-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> This cheap floosie - living off stolen tax payer dollars?
> All properties and lands of this Rich should be confiscated and all bank
> accounts tied up......so the guy did not take this excess baggage with
> him, but she conducts business in his name along with Barak?
> And all the time we thought the Mafia was Italian....you got to be
> kidding.
> Now if you pull up this picture of this woman under subject matter you
> see she didn' exacly land with the Gentry - it is my hope they will
> confiscate all goods and properties involved with this woman and her
> husband - and all monies given to the Clintons - were stolen from the
> American Taxpayers.
> See Jesse Jackson holding up honest American business man and this is
> just another bum who goes well with the Clintons and the rest of the
> parasites who have been feeding off the poor and homeless....
> This is the refuse which landed upon our shores.......remember the
> little Church in Indianapolis and the IRS is going to confiscate their
> tax exempt property
> See what evil is personified......what the old rich used to call rich
> trash - for that is what they are -  garbage on our shores.
> These are snowbirds - bit time.
> But still they are garbage on our shores.
> Saba

You forgot to take your drugs again didn't you sweetie.


> Denise Rich indeed: Since 1993, the socialite has given more than $1.3
> million in various political contributions to Bill and Hillary Clinton,
> including $450,000 for the Clinton library in ArkansasA Pardon's PathThe
> inquiry into Clinton's controversial decision to clear fugitive Marc
> Rich heats up. What's nextBy Michael Isikoff
>     Feb. 19 issue —  Arthur Levitt Jr. didn't hide his feelings.
> On the morning of Jan. 19, the day before Bill Clinton left office, the
> Securities and Exchange Commission chairman got a phone call from a top
> White House official. The official told Levitt that the president was
> preparing a last-minute pardon for accused tax swindler Marc Rich. What
> did he think?
>   "The man's a fugitive! This looks terrible."
> SEC chairman          AFTER A QUICK CHECK with his staff, Levitt
> called back. "The man's a fugitive!" he fumed. "This looks terrible."
> The administration official sheepishly agreed. "Yeah," he said. "You're
> right."
>         Levitt wasn't alone in expressing early doubt at the
> idea of pardoning Rich, who was charged with evading $48 million in
> taxes and trading with Iran during the 1979 hostage crisis. White House
> lawyers were concerned that the grounds for a pardon were shaky at best,
> and would only lead to trouble. In the end, Clinton ignored them all.
> But why? The former president, in New York exile, has insisted that he
> granted the pardon strictly on the "merits," after hearing convincing
> pleas from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Rich's well-connected
> attorney, former White House counsel Jack Quinn. "Once the facts are out
> there," Clinton said, "people will understand what I did and why, even
> if they may not agree with it."
> Newsweek On Air: Unpardonable Pardons
>        He couldn't have been more wrong. If anything, the facts
> in the case, which are now beginning to come out, have made the pardon
> seem more dubious than ever. Last week the same Republican-led
> congressional committee that spent years trying to unravel the Clinton
> scandals began hearings into the Rich pardon, convinced that the
> president acted wrongly and that laws may have been broken along the
> way. The evidence and testimony strongly suggested that Rich and his
> ex-wife Denise orchestrated a quiet campaign to persuade Clinton,
> calling on foreign heads of state and a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and
> hiring a lawyer with close personal ties to the president. Denise Rich
> made sure she had the president's ear: since 1993 she had given more
> than $1.3 million in various political contributions to Bill and
> Hillary, including $450,000 for the Clinton library in Arkansas.
> Congressional investigators want to know if Marc Rich was the
> secret—and illegal—source of that cash. Since 1993 Denise Rich has
> given more than $1.3 million in various political contributions to Bill
> and Hillary, including $450,000 for the Clinton library in Arkansas.
>         The latest Clinton mess has given an unexpected windfall
> to the president's diehard political enemies, who seem delighted at the
> opportunity to once again crank up the Washington scandal machinery. Yet
> the former president also alienated and angered many on his own team by
> deliberately keeping top aides and Justice Department officials in the
> dark about the controversial pardon until it was too late. They, too,
> are now demanding answers. NEWSWEEK has learned that Mary Jo White, the
> U.S. attorney in Manhattan—where Rich was indicted in 1983 but never
