-Caveat Lector-

Black voters believe they were denied

While the truth might never be known, the perception that many were
disenfranchised in November is a strongly held one.

St. Petersburg Times, February 18, 2001

Despite the pending civil rights lawsuits, official inquiries and hundreds
of sworn statements gathered by the NAACP, no one might ever know whether
African-Americans really faced widespread infringement of their voting
rights in November.

But a Times poll of black voters shows just how firmly that belief has
taken hold. More than eight in 10 black voters in Florida believe blacks'
ballots were disproportionately rejected or not counted during last year's
election. One in three said they or someone they know personally was denied
fair access to voting in November.

The deep suspicions come from people like 69-year-old Lillie Jackson of
Miami who tried to vote for Al Gore. When she punched the pin through the
punch-card ballot, it appeared the hole was in the wrong place, not by
Gore's slot. A poll worker let her try once more, and the same thing
happened. She still suspects her vote for Gore was never counted in the
machine tally.

Then there's Lori Pitts, 37, of Jacksonville, who before Election Day had
called the elections office to verify she was registered. She went to the
precinct where she had always voted and was told she needed to vote
elsewhere because she had recently moved.

They sent her to another precinct, where no one could find her name on the
voter list. She headed to the downtown elections office to straighten out
the problem, but the polls closed by the time she arrived.

"I went around the world in a day and still got nothing," said Pitts, who
never filed a complaint.

Robert Little, a 38-year-old Fort Lauderdale resident, had no problem until
he tried to vote. The punch-card ballots, he said, were very tough to punch
through. He had difficulty with them, and so did a number of elderly voters
he saw.

"I think they did it on purpose, so the Republicans can get back in
office," said Little, who voted for Gore.

Leighwynn Howell, an associate pastor in his church and a Pinellas County
correctional officer, has little doubt what decided the presidential
election: "It was Jeb Bush and his cronies."

"It was predicted a month before the election that everything hinged on
Florida. Isn't it amazing that so many blacks went to the polls, and then
it turned out so many of their votes weren't counted?"

In follow-up telephone interviews, many of the people participating in the
poll offered anecdotes of voting problems that could just as easily be
explained as random confusion amid massive voter turnout, rather than
intentional obstacles placed in front of voters. Some recounted
difficulties they had heard happened to friends of friends or heard through
the media.

"The wings of the media may be flying this story, but that really doesn't
matter," said Rob Schroth, the Washington D.C.-based pollster who conducted
the poll for the Times. "A large percentage of African-American registered
voters believe it to be true, which in the world of politics has always
been more important than fact. In this case, it's a perception very
strongly held."

The complaints about voting rights infringement began streaming into civil
rights groups well before polls closed Nov. 7. There were reports of
intimidating law enforcement officers near predominantly black polling
places, about people being turned away from the polls, being refused
assistance with their ballots, or being incorrectly pegged as felons
ineligible to vote.

Various election analyses have helped fuel the suspicions about systematic
disenfranchisement of minority voters.

Large urban counties with big black populations tended to have problematic
punch-card ballot systems; majority white precincts were more likely to
have extra equipment available to help straighten out questions about
voters left off of voter lists; thousands of voters, many of them black,
were wrongly removed from voting lists because of a faulty program aimed at
purging convicted felons from voter rolls.

Ballots rejected for not showing a presidential vote or showing too many
disproportionately fell in predominantly black precincts. In Duval County,
for instance, an estimated 50 percent to 60 percent of the 26,000 discarded
ballots came from black neighborhoods.

"In Duval County, the votes that weren't counted were mostly black voters.
That's fact," said Mary Graham of Jacksonville. "I grew up in segregation,
and I know what the right to vote means. People died for it. Something
happened in Florida that's not right."

About the Poll

The St. Petersburg Times poll of African-American voters in Florida was
conducted Feb. 3-5 by Schroth & Associates, a Washington polling firm that
works primarily for corporate clients but also for both Democratic and
Republican candidates. The telephone survey of 600 registered voters has a
margin of error rate of plus or minus 4 percentage points. The margin of
error rate for the responses in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties is plus
or minus 8 percentage points. Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding.

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