliver Stone himself showed up at the meeting, and
considering me apparently as some poor wretch in a wheelchair, condescended
to allow me to tape a short segment with him on a less direct question and

On another note, assassination researchers have developed an eye and ear for
seemingly small but revealing details tending to show a cabal. During the two
presidential terms of William Rockefeller Clinton, there were several
suspicious violent events:    

Item: One night, a small airplane came within about 20 feet of going through
President Clinton's White House bedroom window. Later, details were either
played down or not widely reported. Such as, because of the obstructions on
the route, the plane, according to skilled pilots and aviation experts, would
have had to be guided in and around obstacles, vectored as it is called, from
someone giving signals from the ground. Also the alleged "pilot" was already
dead before impact, tending to prove the plane was a robot or drone guided
from elsewhere. No explanation was given as to why and how, just that night,
the White House rooftop-mounted ground-to-air missiles and the guidance
system were turned off; they are supposed to near automatically be ready to
target any aircraft that flies in the "no-fly" zone over the District of

Item: A super-velocity rifle, or rifles, were used by one or more gunmen to
shoot through the supposedly bullet-proof Clinton White House dining room
windows. A skilled videographer happened to be somehow right there as it
happened. Later, a copy of the videotape was seized by federal authorities
and never publicly revealed. Did he retain the original? The tape, according
to his associates, reportedly showed intelligence-agency covert operatives
were the shooters. The video-maker was later found dead, apparently murdered.

Item: an assassin somehow got past the security guards at the entrance to
offices adjoining the U.S. House of Representatives. He went straight to the
unmarked first floor door into the office of Congressman Tom DeLay (R.,
Texas). The House Majority Whip came within a few seconds of being
assassinated. According to his confidants who spoke to investigators on the
promise of anonymity, DeLay took it as a failed assassination plot. He left
immediately for Texas, and was guarded getting off the plane there by a
virtual army. He was one of the most outspoken as to President Clinton's
corruption. [Lots more details. Scroll all the way down on our website to,
"FBI/CIA Warehouse- Why so many 'Lone Gunmen'?" 7/8/99]    

Item: One of the most outspoken in the U.S. Senate as to President Clinton's
corruption, was Senator James M. Inhofe (R., Okla.). While flying his
one-motor private airplane, the propeller fell off. Luckily, Inhofe somehow
was able to safely glide his plane to the ground. Aviation experts claim they
never heard of a propeller thus falling off by accident. Senator Inhofe was a
member of the Senate Armed Services Committee,` in a position to question
President Clinton as to apparent treason he committed with the head of the
Red Chinese Secret Police. [See our website series on "The Red Chinese Secret
Police IN THE UNITED STATES".] Also, Inhofe was a member of the Senate Select
Intelligence Committee, in a position to have questioned President Clinton
about his secret CIA background, and how with help from some in the spy
agency, he turned over U.S. financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets to
the Red Chinese, a sworn enemy of the United States, a classic example of

Item: Clinton White House intern Mary Caitrin Mahoney also worked as an
assistant manager/manager in a Starbucks Coffee Shop frequented by Monica
Lewinsky and Clinton White House aide George Stepanopoulis. Ms Mahoney was to
be a federal grand jury witness on, among other things, that Clinton, as
President, from time to time, met in or near the White House, with the
reputed head of the Red Chinese Secret Police, Wang Jun. He also headed
Polytechnologies, Inc., the Red Chinese military owned and operated company
producing and marketing Ak-47 submachines guns. Ms Mahoney was a reported
witness as to Wang Jun receiving from Clinton as U.S. President and U.S.
Commander-in-Chief, United States industrial, financial, and MILITARY
secrets. The firm headed by Wang Jun reportedly shipped or attempted to
smuggle into the U.S., quantities of the submachine guns headed for delivery
to inner-city narco-terrorist street gangs. The purpose? Apparently to
destablize the U.S. government by promoting violent shoot-em-ups with big
city police. For the four years he was purported "Independent" Counsel,
Kenneth W. Starr had as a PRIVATE law client Wang Jun. Is it any wonder that
during the 50 million dollar episode of Starr's alleged investigation of Bill
and Hillary, that all he came up was a sex episode?    

Ms Mahoney was assassinated at the Starbucks Coffee Shop, in an
intelligence-agency style "hit", in the heart of the District of Colombia,
right near the Naval Observatory, adjacent to the official residence of then
Vice President Albert Gore, Jr. [See our website stories about failed
attempts to assassinate Gore as Vice President.] For a long time, the local
authorities, claiming "short of manpower" reportedly did not make the time to
investigate the murder. I and others went thereafter on various radio talk
shows where permitted, and discussed the failure of the local authorities and
the FBI to investigate. Thereafter, on a cold trail, the FBI claimed they had
the "lone nut" assassin, an itinerant nobody.

    According to the frightened head of a medical clinic, some distance from
the Clinton White House, who was promised anonymity by an interviewer, the
following occurred:    

A U.S. Secret Service guard, on his shift in the Clinton White House, had as
an assigned task, to open or close certain designated doors. He reportedly
opened a door, and routinely shined his flashlight in there. He saw what he
claimed was the then First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in flagrante
delicto, wriggling together witn another woman, both naked. The other woman
reportedly being Mary Caitrin Mahoney. [According to a later interview with
those who knew Ms Mahoney since high school, she was a known, vocal lesbian.
On the other hand, on a radio broadcast, long-time once Clinton campaign
advisor, Dick Morris, contended Bill Clinton's sexual problems stem from his
lesbian "wife".]    