> prosecuted—is considering opening a criminal probe into the
> contributions and gifts surrounding the pardon. White and the Justice
> Department declined to comment, but sources close to White say the
> hard-charging prosecutor is "livid" at not being consulted about the
> pardon of a fugitive she hoped to bring to justice—and she is
> determined not to let the matter drop. "I don't see how any prosecutor
> could not look at this," says Morris (Sandy) Weinberg, the former
> federal prosecutor who indicted Rich in 1983. Sources say White is
> likely to pursue Denise Rich's bank records to determine if she was used
> as a conduit for contributions from her ex-husband—who has renounced
> his U.S. citizenship and may not be eligible to make political
> donations. House Republicans are sending out subpoenas for the same
> financial records. They also want the list of donors to the Clinton
> library, but Clinton's lawyers have vowed to fight.
> February 9 — Denise Rich isn't talking about why she is refusing to
> answer questions from Congress about campaign contributions and access
> to President Clinton. NBC's Pete Williams reports.
>         Rep. Dan Burton, the Indiana Republican and Clinton
> nemesis who called last week's hearings, wanted Denise Rich to come
> before the committee and tell her side of the story. Instead, she
> claimed her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and refused
> to appear—a move that only added to speculation that she and others
> involved in the pardon had something to hide. (Her lawyer, Carol Elder
> Bruce, says Denise Rich "committed no wrongdoing with respect to the
> pardon.") She was clearly more involved in her ex-husband's pardon than
> she admitted at first. A remarkable flurry of e-mail, letters and
> documents made public last week details of how Denise Rich, working with
> a team of politically connected friends and Marc Rich's lawyers, worked
> frantically to secure the pardon.
>        The pardon campaign's No. 1 rule: secrecy. "Frankly, I
> think we benefit from not having the existence of the petition known,"
> one of Marc Rich's lawyers, Robert Fink, wrote to Quinn on Dec. 26.
> Rich's attorneys feared that if prosecutors found out about the pardon
> they would raise strong objections and torpedo the deal. So Quinn went
> around the usual process of filing a formal petition with the Justice
> Department. Instead, he mentioned the matter to Deputy Attorney General
> Eric Holder—who expressed regret last week for not paying closer
> attention—and then took his case directly to the White House.
>         One of Marc Rich's greatest assets was Denise, who first
> wrote to Clinton on Dec. 6. She told the president that she supported
> her ex-husband's pardon "with all my heart." Two weeks later the lawyers
> planned a second emotional letter to be sent from Denise to Clinton.
> Newsweek.MSNBC.com
> Click on a section below for more news:•National News•International
> News•Business & Money•Technology & Health•Lifestyle &
> Family•Entertainment•Opinion•Live Talk Lineup
>         Another key player in the effort was Denise Rich's
> friend and fellow Democratic fund-raiser Beth Dozoretz, who apparently
> appealed directly to Clinton. In a Jan. 10 e-mail, Fink told Quinn that,
> according to Denise Rich, Dozoretz "got a call from POTUS," and Dozoretz
> discussed the pardon with him. According to the e-mail, Clinton told
> Dozoretz "that he wants to do it and is doing all possible to turn
> around the WH counsels." (Dozoretz disputes that Clinton told her he was
> trying to sway the lawyers.)
> February 8 — NBC's Pete Williams reports on the legal procedures
> behind presidential pardons.
>         In their appeals to Clinton, Quinn and Denise Rich tried
> to win sympathy for Rich by tapping into the president's own resentment
> toward the zealous prosecutors who had dogged him for years. Quinn
> portrayed Rich as the victim of a "highly publicized and aggressive
> investigation." Denise Rich laid it on even thicker, saying she knew
> "what it feels like to see the press try and convict the accused without
> regard for the truth." Sources close to Clinton say these arguments hit
> home. "I think Clinton wanted to pardon all of them," says one lawyer of
> the applicants tugging on his sleeve. "He just can't stand law
> enforcement." As he signed Rich's pardon, Clinton may have thought his
> own troubles were at an end. If Republicans on the Hill and prosecutors
> in New York have their way, the latest Clinton scandal may have just
> begun.
>        © 2001 Newsweek, Inc.
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>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: A Pardon’s Path
> Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 18:26:39 -0500 (EST)
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba)
> http://www.msnbc.com/news/529456.asp

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