-Caveat Lector-

Friday February 9

Democrats Urge Bush Not to Slash Police Funding


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats lashed out at President George W. Bush's
budget priorities on Friday, allegedly he was considering a $1 billion cut
in the Justice Department's budget to help
finance his sweeping tax cut plan.
The Democratic National Committee (news - web sites) said the proposed
cutbacks would hurt the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration and local
police, while helping to fund Bush's $1.6 trillion tax-cut package, which
Democrats oppose.
DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe said it was "clearly a case of misplaced
priorities." The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
urged Bush to reconsider.
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer would not comment on reports that Bush
may cut the Justice Department's budget by $1 billion in the next fiscal year.
But Fleischer said "spending has skyrocketed" and that the president "does
believe that we have to be fiscally conservative."

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