The medical clinic chief doctor contends he examined the identification
document of the Secret Service guard who arrived at the clinic bleeding
profusely from his head.

  The doctor asked: What happened?   Answer: I saw something on my shift I
was not supposed to know. The First Lady grabbed a heavy metal object,
apparently an ash tray, and struck me in the head.  

Question: Why have you come such a distance while bleeding, to have your head
wound treated here? Are there not medical facilities in or near the White

  Answer: my supervisor said I have to get help a distance away, to cause no
White House

While the doctor and his associates stitched up the wounded head, as part of
his record keeping, he took pictures of the Secret Service guard, his
credentials, pictures and x-rays of the wound before and after treatment, and
related matters. In relating this to an interviewer, he emphasized, "If you
reveal my identity, and that of my relative that put you in touch with me, we
are both DEAD. Do you understand?" The interviewer assured the doctor by
mentioning various past episodes where he absolutely refused to divulge
witnesses and sources.    

Why was Mary Caitrin Mahoney murdered? Because she was prepared to testify
about certain details of White House treason? Because her eyewitness
testimony reportedly as to Hillary, might cut off Hillary's political

Item: In February 2001, early on after the purported Inauguration of alleged
"President" George W. Bush, there was an incident near an entrance to the
Bush White House. A man, later identified by the monopoly press as Robert
Pickett, brandished a gun and was shot by White House guards in the knee-cap.
Most assassination researchers figured it was, in fact, just a "lone nut"
incident. However, some of the contradictory details are troubling. The
gun-toter showed no sign of pain although shot in a place that causes great
pain. He exhibited no pain in the ambulance to the hospital.    

With the passage of more time, even further contradictory details may
surface, tending to show it may not have been, in fact, just a "lone nut".
The press described him as a disgruntled former IRS employee. He must have
been exceptionally clever, however, since he had attended West Point.    

Some assassination researchers point to historical examples, to give some
insight. Over the centuries, those who attempted to kill a King, Queen,
Emperor, and so on, if apprehended and then tortured to reveal accomplices,
showed no sign of pain. This was an indication that they did not feel any
pain having been hypnotized, that is, mind controlled.    

The would-be Bush White House shooter, like the one attempting to assassinate
Congressman DeLay earlier mentioned, reportedly comes from one of two centers
of U.S. government provocateurs that we have told about previously in
exclusive stories. The far southern suburb of Chicago, called Crete,
Illinois, and Evansville, Indiana where Pickett is from. In 1995, through a
series of exclusive stories I had posted on a friend's website, I pointed out
that many of the staff members of an alternative magazine, headquartered in
Evansville, Indiana, "Media Bypass Magazine", had at the time several of the
staff members being apparent government spy operatives devoted to wrecking
the outspoken magazine. The magazine owner, Jim Thomas, several times faulted
me as not knowing what I was talking about.    

A few years later, however, Jim Thomas called me, more or less friendly-like,
more or less apologetic for having called me a liar. He said he discovered
that I was quite correct and that he is in the process of removing or firing
most of the staff members who he then finally understood were government
spies who penetrated the magazine for the purpose of disinformation and
wrecking a publication pointing out censored stories. It may be too soon to
make a definitive determination that Pickett was or was not "mind
controlled". Was the incident designed to monopolize the Establishment news,
to divert us from something else about the Bush Two White House? To
understand the subject, read the following as background:    

"The Manchurian Candidate" by Richard Condon. New York: Jove Books, 1988.
"Operation Mind Control" by Walter H. Bowart. New York: Dell Publishing Co.,

    As we told in our previous website story, the FBI/CIA seems to have a
warehouse full of these would-be assassins. Remember the so-called "assassin"
of Bobby Kennedy, hypnotized Sirhan Sirhan? In the video copy of
assassination researcher Ted Charach's movie documentary "Second Gun", he
shows Sirhan was too far away from Bobby and that a second gunman did the
bloody deed. Was the would-be assassin of Congressman DeLay under "Mind
Control" and was Pickett likewise so?

    There are profound reasons to divert our attention with mind-controlled
robots. At the time of this posting, there has been the penetration of the
Chicago markets by the Red Chinese Secret Police. [View our website
articles.] Assisting in this has been reportedly Marc Rich jointly with
certain fascist-like members of The Mossad, Israel's secret political police,
acting jointing with criminals in Britain's Counter-Intelligence, M1-6. As
stated in our stories about Marc Rich, he has been part of an espionage
effort to keep Bill Clinton and his alleged "wife" under control. The
worldwide fraudulent transactions of Marc Rich have been jointly with George
Herbert Walker Bush and his sons, George W., Jeb, and Neil.     [

Visiting the following website will give you insight as written by an
espionage operative once deep in business with old man Bush and his sons:]    

Can we expect a series of so-called "lone nut" incidents, most likely
actually "mind control" incidents? For the purpose of sending George W. Bush
a message? Just at the time the United States seems to be heading into a
financial meltdown, of which George W. may not know how to deal with?   Stay

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