-Caveat Lector-


NAACP leaders accuse Bush of dividing nation

Mfume to seek meeting on 'issues of urgency'

By Laurie Willis Sun Staff
Originally published February 18, 2001

WASHINGTON - President Bush came under heavy attack yesterday as
leaders of the NAACP accused him of sharply dividing the nation
instead of uniting it as he has vowed to do.

Julian Bond, chairman of the group's board of directors, and
President Kweisi Mfume criticized Bush during the civil rights
organization's annual meeting, saying he has talked a good game
but done little else.

"Instead of uniting us, the new administration almost daily
separates and divides," Bond told about 350 people gathered in a
ballroom at the Capital Hilton. "They selected nominees from the
Taliban wing of American politics, appeased the wretched
appetites of the extreme right wing and chose Cabinet officials
whose devotion to the Confederacy is nearly canine in its
uncritical affection."

During his speech, often peppered by applause, Bond pulled no
punches, saying Bush "had his picture taken with more black
people than voted for him in last year's election." He said it's
doubtful progress will continue under Bush, who many
African-Americans say was given the election by the U.S. Supreme

Mfume said he would request a meeting with Bush soon on behalf of
the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

"I will reach out to this president" in an effort to "try to
broker some sense of real progress," Mfume said.

White House spokesman Ken Lisaius said the statements by Mfume
and Bond lack merit.

"The president has made an unprecedented effort to reach out to
many segments of the American population," Lisaius said
yesterday. "During his first weeks in office he has had a
record-setting number of meetings with members of Congress,
outside groups and others. He had an early meeting with members
of the Congressional Black Caucus that went very well. The
president will continue to meet with different groups during his
tenure as president."

Lisaius said Bush "will cross bridges" as they come with respect
to scheduling appointments.

Mfume also said that he would try to meet with House Speaker
Dennis Hastert and House Majority Leader Dick Armey to discuss
the NAACP's agenda. In an interview, he said he also will request
a meeting with Attorney General John Ashcroft, the former
Missouri senator whose nomination the NAACP and other civil
rights groups strongly opposed.

"We're concerned, but not shocked," Mfume said of Bush's actions
since he took office last month. "I think it's important that
this association, in its nonpartisanship nature, take the first
step. Although it may not have set well with some people, I think
it's important that I make the first step."

Mfume said he wants to talk to Bush about "issues of urgency ...
that we can agree on." Among critical issues for the NAACP are
education, economics, hate crimes and racial profiling, he said.

"The Republican Party has prided itself on 'Teach a man to fish
and he'll never go hungry,' but a lack of access to capital and
credit continues to impede communities across the nation," Mfume

Mfume said he thinks that there's "a great deal of pressure" on
the Republican Party to deal with racial profiling and hate
crimes. "Our desire is not to embarrass them but rather to open
doors," Mfume said. "The last four years we've been trying to
pass hate-crimes legislation that's been bottled up in Congress."

Mfume, who is negotiating a new contract with the NAACP's board,
said he also will talk to Bush about access to health care and
about breast cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular
disease and AIDS, which affect African-Americans at much higher
rates than they do whites.

The former chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus said he is
comfortable helping to lead and build the NAACP, a role he took
in February 1996 and wants to continue.

"One of the reasons why I didn't leave to run for the office of
mayor [of Baltimore] is the same reason I want to stay," he said.
"I don't leave a job until I feel it is finished. Whether that
means another year or two years or three years remains to be

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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